Decrypting Package................................................ Processing Data Burst.......................... Incoming Transmission
Source: *unknown* Neural Net account Encryption Level: High Recipient(s): RHA Recruitment Center, Vogtland Base, Dresden System Topic: Joining the Army Message:
Guten Tag Officers of the Armee,
my name is Rolf Bach and after recieving several of your propaganda broadcasts and witnessing the cruelty of the Rheinland government, I decided to join the Army.
I hope you accept my application and allow me to take my revenge on the "government" under the banner of the Army.
As you do not know me yet, I would like to further introduce myself:
I was born 801 A.S. on Planet Hamburg into a family with a long tradition of cargo haulers.
From my parents I learned how to pilot and repair various spacecraft, how to live an honorable life and how to work hard to reach my goals.
From my grandparents i heard stories about how Rheinland was in the time after the popular revolution before the Bundschuh were expelled from the government and massive foreign corporations gained more and more influence in our Heimat.
Therefore I always knew Rheinland was not what it had been many many years ago. Still i would propably have led my life as an honest hauler, if I would not have witnessed the cruelty of the regime, this so called "democratic government", in first person.
During an "illegal" hauler protest rally last year against salary cuts due to "financial hardships" (their profits last year were half a percent less than expected) of Republican Shipping we were informed by a Republican representative that this rally would *have dire consequences* for all of us. Obviously that was one of the usual threats to fire those making too much trouble by voicing their opinions instead of working theirselves silently to the grave.
Only it wasn't.
Days later, people started disappearing. Some of them were said to have moved to another planet never to be heard of again, some died in "accidents", as if a hauler who knows his trade for 30 or more years and keeps his ship in top condition would die in a sudden reactor overload or have a crash with an asteroid - several astronomic units away from the nearest asteroidfield.
My parents of course did not believe the official reports and started asking around, you know, calling in some favors, investigating privately and trying to find evidence for who was really behind these "accidents". They were sucessful. We found enough evidence to prove that, in fact, these accidents were ordered from high up inside Republican Shipping. Just as other companies without the slightest sense of morale, Republican had decided that they had too many haulers anyway and that it was easier - and cheaper- to have several of them disappear, especially those who made much trouble anyway.
Then they made a fatal mistake. They turned to the Polizei, thinking that the Federal Police would arrest those responsible and do the justice they were supposed to do.
Instead we were visited by a Marinenachrichtendienst unit. They did not ask many questions, but instead started shooting up our home right away. I was seriously injured and while lying on the floor, bleeding from several wounds, I saw both of my parents die in the bulletstorm. My father fell on me, which propably saved my life when those bastards set our house aflame and detonated some grenades.
I dont know what happened next, I only have loose images in my head that are too hard to describe, but I survived. I took months to recover from my wounds, treated by some old man who would not tell me his name but always called himself "a friend". I guess he was some supporter or operative of either the RHA or the VWA. He declined any compensation when i was finally recovered and only told me to "make a difference" before he gave me some supplies and sent me on my way. If by any chance you know this man, pass my thanks to him and tell him I found my way to make a difference for Rheinland.
After my recovery I used some underground contacts from my youth to aquire a ship and fled from Hamburg. I kept a low profile for a while and gathered some intel. I seems I am considered dead, just as my parents and grandma. No word of my sister, guess she found our home destroyed, took the hint and got away. Gramps did one last haul, didn't have anything to loose anymore anyway, that old stubborn man. Hauled an armored cargohold of 4200 Units of Black Market Munitions right into Hamburg's Police HQ.
Anyway, this is my story. This is my motivation, this is the reason I wish to fight. This, I will never forget.
And I will show them that I am very much alive and ready to do what must be done to free Rheinland!
Für Rheinland, für die Revolution!
Rolf Bach
// Timezone GMT+1
// SKYPE contact avaiable via PN. Don't like such info publicly avaiable.
Displaying message...
Greetings Red Hessian Oberkommando.
I introduce myself to you all as Xiang Xi, former Coalition spy.
