»»Transmission:Incoming Signal »»Receiver:Orbital Spa & Cruise »»Encryption:NC100 High Encryption »»Subject:Phase (B) Nebula Grand Plaza
Good Morning, Orbital Spa and Cruise representative,
My name is Evangeline Webb, the docking master of Nebula Complexfor Science and Technology, a freelancer installation 10 kilometers south Birmingham Station at Manchester system. I am assigned by Sir Simon Sorrell, the chief executive officer of Nebula Complex, to start our negotiation about the construction of our Nebula Grand Plaza. The project is massive and require incredible amounts of construction materials, decoration materials and more. We are contracting the Orbital Spa and Cruise because we know that when it's about luxury and leisure then your corporation is the best in those fields. In case your respected corporation accepts powering this project, then we will need your inspection team to come on board the Nebula Complex and our engineers and security team will facilitate their job as much as possible. We will need a report about what kind of advanced leisure and technology your corporation can establish on board our complex. We already have a list of basic materials required for this project, shall you accept our project, then your transports can initiate the deliveries processes. The list starts with Hull Segments. The ongoing constructions require the movement of 20,000 Hull Segments from Southampton Shipyard in New London to the Nebula Complex at Manchester system. As the docking master, i would like to offer 1,500 credits for each segment moved to the complex. I understand that Southampton Shipyard produce Hull Segments and offer it for the price of 500 a piece. The price that we are offering will make a net profit of 1,000 credits per piece for the transporters. I hope this will be a satisfying price for the short trip from New London to Manchester system. I will wait your answer on this channel as soon as possible, and I was ordered to reach you the greetings of Sir Simon Sorrell and his apology for not being in this conference. He is extremely busy with the ongoing projects of the complex. Have a good morning gentlemen, it's indeed a good day today.
My name is Yuri Vandovar Head of Engineering and Design. To get to your request Orbital Spa & Cruise would be more than happy to offer our services for your facility. I will dispatch one of our engineers immediately to evaluate the area we will be working on as well as getting needed measurements so we may begin sketching blueprints. Thank you for your business and I will contact you as soon as the first drafts are made.
After some time and the talents of our engineers we are able to show you illustrations of a few possible designs. After each description I will provide you with illustrations.
First off we have our classical look more for the conservative group. A beautiful marble and copper texturing to catch the eye of your clients.
These designs are for your casino bar only. The casino itself is past the placement stage and interior design is underway. Thank you for your business again and please let us know what your thoughts are on the bar concepts and if you come to a decision on which design you would prefer let us know.
»»Transmission:Incoming Signal »»Receiver:Orbital Spa & Cruise »»Encryption:NC100 High Encryption »»Subject:Designs | Nebula Grand Plaza
Good Morning, Mr Yuri Vandovar of OSC|,
It's me Evangeline and i am glad that your office finally returned back to us with the requested blueprints. I understand that these blueprints are for the Nebula Bar only, and the rest will eventually be delivered once ready. I took all these blueprints and offered them for the Nebula Board's members. I can tell that everyone is amazed by the variety that your respected corp offers. I am personally siding with Sir Sorrell opinion since he likes that same taste of rustic wood that we both already use in our personal offices. I can assure for you that we like the rustic design more than all the others, and we would like to initiate the architecture designs for such a plan as soon as possible. We would like to inform you that we are looking forward to provide a high luxury services for our clients, so put in consideration the high level of technology that should be associated with this rustic design. The design looks more classic and as if it don't have advanced modern technology and we like this trick actually. We want our clients to be surprised by the high comfort level and special technology embedded in this design if you understand what i mean sir.
We are already working with corporations that can provide for us liquid gold and sapphire decoration crystals for decorating our VIP area. You must understand sir, that our clients includes a certain amount of billionaires, who are originally business men and women working at major corporations in the four houses, so luxury and leisure level must be at a very unique high level. There are more details about the design of the used tools which we want to look unique. In shorter notes, i was told by Sir Sorrell that clients who enter the Nebula Grand Plaza should never forget what they seen inside, and as you know, it is one way for attracting customers and clients for our complex. I would like also to mention that the sound systems will be installed by our engineers so you don't have to worry about it for now. We have a very unique codex for communications and it's also highly encrypted so we prefer to install that part ourselves for maintaining security and privacy levels. Thank you again and we are looking forward for the rest of the Plaza plans. The Nebula Grand Plaza will include a bar, casino, motel and special VIP conference areas. I will wait to see the rest of the plans and show them to Sir Sorrell so we can proceed forward in faster steps. Have a good morning sir.
Good day Miss Webb I would like to inform you that the casino and hotel blue prints have been finalized and construction with your design choice is underway. The bar is halfway completed, though the required construction materials we need for the foundation "Hull Segments" cannot be obtained by our logistics division. We can deliver a wide assortment of luxury items though, I will give you a full list at the end of this message. So if you may we will be needing the 20,000 Hull Segments as soon as possible. Thank you.
»»Transmission:Incoming Signal »»Receiver:Orbital Spa & Cruise »»Encryption:NC100 High Encryption »»Subject:Designs | Nebula Grand Plaza
Good Afternoon, Mr Yuri Vandovar of OSC|,
It is great to hear from you again Mr Vandovar. I am thankful for the list of luxury commodities that you attached for me on your previous transmission. I will make sure to reach a copy from it to Sir Sorrell personally. I would like to mention that we have been told that Orbital Spa and Cruise have a transportation division which move the materials required for building it's project and that is only why i asked your respected corporation about the Hull Segments required for putting on the basics of our Nebula Grand Plaza. Since i know now from you that these kinds of materials are not delivered by your transports then i can easily contract another construction company for moving them and leave the designs part to your engineers. Thank you for the clarification and have a good day sir.
It has come to my attention that our engineers on your station have run out of the needed materials to continue. Though I do have good news, your bar and casino floor are complete they just lack the alcohol and gambling machines. As of now the motel and VIP lounge are on hold and I will be letting my employees leave to see there families until more work is ready for them. Thank you for your time.
»»Transmission:Incoming Signal »»Receiver:Orbital Spa & Cruise »»Encryption:NC100 High Encryption »»Subject:Nebula Grand Plaza
Good evening, Mr Vandovar,
It is great to hear from you again Mr Vandovar. This is great news! , the bar and casino are ready! ... I am very glad about it, and i will take care of the drinks and machines required. There are more things we will take of regarding the bar and casino so we will manage it from here. I understand your reasons to let the employees leave to see their families so no problem at all. I will make sure the the complex will have enough supplies for your crew when they come back after vacation for initiating the plans for the motel and the VIP lounge. Thanks for all the efforts and we will wait your next reply as soon as your crew back from vacation. Have a good evening Mr Vandovar.
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* ID: Chairman Pines
* Location: Curacao, Cortez
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
Good evening Miss Webb,
My name is Henry Pines, I'm afraid Mr Vandovar has been called away from this project for a short time due to company business however he has informed me that his work teams is due to continue with the Motel and VIP lounge. I expect the teams will be arriving at the Complex in two hours ready to proceed with the development, if you require anything please let us know directly and either Mr Vandovar or myself will respond.
Yours sincerely,
Henry Pines
Message Ended
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