►File Uploaded ►Name: Karl Verstappen ►Rank: Feldwebel ►Age: 26 ►Height: 178 cm ►Weight: 70 kg ►Hair Color: Dark Brown ►Eye Color: Grayish ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin
Background Information
I was born to a humble family of farmers. Ever since the young age, I had to help my parents in the fields, in order to earn money to sustain the family. Eventually, growing up as a teen, I found a low-rated but stable job that brought a steady income in our family. I kept that job until 16, when I joined the local flight school. I wasn't one of the best, but I could handle myself in solo fights against mostly Unioners and LWB. When I finished the course, aged 18, I was given a retrofitted Valkyrie to fly on my own. From there, I became a freelance escort fighter for those people passing through Rheinland and the Omega and Sigma corridors. Time passing, I saw and met various Military officers, and made a few assignment for them, as they belived a young pilot like me wouldn't come back from a solo skirmish with the Unioners. In fact, I returned without a scratch. When I landed back on New Berlin and headed to the bar for a small Rheinbier, they saw me. At that exact time, I aged 23. The next three years I passed them improving my skills, beliving one day I would be accepted into the mightiest of the Fatherland's forces, the Rheinwehr.
Personality Traits
Calm, steady, quiet. He prefers to use words before the guns.
If words fail, he resolves to bring down the hammer of justice.
Also, he's a diligent soldier, following orders given to him.
He's loyal and proud of House Rheinland.
Ships Piloted
►Class: Very Heavy Fighter ►Armament: 4x Hornviper Mk II, 1x Imp. Debilitator Mk I, 1x Imp. Debilitator Turret Mk I, Train CD, Ripper Mine Dropper, Fortress CM, Adv.Thruster, Armor Upgrade Mk VIII ►Nickname: N/A
►Name: Kaspar Steinweg ►Rank: Flieger ►Age: 24 ►Height: 186 cm ►Weight: 85 kg ►Hair Color: Brown ►Eye Color: Dark Brown ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin
Background Information
Having had the fortune of being born to two relatively well off parents, it was clear from the start that I would follow their example. We were not rich, per se — my father worked a nine to five bureau job in the MND while my mother stayed at home and raised me and my brother Emil, as it should be — but it was more than sufficient to pay the tuition fees levied by the Universität zu Höhenhaus für Recht und Gesetz, where I studied Rheinland and inter-house law for three years. During my time there, I was part and involved in the creation and activism of pro-Rheinland fraternities, which did not go unnoticed by the administation, who graciously made it possible for me to enlist and attend Rheinwehr Militärakademie alongside my regular studies. While having had my reservations at first, I quickly acclimated to the new work environment and began to like it. To the others, it did not matter whence I came, only that I was with them working towards a common goal. I wish to enshrine those experiences by enlisting into the Rheinwehr permanently.
Personality Traits
Ships Piloted
►Class: Very Heavy Fighter ►Armament: 2 Imp. Debilitator MK I, 3 Stealthblade MK II, 1 Stealthblade Turret, Train Cruise Disruptor, Nuclear Mine Dropper, Fortress Countermeasure Dropper, Cheetah Thruster, Armor Upgrade VIII ►Nickname: N/A
►File Uploaded ►Name: Roland Kaiser ►Rank: Kapitän ►Age: 33 ►Height: 192 cm ►Weight: 76 kg ►Hair Color: Black ►Eye Color: Blue-Grey ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin
Background Information
As a son of a Rheinland Military General, my life was spilled with forcedly drill, humiliation, my life was hell however I was proud to be the son of a General. I had to proceed the Military tradition of my Family. With 16 i graduated from school and was ready to enter the flight School which i passed with best notes and joined three years later the Rheinland Military, I fought in the Rheinland - Liberty war, I saw many Libertorians and Rheinlanders dying. I lost many comrades in this conflict but I'm still loyal to my Vaterland and would defend and give my life for it at any cost.
