Sender: Aspirant Eru Phae, Recipient: Centre de communication Topic: New London Combat report.
Aspirant Eru Phae reporting of the previous events around New London. As soon as I got noticed about my ship is armed and ready to depart and lauched. I didn't expect to get into Queen's heart so fast, but I had to act. Along with RNS Soleil Royal I have entered y first combat since years and it was honorable and successful. Great Libertian Battleship has crashed for three gaint pieces and after exploded.
Sadly but Soleil Royal's systems were affected, not sure what happened to the vessel. But I had some hostille assets on my tail and I had to defend myself. Chances to survive it were low, but due to my skills I earned while Ronin special school, I managed to take out some of them. To help me out, I got Commandant Alice Marie coming to me in her Fighter. We've cleaned there a bit and after returned to our Port on the Leeds. Results, you can see in the attached colladge of guncams:
As of the date and time of this transmission, the First Fleet of the King's Royal Navy is now under the command of Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux, and therefore I must also announce that my second tenure as the figurehead of the Crown's forces has come to a close.
I will be returning to my previously held position of Maréchale, and I wish LeRoux every success in his new position.
In service to the Crown,
Maréchale Lucie LeBlanc
Duchesse de Languedoc et Maine
Marine Royale Gauloise
Royal Naval Battleship Aurora, Magellan System
25. juillet, 739 AGS
Sender: Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux, Marine Royale Gauloise. Recipient:All Departments, Marine Royale Gauloise. Topic:Promotions.
I'll be making this as short as possible.
Time has come that some of you pilots have been promoted. I was very impressed with the outcomes of what happened today. It was a pleasure to read the reports and see how superior our pilots truly are when compared to our oppositions. With that said, the following are receiving a promotion:
Colonel Alice Marie as of today has been promoted to the rank of Général.
Sous-Lieutenant Ambre Lachance as of today has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
Aspirant Heather Pearson as of today has been promoted to the rank of Sous-Lieutenant.
Congratulations to all of you. Continue your regular duties, and hope to hear more good things about you.
Pour la Couronne! Pour le Royaume!
Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux
Marine Royale Gauloise
Royal Naval Battleship Aurora, Leeds System
2. août, 739 AGS
Sender: Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux, Marine Royale Gauloise. Recipient:All Departments, Marine Royale Gauloise. Topic:Promotion.
First of all; I am greatly impressed by each one of you, and hope to see you rise through the ranks soon. Today in particular, only a few will be receiving a promotion.
Lieutenant Ambre Lachance as of today has been promoted to the rank of Capitaine.
Aspirant Celice Sylvianne as of today has been promoted to the rank of Sous-Lieutenant
Aspirant Guy Josselyne as of today has been promoted to the rank of Sous-Lieutenant
Aspirant Seigo Des Francos as of today has been promoted to the rank of Sous-Lieutenant
Congratulations, pilots. You earned it. Don't disappoint me and my decision. I trust you four with my decision, especially mademoiselle Lachance. Your outstanding piloting skills have my attention. There is a bright future for you within the Gallic Royal Navy.
Pour la Couronne! Pour le Royaume!
Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux
Marine Royale Gauloise
Sender:Colonel Leonardo Wynter' Topic:Legas Depot -Unknown Base
I'll be very brief and quick.
I went on a patrol around Magellan System and i came across something very interesting, I was wondering what everyone would think of it.. I thought it was quite weird to come across something like this out of the ordinary so i'll report it to the Grand Maréchal. I've got an attachment i've sent through with this hopefully you'll be able to see it.
On 11th of September, the Oeil Massif was stolen. The Armee managed to get information on where the jewel might have been kept, but our arrival was late. The transport, that supposedly held the precious gem in the Orkney system, was already under attack by the vile Crayterian Republic. It was too late for us to intervene, and the transport was quickly ransacked.
We quickly scrambled to capture and snatch the jewel from the vile Sirians that were trying to smuggle it outside of Gallia. The Crayterian civilian that was carrying the jewel was intercepted in Tau-23, where the Crayterian Republic had sent a large amount of reinforcements for the gem. The civilian was destroyed, but the gem had already switched hands. Our pilots went on a wild goose chase, but we eventually narrowed it down to a CR bomber that tried to leave the fight and was isolated. The bomber was destroyed, and the gem was in my hands.
