// Joe, this is the Brotherhood Message dump, not an all Corsair message dump. If A corsair has buisness with the Brotherhood, they may post, but please keep it IC and please make sure it is indeed the buisness of the Brotherhood. If this countinues I will ask the elders to Purge all OOC posts in the Dump.
Firstly, mi mujer Francesca has asked me to express her dearest thanks to Centurion Skyelius. Our new villa is muy bonita. With four rooms and a small garden of Cotivo trees imported from Planet Gaia, mi daughter Angelica has mucho room to play.
But, I'm disappointed. Mi corazon is saddened at my service to The Brotherhood a la noche.
I journeyed to Cambridge today in honor of our families, friends, and brothers to succeed in securing more wealth. Along the way, I met brothers Rivera and Fabiano who were engaging in an "event de training." Pero, I had to continue on to Cambridge--I must support mi familia.
After arriving in Cambridge, I again stationed the Titan just above the Cambridge jump gate to New London. All was quiet mi brothers. I was just going to partake in a sip of my friend's tequila...I just opened the bottle and oh mi amigos. No bueno. One of the Bretonian Queen's capital ships, the HMS Coventry discovered mi little hiding spot. The el capitan ordered me to leave at once...
During our little conversation, I asked El Capitan if he liked tequila, oh mi amigos, no bueno again. He drank only whiskey. Mi amigos, not drinking tequila is a personal dishonor to mi and mi amigo de Cadiz. I then told El Capitan de HMS Coventry that we were going to dance...mi guns kissed his ship with love mi amigos.
Pero, I knew mi Titan could not defeat the Coventry... so after dancing the salsa with him for a few minutos, I retreated to the jump gate and left two "mines de nuclear" for him to enjoy.
I then left Cambridge with mi Titan slightly damaged and arrived at Cadiz Base for repairs. I shall return to Crete por el momento. Please tell Francesca that I will be home soon and not to worry. I offer mi apologies to El Brotherhood for not fulfilling mi mission today, pero, I will succeed next time.
Hermanos, the damned merc hired by those outcast-loving Asgard that's been plaguing the Corsairs was defeated in Omega 5 today.
Ivan's light fighter blew off his guns after a few bouts, and when the coward tried to run after losing his torpedo and missiles, my razor hit his Raven's talon's fat backside and blew his ship to pieces.
Whilst in my cargo bay in a cell, he let slip that he was being paid 2 million per head by the AW, and he's already claimed 8 Corsair ships and this was the first fight he'd lost. I dropped him off at Leon, leaving the authorities there to handle him, but news reached me today that he's escaped, with the help of some AW operatives flaunting their 'zoner neutrality'...
He's on the loose again, and with a vengeance. He carries a sunslayer, and 2 missiles, so make sure you've always got your CM stocked, and be on your guard.
|Incomming Transmission|
From: Juiz Gonzales
Location: Gonzales Family Estate
Hola Brothers
Me and Elder Lucendez staged a raid on the House of Bretonia, more specifically, Cambridge.
we managed to do sigificant dammage to the house. Including
4 BAF Weapon Platforms
1 Cryer Platform
20 BAF Fighters
6 Police
5 Bounty Hunters
2 Destroyers
1 Battleship
Hopefully this raid will not be the last but the beginning of many.
Incomming Transmission
To: All Corsairs
Comm ID: Juan Montoya
A mercenary has kindly asked to use our space as staging grounds for attacks on our enemies. He goes by the callsign Nighthawk and claimed that the OPG and the Benitez had already granted him permission to operate in our territory, minus Omicron Gamma. If this is the truth, then the Brotherhood has also decided to add to this by giving him our blessing aswell.
He expressed to me a sizable disdain for our enemies, the Outcasts and the Hessians. As such, I believe that this particular mercenary is not motivated by his wallet as so many of their kind are.
I have aready given him the response that he is allowed to purchase a few of our home made pulse weapons and even directed his shipchoice to something Corsair-made. Either way, any extra hands skilled at thinning the ranks of our enemies is a hand we cannot afford to squander.