►Name: Hannes Brunsmeier ►Rank: Flieger ►Age: 23 ►Height: 187 cm ►Weight: 81 Kg ►Hair Color: Brown ►Eye Color: Brown ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New-Berlin
Background Information
Born in Hohenschönhausen on planet New-Berlin. His father worked for Krüger Mineralien, and his mother worked for the Bundespolizei. He always had a normal life, his parents had stable jobs so money was never the issue, he went to the "Grundschule am Wilhelmsberg" in Hohenschönhausen and afterwards to the "Gutenberg-Schule mit intigrierter gymnasial Schtufe". He was decent in school, decent enough to finish his "Abitur" or "A-levels" with a grade point average of 2.2 . During his school time his hobbies consist of playing Lasertag aswell as Paintball. It was also the moment he realized he wanted to join the Rheinland Military later on. After he finished school he decided to attend flightschool, for both lighter and heavier Snubcraft. He she showed some quick improvement and overall skill in flying so he finished his flight education rather fast. Now 23 years after he was born, he packed up all his courage and, he applied for the Rheinland Military.
►Name: Sarah Maier ►Rank: Flieger ►Age: 20 ►Height: 160 ►Weight: 50 ►Hair Color: White ►Eye Color: blue ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin
Background Information
Hello. My name is Sarah Maier. I was born on planet New Berlin. My childhood time was good. My family was not rich, but was not very poor. So i got not bad knowledge in scool. I have graduated from school with good marks. i had got my first work in shop in summer time. Its was necessary for me to help my family. When i worked, i have got chance to send my dokuments to Military Academy. I couldn't lose this chanse to go to study in Academy. So i get it. I have begun to study in Military Academy. Its was nice time : find new friends, learn something new. When my age was 18 im a lose my parents. They are dead in transport ship, who was destroyed by pirate vessels. That was shock for me. But im haven't given up and have continued to live with it. When i graduated from academy and get a diploma, im chose my road to Rheinland Military. So im here to join a Rheinwehr.
Personality Traits
A quiet, judicious, kind, trying to follow the discipline
Ships Piloted
►Class: Very Heavy Fighter ►Armament: 2x Imp.Debiliator Mk 1, 3 Stealthblade MK II, 1 Stealthblade Turret, Reinforced Cruise Disruptor, Nuclear Mine Dropper, Fortress Countermeasure Dropper, Enhanced Thruster, Armor Upgrade VIII ►Nickname: N/A
►Name: Michael Bonn ►Rank: Hauptmann ►Age: 32 ►Height: 186 cm ►Weight: 92 kg ►Hair Color: Black ►Eye Color: Brown ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin
Background Information
Born in New Berlin. Went there to high school, later college. When he graduated started to fly in space as Freelancer. Father was also in the military. His mother is employed at the Republican shipping. When father asked him to join military he said no, because he wanted to join Büro der Marineintelligenz, because he got interested of his grandfathers stories who was also in ze Marineintelligenz. After all, Michael joined military and didn't regret any of it. Till this day he proudly protect Rheinland and helps Rheinwehr into preventing any harm from Outlaws.
►Name: Driedrik Sterr ►Rank: Vizeadmiral ►Age: 37 ►Height: 192cm ►Weight: 79 kg ►Hair Color: Blonde ►Eye Color: Blue ►Planet/Station of Origin: -
Background Information
If it comes to that, I'll take you all alone - Driedrik Sterr to the infiltrated LSF squadron during the escape of Harold Kane.
My name is Driedrik Sterr, owner of the Knights Cross Second Class, Bane of the Red Front, Destroyer of the VWA, Slayer of Liberty, Left hand of the Intelligence Corps, accounted for long past one hundred takedowns in combat and Paladin of our Nation. - Driedrik Sterr to the Oberkommando during the Freeport 11 crisis.
Send Anna Heinrich my regards - Driedrik Sterr to a fleeing hessian agent.
Growing amongst the middle class in Rheinland, Sterr never shone during his youth. Skinny and shy, he went through standard education, standard friends, standard relationships. To all effects a standard man, Driedrik always kept most of his thoughts for himself. Disagreeing at every step taken the goverment and the military alike, he realized that those who got to take important decissions weren't those smarter, stronger or generally superior to others, not necessarely. During his university formation as engineer, Sterr began his physical training journey. Reading the news every day, working out every day and studying every day, he had decided he'd not allow any more faulty personnel, key decissions or corruption to exist within the range his hand could reach. Driven by an iron will and fully understanding that he'd never reach the skill provided to more talented people in the moment of birth, Driedrik Sterr started living as if every day was his the last in order to achieve the charge that would allow him to, much like others before him, mold Rheinland. It was objectively right to do so, to shut down the foul politicians, to provide for the population, to uphold the rights of each person never above others. A mature society that would embarrash every other nation, that is what Driedrik Sterr wished for.
