Tell me what you think so far, you can compare it to a 2.0 version.
Textures are not ready yet, and the red boxes there are to demonstrate where the turrets will be mounted (6 full-forward, 4-top, bottom, back, left, right).
Wait a minute! Stop the hype train! I found problem!
The section where the 'front' connects to the main body(where the cargo pods used to be), there is a strip of texture missing.
As for the 'top' of it...the slope unsettles me for some reason. Makes it look like its thicker at the nose than the main body.
Fine fine, more input. I love the look. Textures look nice, as well as the shape. What I did notice though is the barely noticeable, but still visible gap between the engine section and the rest of the ship. Maybe either move them in a little closer or create a "tube" to connect the central body to the engine section? Also there is an opening on the "throat" of the ship - where the central "nose"/cockpit section connects with the rest of the body, on the bottom. Lastly, the two "wings" at the front. You have detail on the top/middle, but the bottom feels a little lacking, especially on the front under the grey/black piece that juts out, where it slants back/down. Just feels like there should be something more there.
I personally feel the two models jive really well with the current Outcast ships. They look just as massive as the capship line, although I have to admit that I find the armoured transport definitely better in terms of shape. Finn has already mentioned the littlegap, although I wouldn't have noticed it at all if he hadn't told us explicitly about it. The only thing I'm hoping for is that the eventual balancing will not be as off as with the capline to the point where the ships become unplayable, though this is not really feedback for the model itself.
The overall shape is in a good place I think, it has the style and the look of an armoured transport especially the central body, the bulky looking "spine" really makes it look rugged.
Biggest issue, aside from the central body not being attached to the rest of the model of course, is the rear section underneath the engines doesn't match up to the new cargohold area. I'd suggest taking the cargohold and lengthening it so that it reaches halfway through that bar intersecting the engines then gradually merging into the central two engines to give a more solid look.
You may also consider adjusting the rear section between the two central engines to give the impression of a loading ramp, squaring off the bottom a little perhaps?
Alternatively, you could expand that same rear section so that it surrounds the lower part of the central two engines which looks a little bare and having that flare out to connect to the cargohold.
Oh, juust before you say anything - model has misaligned textures and gaps, because I have mde it to 70%. Most complete parts are front-top first half.