While the fight between our Navy and the Crayterians was flaming, I took the opportunity to slip by unnoticed. Surprisingly, no-one had followed me during the entire trip back to New Paris. I relinquished the jewel to the Gallic Royal Police Headquarters on the capital planet, where the officers told me they will bring the jewel back to its rightful owner. By the time I arrived back to Tau-23, the fight was already over and littered with a large amount of destroyed Crayterian ships. Seeing as there was nothing else to be done, I went to Carcassone for debriefing.
Royal Naval Battleship Royal Vauquelin, Magellan System
26 Septembre, 739 AGS
Sender:General Alice Marie. Recipient:Royal Navy High Command. Topic:Leed's brawl.
Several Liberty navy and Bretonian warships made their way into Leeds yesterday for a reason beyond me. The warships made every tactical error possible, and never stated their intentions and cut right to the chase. The RNS-Tonnant of the Les Bohemes was severely damaged, the RNS-Pontoise of the secondary Fleet was also damaged. The Royal Vauquelin suffered some hits but nothing too serious. With that being said, all of the invading warships were destroyed. Maybe they'll think twice before pulling such a move again.
Good day , i have a lot of report to fill in so better to start immediately and don't waste time .
Ship ID report in : RNS-Corsica
Ship report 4565/56 , location Dauphine system
Trader is cought near Gap station in Dauphine , we ask him to stop to routine inspection , he ignore order and dock anyway . Unfortunately we haven't have time to complete scan of his ship , but i am pretty sure he carried some kind of an anti-crown propaganda material .
Report : 4567/32 , location Languedoc system
Freelancer Trader was confirmed caring large amounts of dangerous lies of Council traitors in written form , he was ordered to stop , he ignore all our orders , so we have no choice but to destroy ship with a Cruiser Missile . Most of crew is saved and delivered to nearest base for further law process .
Ship report : 4566/21 , location Languedoc system
Another freelancer Trader was confirmed caring same Council crap , he was ordered to stop , he ignore all our orders , we tried to catch him , but he was faster then as and he fled to Tau 23 system .
Ship report : 4567/33 , location Languedoc system
Union Corse transport ship was also cough caring Council propaganda material , he was ordered to stop , he did , then he quietly tried to drop all cargo and destroy it , but we notice that and manage to scan cargo before destruction and attain all evidence we need . Then he tried to pretend nothing happen and he claims that paper material is no crime . When he realized talk will not save him , he fled from as and dock to nearby Nimes station to avoid paying of a fine .
Planet Quillan, Languedoc System
26 Octobre, 739 AGS
Sender:Comandant Claire DeFrance. Recipient:Royal Navy High Command. Topic:Smugglers and Conspirators
I decided to set out and try to capture as many of the smugglers that have been running rampant towards Quillan as soon as the news reached my ears. The outcome could've been catastrophic, but thankfully, we had many Navy patrols and nobles assisting us in preventing them from reaching the planet. I've sent a personal ship to intercept and take care of these smugglers. These are the ones that the commanding officer has found:
A Sirian Cruise liner has been spotted carrying propoganda in the Languedoc system. The captain was, surprisingly, drunk, but the pilot of the ship listened to our demands. The propoganda was dropped and confiscated and the ship was escorted out of Gallia with the condition that they will listen to court summons of the captain in charge of the ship.
An unaligned, rusty Sirian liner carrying propoganda, spotted in Languedoc. He has been witnessed smuggling many times and a prompt punishment will await him if he listens to court summons. RNS-Corsica has been encountering this ship as well.
Sirian Junker transport, captured near Quillan with the propoganda confiscated and the ship escorted out of Gallia, with the condition that they will respond to court summons. The ship was about to escape on Quillan, but the captain of the ship was stupid enough not to configure his IFF to the docking ring, leaving him unable to enter the planet's orbit.
Surprisingly, an Independent Miners Guild miner transport has been trying to reach Quillan from the Provence system, but was caught and then started to flee back to Provence. The ship was caught near Planet Nice, where the cargo was confiscated and the ship was destroyed.
Ship report 45670/46 , location Leeds system
Smuggler cought in Leeds delivering Side Arms to Bretonia Leeds terrorists , while in process of arresting , we were attacked by superior Bretonian forces , so we had to withdrawal .