Born to parents of Chinese descent in 798 A.S, I was raised with an understanding of the cause as well as a nationality to my ancestry. My mother told me as I child I was named after the Planet Jiangxi, and I was the apple of her eye. My father, a working man, frequently was on and off planet due to managing resource production and being a decently well known political figure. We had residences planetside as well as on Zhukovsky Station in orbit in which we lived, changing between them from time to time.
My father in his free time would train me in learning to control my inner mind, and open up doors of possibilities of my future. In this, he was a wise man. However, he was also busy. Time went by, and the amount of time shortened which we saw each other. Being in martial arts, I began to grow in skill and outshine my peers, and it was his teachings that moved me forward. "The eye of the tiger," he would say to me, "a heart of a lion."
Then time passed more and more and my father became a head political figure in developments on Jiangxi. My mother spent a lot of her time alone these days, since I was out training for the military. Around 816 A.S, I was trained into the intelligence group, making quick progress as prior discipline and combat training were already completed during most of my teenage years. Due to my fathers political stature I was accepted rather quickly.
During my work among the task forces of the Coalition I was assigned as a counter-spy against enemy threats in late 816 A.S within and around the Omega-52 system. For the most part, I was planetbound, doing espionage on possible defectors and monitoring otherwise important targets for Coalition enemies. On Jiangxi, there were reports of possible defectors hiding out within the outskirts of the more populated settlements that were planning some type of attack, however none of us knew how large. A task force was led to find these traitors, and they did, however the scale of the attack wasn't realized until it was too late.
In 817 A.S, Planet Jiangxi was orbitally bombarded by enemy forces, within minutes completely wiping out multiple cities, killing my father in his office building and my mother at our planetary residence in a very short timespan.
The Coalition was hit hard by this decisive strike, and the population took a huge toll. Many former pilots living in their residences were also wiped out, leaving a huge gap of needed pilots for the army.
Those within the intelligence program were also trained into fighter craft as now a mandatory requirement, and I was one who was drafted into such training. The training was quite exhilarating, and I learned fast enough, as a mission turned up in which I would have to go deep into Rheinland space. Of course, with my heritage, putting me socially into these situations would put me in great jeopardy. I was there for espionage and interception of high value targets which were a danger of the Coalition. Through the years, I have met many contacts within and throughout Rheinland who only lived to speak of the corruption and tyranny of the government there. The corruption of the Rheinland Government showed no mercy.
Only within the past few weeks, I have resigned from service of the Coalition. My authorities respected my resignation, and many of those I knew were sad to see me go. However I feel I need to move on, and learn more about this corruption of the Rheinland government myself. I went to Vogtland, home of the Red Hessians, shortly after this self revelation, to discuss with a Hessian contact I once had. Within the bar, a beautiful woman walked in, by herself and sat on one of the stools.
I asked, "Who could this beautiful masterpiece be?"
The Hessian, who slowly sipped out of his tall glass and looked up, nodded and slowly put the glass back down again.
"That's Brigadegeneral Heinrich. One of a kind. She comes to the bar. She doesn't drink though."
His words stuck with me to this day. "One of a kind." What do I do, just go talk with her? Brigadegeneral? That's exactly what I did. She recommended that I make an application to join the Red Hessian Army. What can I say?
I was flattered.
// Timezone: EST (UTC - 5)
// S.K.Y.P.E protocol address: (Wesker already has it)
- Activating Subsonic Transmission -
- Encrypting Codes Activated -
- Begin File Transfer -
Ivan Katusic
I was an infant, when left in a capsule to drift in space. After a while a group of ships tractored me in and brought me to their base, fed me, clothed me and then started teaching me their way. Years passed and i become a young boy, i had military lessons, dogfights, and simulations on fighting, dodging and flying snub ships. Later i discovered i was found in Dresden and brought to Vogtland by two passing Hessians. I went to discover my parents of Kruger origin who didnt want a child to care for.....sadly they left me in space. I met lots of Hessian families during my training childhood years who took me as their own child. I joined their ranks of getting supplies for the Hessian movement. It was time for me to give something back to the good Hessian people that saved me 20 years ago. In the next year or pillaging and looting the Rheinland military, Dauman and ESPECIALLY Kruger, a RHA convoy stopped me and informed that my cause is just and there is a better way. A military way for people with a goal. I was sold and i know that i will serve the army of my saviours well. I thank Odin every day for meeting the Hessian people.