Additionally, I must thank hermano Banderas for pulling up my escape pod during that epic battle against the Hessians. Couped up in the cargohold for some time, I do not know the results of the battle as no one has yet told me. I did notice an ionstorm in the area though, but I do not know of the results. Either way, thankyou hermano.
Incomming Transmission
To: All Corsairs
Comm ID: Antonio Banderas
Hola amigos, first I would like to say "you're welcome" to Elder Montoya. As no one has posted a report on the battle, I will.
I'm not sure on the numbers I believe it was us with 11 Titans and 1 Arwing against 2 Lokis and 11-13 Odins (not sure on that one) at first the battle was going extremely well, I had downed 3 hostiles within 10 minutes or so. Diego Varquero was wreaking havoc, the Hessians were dropping like flies! But the Hessians started turning it around, we lost some OPG and Elders Montoya and Costello. Globalo in our only light fighter went down. After this Deigo Varquero's ship malfunctioned //had to go and he was destroyed. After this we took a bit of vengeance. A Hessian fighter was chased around the arena for several minutes with almost no hull. Finally, he rammed into a field mine before anyone got him. I believe we could've won if it wasn't for that ion storm. Before the ion storm hit we had 7 Hessians left and 5 Corsairs. I'm just glad I made it out especially because I had Montoya bouncing around in the back of my Titan.
Comm ID: Asno Muleo
RE: Aftermath of the Ion storm
After the ion storm settled (twice), we found ourselves in Omega 5 again. Myself, [OPG]-Manuel.Kollon and [OPG]Alexa.Cordova were the only Corsairs still there. The Hessians outnumbered us 2 to 1 or more.
We decided on a 3 on 3 duel. I switched into my praetorian and we set out. 2 titans and a praetorian versus, Olaf Streiforst, [HT]Davey.Jones and Grakh'thur (I am not good with these Rheinlandish names, so please excuse any spelling mistakes).
After a few minutes, Grakh'thur's ship controls failed (//lagged out), and I quickly threw a supernova at Davey Jones. After a few complaints about the fairness about the fight, I offered to withdraw from the fight and trust my two fighters to finish the job, or if they preferred, add a hessian fighter of their choice to the fray, but after a long amount of hesitation we decided to call it a draw.
Source: Rear Admiral Sius Malacos, Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor
Searching... Allied Comm Devices
Comm Devices Found
Connecting... Connection Established, Full Access Granted with Order Admiralty
Greetings allies of the Order.
As you may know, a group of Order ships known as the OTF have been spotted throughout Order space in recent times. However, now the Black Squadron Admiralty has had enough of the crimes of these persons and has sent them a dire warning stated here:
We hereby ask our allies in their assistance to bring down these spies or imposters or whatever they may be. When the time is over, Order ships throughout Sirius will open fire on the OTF vessels.
I thank you for your understanding and for listening. If you can, please respond to us.
The Black Squadron Admiralty and the Order thank you.
-Admiral Malacos
Transmission Complete
Sending Message...
Message Sent
Shutting Down
Disconnecting: Allied Comms
Disconnecting: Order Comms
Shutting Down Comm Unit
Incoming Transmission
To: All Corsairs
Comm ID: [OPG]HuskerMK1
Patrolling Omega-5 yesterday radar contact showed Outcast destroyer-Kallisto,And MercenaryVHF-Spacemerc 15K out from Kadiz base. After putting out a distress call for back up a Independent Corsair gunboat class ship responded//Cant remember the pilots name I apologies. After a brief stand off the outcasts ships engaged Firing a short salvo me and my wingman took out the Destroyers shields. At this point he had me targeted but due to the heavy asteroid clusters in Omega-5 was unable to track me. After 2 minuets of exchanging fire the Capital class destroyers hull was breached resulting in decompression followed by explosion. Mercenary spacemerc was no match, after a brief engagement VHF class Spacemerc was destroyed.
Incoming Transmission
To: All Corsairs
Comm ID: [OPG]HuskerMK1
On my solo patrol today in Omega-11 radar contact picked up a single Red Hessian VHF-Class ship Pilot Coma After following him threw the Dresden jumphole I engaged. A brief dog fight ensued resulting of the destruction of VHF-Class pilot Coma.