Completely determined to fight for this idea, both within and outside the borders of Rheinland, the first logical step was to fight against those who would harm the Vaterland, and grow from there. Applying for the Military as secondary pilot, he fought a hundred battles in a thousand battlefields. Against the Liberty Navy, the Liberty Security Force, the Red Hessians, the corsair Brotherhood and many others, he endured. Loosing himself into 24 hours of duty, his achievements could no longer be denied.
Going as far as to join the suicidal Omicronkorps just to make sure they'd uphold the good of Rheinland above all else, once more he had proven a capable man. Regarded by many in the Rheinwehr as a fearsome foe and accounting many allies within and outside of it, he still pursues his objective with razor sharp focus.
Personality Traits
Complete and utter dedication to Rheinland.
Severe, quiet and upstanding.
Willing to go up against any odds.
Ships Piloted
►Class: Very Heavy Fighter ►Armament: CLASSIFIED ►Nickname: N/A
►Name: Johann von Kruspe ►Rank: Flieger ►Age: 22 ►Height: 184 cm ►Weight: 75 kg ►Hair Color: Brown ►Eye Color: Gray-green ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin Background Information
I was born on the Planet New Berlin 22 years ago, in a rich family, where I was the youngest child. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. One of my brothers is the owner of the small company, which produces a tracking system for large ships and supplies these systems on factories of DHC . My second brother is a regular designer, but he likes his job. My sister works dispatcher on one of the space stations in the Rhineland. My mother works as a school teacher in a good school, and in her free time writes books. But my father is much more respected person. My father, Herr Kruspe, commands of one of the main departments for the fight against crime on the Planet New Berlin. My father knew many important people of the planet New Berlin. My father is proud of his position.
In my childhood, my father told me a lot about space travels, and also about battles of Rheinland against pirates and other enemies of the Rheinland. About battles he knew for the most part from his father (my grandfather), who was a veteran of many battles, and after many years of service could become the captain of a cruiser. My father formed me into a patriot of the Vaterland and made me interested in the army and space thanks to his numerous stories. Also, my father was very proud of my family being throughbred rheinlanders, and he told me that I should appreciate it
At school I was one of the most intelligent, though not the most physically fit student. But nothing after school did not prevented me to enter the Military Academy of Rheinland.
I would like to add that during my school years, I spent a lot of time in a game about special simulators where you could play and learn the management of ships. Of course, it was much easier than it actually is, but these simulators gave me a huge amount of knowledge about the management of the different ships. I especially loved the cruisers.
So, I entered the Military Academy, where I learned the military regulations, a variety of tactics and more. But training on ships I was given the easiest, because I already knew how much to them after the games on simulators in childhood. So, at the military academy, I fully mastered the fighters and bombers.
Personality Traits
Smart, distrustful, crafty, patriotic, honest, logical, very lazy, have a sense of humor, proud .
Conscripted and received 2-weeks basic bomber training during The War, but he can learn more. His unit was present in several side battles against Navy and he even managed to fire some antimatter on them. His reports didn't clarify if he was able to hit anything in all that mess, but his Superior confirmed he was very brave. And lucky. And he was told to never fight battleships from that distance again.
He tried to find a job after Zhe War, but all he could get was to sitzplätze by his old father Reinhold in Daumann board. He always liked to see his son safe and zehr gut. But, Ulrich was always more for military career. So he had to quit. Daumann kaputt.
He will not miss my home and family. He got really sick of his old father having a mistress at every spaceport in Rheinland, Kusari, Bretonia and even Gallia now... He's sick of finding some blue pills whenever wearing his father's jacket or space suit. And he's sick of his mother Carmen waiting for her husband all night, drinking rum and crying and then having her little retaliations when postman comes in the morning. Next day Wurths usually yell a bit on each other and all zehr gut. No more that. No more for Ulrich.