Flight exp:
Have about 50 hours in Odin, about 30 in Loki - prefer close combat, mine dropping, good dogfighter.
Flew Bnose gb, average turret steering
100 hours in Transports
No Bomber exp but looking forward to it
A very good Transport fighter, good turret steering
Full name and origin:Elsa Fey, Born on Planet Volgograd
Short biography:Serving in the Coalition has made me a better woman and War Fighter. Trained by the finest Captains the Coalition has to offer. Countless hours i spent in the grueling simulations and the constant drilling of strategy has been embedded into my brain. I am confident to say that i am arguably one of the brightest minds to come out of the Coalition. But i am not a person who likes to stay still. I move around learn what i can from experiences on my travels. Having explored all off Rhineland, Kusari, Bretonia and even some Omicron Worlds i have learned and been in many situations where i had to adapt and overcome my enemies. Being an only child puts a lot of pressure to be great. Being a woman makes that even harder. I have earned my stripes and now i have set my eyes on the Hessian cause. Seeing how they fight and the purpose that fuels their desire has motivated me.
Prior flight experience:Countless ours in space, and being trained by the Coalition. I pride myself in being one of the best Cruiser Commanders that has ever stepped out of the proving grounds. Dont blink, because every second counts when im bearing down my enemies throats. //S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address: xeno3763 //Your timezone:Murica
transmission.sender.location:Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart System
transmission.protocol:Simple Text Protocol 2.0
Guten Abend,
My name is Vasko von Blutstein and as we speak I am preparing to leave the corporate nightmare that we used to call the garden of Rheinland - Planet Stuttgart. My sole goal is to join the volksrevolution and fight for my fatherland in the name of returning it back to it's people! Now you might be wondering who exactly I am and I would gladly share this information with you. I am certain if you have any doubts your eyes and ears on Stuttgart would easily confirm that every single word I write here to you is complete truth. I was born in 796 A.S. in Wilhelma, planet Stuttgart. My father, the old man, was and still is a farmer. Only difference is back in the days he had his dignity, something Synth Foods seems to aim to take away from every single man working the land on Stuttgart. Now me, like my old father, I also picked farming to help him as he slowly got older. So at this point I bet you're asking yourselves - why am I not applying for the LWB instead? Quite simple, I am also a realist and the old man's dreams of having the farmers fix Stuttgart on their own is exactly that - a dream. For me there needs to be a real force of revolution, one that isn't to be reckoned with and is feared by the corporate warmongers that have taken a firm grasp gripping the heart of our loved fatherland! And the only such force of rightful revolution that I can see in Rheinland is you, the Rote Hessen!
Being a realist I also know you won't accept me without me offering you something in return so here I what I could offer the volksrevolution- prior to contacting you and preparing my leave I made sure to spend a dozen or so hours in flight school practicing the piloting of snub spacecraft under the pretext that I would consider joining Synth Foods' defense and escort division. How gullible those corporate swines were, they even funded 40% of my training! Alas I would not be able to procure a useful spacecraft for my escape, an old and damaged Hawk is the only thing I have access to. I've considered trying to steal something more useful for the revolution but being a single man I highly doubt I could pull it off. Never the less if the revolution can not afford me a new ship I would gladly use said Hawk until I earn my worth!
I would be leaving by the end of the week and would make my way into Omega-7 where I hope I would meet your mighty forces to instruct me on further orders.
Short Biography:I was born on the Vogtland Station, placed in the Dresden system. My father and my Mother were fighting for the Hessian Movement, alongside with the Red Hessian Army. After I finished the school I directly went to the Mining Brigade and did my job their, it was hard, but it gave me the power that I need. I finally got 18 years old and my mother bought me a Loki, to train myself for the combat in the Rheinland system. Now, I'm finally ready to serve in the Red Hessian Army.
Prior Flight Experience:Piloting small vessels like the Loki.
//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol or Steffen Gans