From: Dr Daniel Jackson
To: All Freelancers, traders and cargo ship captains
Location: Sydney Station
Subject: Import Channel
Good day,
Given the success of the trade deal previously run on this channel I wish to utilise this channel for communicating further deals of a similar nature.
Sydney Station is importing the products below. Each confirmed (with time stamped guncam images) delivery over 3000 units (1500 for bulky cargo) will merit a 5,000,000 SC bonus. Post the evidence in this channel.
This deal is only valid as long as the required stock has not been met. As such this channel will be kept up to date - should a delay occur the payments will be processed in order of delivery reports posted on this channel.
From: Dr Daniel Jackson
To: All Freelancers, traders and cargo ship captains
Location: Sydney Station
Subject: Trade Opportunity - Industrial Hardware
Good day,
I wish to discuss a potentially lucrative deal.
I wish to import 90,000 Industrial Hardware at a price of 2,400 SC per unit, giving a 2,200 SC profit.
On top of this I will be offering a 5,000,000 SC bonus for EVERY LOAD
These goods are available for purchase nearby at Augsburg Wreck (Munich), Mainz Storage Facility (Frankfurt)
The only terms and conditions are:
- You must provide guncam evidence with a time stamp of EACH delivery (forgery will not be tolerated) along with a bank for transfer
- Minimum load size is 3,000 (in order to prevent "working the system")
- You must abide by the laws of the Corsairs when in their space
There is over 250,000,000 SC up for grabs. Don't miss out!
We will try and further meet your requirements as soon as our pilot and crew have had their required radiation decontamination completed.
Also I would like to enquire about a ship that Subedar Ajit Singh came across...its announced itself as a A.I. from Gammu(Unknown Location)...I would like any information regarding these entities that you may have, if they are hostile etc...if you could open another secure communication with me, i would be greatful.
From: Dr Daniel Jackson
To: All Freelancers, traders and cargo ship captains
Location: Sydney Station
Subject: Trade Opportunity - Industrial Hardware
Good day,
Thank you for your excellent hard work.
The quartermaster has confirmed all of your deliveries including the three that were in error.
As such a sum of 50,000,000 SC has been transferred to the requested neural net account.
As for the AI you encountered I will get a security dossier drawn up and contact you via another channel, however as of now I have not seen them to act in a threatening manner.