In his apply form he insisted in starting his pilot career as soon as possible, as far from home as possible, bitte.
Personality Traits
Sloppy, spoiled, lazy and half-Corsair (but Büro der Marineintelligenz never delivered that info, as his father took good and expensive care about it).
►Name: Klemens Kossuth ►Rank: Kapitän ►Age: 50 ►Height: 179 cm ►Weight: 77 kg ►Hair Color: Black ►Eye Color: Brown ►Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Stuttgart
Background Information
Klemens Kossuth's grandfather, a man of Hungarian origin, a minority in Rheinland, lived on Planet Stuttgart and worked as a butcher in a meat factory. He was underpaid and overexploited, so his life was hard. Going to the pub every night after work helped him forget that. Because of this he never brought his full wage home. But, drunk, he sometimes did bring violence. This prompted Klemens' father to run away from home for one last time after he had finished high school for cooks. He wondered around in search for work and accommodation, and was even forced to beg for money for a few weeks. One day, however, he stroke lucky. He knocked on the door of a confectionery in a Jewish quarter, owned by an old, childless Jewish widower. He employed Klemens' father more out of pity and out of the need to have someone to talk with during work, than for the expertise, but he quickly realized that his new apprentice already possessed good skill at making food, and was quick to adapt to the craft.
The old man died in a few years and, with no one else to leave his confectionery and his apartment above to, he left it to Klemens' father. Klemens' father moved in and continued the enterprise. While his benefactor was still alive, a young Sephardi woman from the neighbourhood, who was a regular customer, had caught his attention. She worked as an actress in the local theatre. He courted her while serving her sweets, and they fell in love. They married after Klemens' father had inherited the business and the place to live at. Klemens was born shortly after, in 773. However, there were complications with the childbirth, and although there were no consequences for Klemens, his mother was rendered unable to bare any more children. Thus Klemens would, alone, receive all the love his parents could spare him.
While he was little, he often played with the local Jewish boys. They had great respect for him despite him not being Jewish, because Klemens' father often gave them uneaten sweets for free at the end of the day. Most of their parents were poor, so they couldn't afford to buy them sweets every day. Nevertheless, when he started school, he didn't go with them. The local school had the reputation of being very basic, and as his parents had the money and wanted him to get the best education possible, they enrolled him into the school at the centre of the city. His school friends had very little respect for Jews, as Jews were different, and at first they didn't want to accept Klemens into their company. This, however, changed when they realized how well Klemens played football (he was a master goalkeeper), which he had practiced for long with his less posh, but more physically active neighbourgood friends. He became a valuable player, and the team which had him usually won. He was also a good student, as he felt privileged and grateful to be the only one from his quarter to go to a posh school. Because of this it would be logical that his local friends would become jealous, but Klemens was very modest about this, due to the influence of his father, and he was kind towards other Jews although he wasn't one. As he knew a bit more than all of his local friends, he was usually appointed as general when they played war.
As he grew older, he played less and focused on his career more, under the pressure of his parents. He had been learning to play the violin from his young age, suggested by his actress mother, which he loved passionately. When he graduated from a lyceum, he started the studies of Sociology in the city university. However, studying left him with little time to practice, and it wasn't what he had thought it would be, so he quit and focused on the violin fully. He had often been in charge of things when playing with his peers and he was captivated by music, so his dream was to become a conductor. When he was 24, he was employed as a violinist in the theatre where his mother worked, thanks to her connections. All appeared to be going well, until the new, Nomad-influenced regime, took power in Rheinland. One day, without any notice whatsoever, the theatre was simply closed because one of its plays mocked the authority. Klemens' mother was unemployed. In order to help his father finance the family, Klemens found a job in the musical band that played for the local bar. There he came under the influence of an opium smuggling gang that had ties with the LWB, and spent some time as their member, involved in the lucrative narcotic trade.
