With the recent moaning about how RP-correct everything has to be (read: the Corsair Tiger Shark Fiasco), this gets a million thumbs up from me, as it looks like the Super Nova might be the next thing to be attacked in the same fashion...
Wholeheartedly agreed with Zapp. In addition, make one ship of each class that looks like the current model of each staple ship for a faction, but has the same stats as every other clone ship. That way you've got something to fall back on in case you apparently break RP to be nice and not incredibly nasty to those you fight.
oh can i add, PLEASE DONT MAKE THE OUTCAST ONE THE KRAKAN PROJECTILE........ seriously i think everyone is sick of the krakans projectile, yeah its nice but it dont look like it will take down a large ship... please dont do it pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase anything but the krakan and inferno projectile they both make me wanna gouge my eyeballs out nevermind seeing another one of our weapons have it hehe