However, one day a plot of theirs was uncovered, and all the members parted and fled in various directions to avoid questioning and possible imprisonment. Klemens embarked on one of the last liners heading from Rheinland to Bretonia and, as he didn't have enough money to pay for the full ticket, he made it up by playing the violin for the ship orchestra and doing various utility duties, like wiping the floor and washing the dishes. When he arrived to New London, he managed to find work in various bars and brothels, but true orchestras considered him too lowly to play with them. That was how he spent the Nomad War of 800-801. When it was over, he opted not to return to Rheinland, as its economy was in ruins, but stayed in Bretonia. One day, after disembarking on Freeport 6 in Tau-29 from a liner, he stumbled upon an offer that he couldn't reject: a permanent role of a violinist in the local orchestra. There he met George Richard Hall, a Bretonian playboy living off of his elder brother's diligent work, who asked him to teach him how to play the violin. Klemens accepted, as Hall offered to teach him how to command a transport in return, which Klemens thought was very useful and potentially lucrative. Unexpectedly, he found commanding a ship his dream job, as it very much resembled that of a conductor. Every section of the ship was an instrument, and every crewman was a player: his duty was to turn the combination into harmony.
He snatched the opportunity and found employment in a private shipping company as freighter pilot, but he intended it only to be a stage in his career for experience gathering. Having gathered enough, he found a workplace in the rapidly recovering Republican Shipping, which he occupied after quitting his previous job. He captained a Train-class, and found Omega-3 and 7 his favourite systems, as he enjoyed the adventure and challenge of pirate encounters. Nevertheless, he was very kind to those who he had captured, whom he understood as he used to be on the other side of the too (the records of which were lost in the fallout of the Nomad War). He would treat them fairly until dropping them off at the nearest police station, which the law required him to do.
When Liberty invaded Rheinland in 814, he saw it as an opportunity. He enlisted and was entrusted with commanding an Uruz-class and delivering supplies to the frontline. As he excelled at this task, not so much at speed as at fending off ambushes, he was promoted after the war and given command of the Tegetthoff, an aging Bismarck-class. The Tegetthoff was supposed to be disassembled long ago, but the high command planned using her to train a promising captain before she would go on her final journey and be recycled. Having taken some tips about battleship command from George Richard Hall, now a Knight and an Admiral in the BAF, and his old acquaintance, in exchange for information about the Red Hessians, he quickly excelled. Despite captaining an obsolete ship, he managed to deserve a Silver Anti-Capital Ribbon after several victories over the Red Hessians. One of them, however, brought the Tegetthoff's service to an end. The power of her own cannons took her fire control out of function, which caused a chain reaction throughout the whole ship, causing many internal systems to fail. The Tegetthoff limped to Oder Shipyard for repairs, and Klemens was given a brand new ship to command, the Kaiserin und Königin Maria Theresia, an Elbe-class. He found it challenging to grasp the way many of its innovative gadgets worked, but he managed to get used to them before his ship was incorporated into the Schwerin Battlegroup, and ordered to perform preventive raids into Omicron Xi. The Maria Theresia was renamed to Kaiserin Augusta at the time, since her previous name didn't allow the new fleet tag to fit into the standard name plate. Klemens helped the Military win a few victories at the start of the Xi campaign, but because the Elbe-class is currently still rare and needed in all corners of Rheinland, the Kaiserin Augusta has been given back her status of quick-response ship, and is not part of the Schwerin Fleet any more. She has been renamed to Fredegunde and is currently in the process of being integrated into the Primary Fleet.
Although he has abandoned the career of a musician, probably forever, Klemens can still be heard playing the violin in his quarters, during long voyages. Although already 49, he has never married and, as much as he knows, he has no children. Nevertheless, he has had numerous romances, but he never found what he was looking for in any of them, most of them lasting no longer than a few weeks. He strives to behave knightly and ethically, but more because he is convinced it makes him better than others, than out of pure altruism. The first time he saw his father after leaving to Bretonia was in a coffin, but his mother is still alive and managing the confectionery. She writes plays in her free time. It is unclear who will inherit the confectionery when she passes away.
Personality Traits
Calm and honourable, but more because he thinks it makes him better than others, than out of altruism. He has artistic tendencies, but suppresses them during work. Has had many failed relationships, which disappointed him in love, so he is fully dedicated to his career. Tends to have drastic and unpredictable mood fluctuation. Plays the violin in free time. Tolerant to Jews, as his mother was one.