It's actually kind of hurtful. If I hypothetically wanted to ooRP grief people when I pirated I would do it in a Xeno Gull and with a character I didn't actually care about.
The situation yesterday however ruined my mood, though. The accusation of it being targeted to annoy the player behind the character is a result of the Bellona 2.0 thing - that is something that pretty much shaped my first impression on you, as you refered to something ooRP inRP back then - mind you that is months old, as that happened during the first Core-Zoner-Conflict, to be exact after the first month of me being active here. That had an impact on my impression of the situation last evening, as, looking at the dsace.logs, I didn't get the impression that I was free to leave after paying you the usual five million credits. The first robberies were quite okay. Komachi is annoying, blabbering and petulant inRP, just like Tal Ravis, and to an extend, Eliza Valdez, although the latter does it usually less.
What I'm saying is I pretty much got the impression of "If you move before satisfying me, you're dead" and I didn't want to find out if that impression was to be truth. Which resulted in me being pinned down for 15 minutes, pressured by torpedo launchers pointing at a Whale and Komachi talking faster than I tend to react in stressful situations.
hi whats this about a ban? i didnt wanna muck up yalls thread.
whatever fox wants just gotta let me know i mean.. he is busy. but i just wanna make sure he wants to come back and that theres a few things about his charicters we can work out that didnt happen before.
Foxglove had a bad day and disconnected from a Core fight, swearkicking in a jump hole, then took me serious when I told him to use the Disconnected-thread. The Admins found out he tried to trick them, and revoked his SRP on Genevieve Mercier. Foxglove, still in bad mood, posted that that doesn't hurt much as you throwing him out of the Oracles already pretty much ruined his motivation for that SRP character, so Spazzy took it as invitation to add another sanction to it, which is yet to be stated. However, they took Foxglove's access from the game server. In the meantime Foxglove continued all the forum RPs and probably will take a bit of distance from some Skype chats, as the constant pressure from different factions, as he said, is beginning to affect his mood negatively.
Currently, he is busy inRL because of exams, though, so he hasn't found that much time to react to current threads. He is eager to join back to the community once RL is settled.
(02-14-2017, 12:10 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: The situation yesterday however ruined my mood, though. The accusation of it being targeted to annoy the player behind the character is a result of the Bellona 2.0 thing - that is something that pretty much shaped my first impression on you, as you refered to something ooRP inRP back then - mind you that is months old, as that happened during the first Core-Zoner-Conflict, to be exact after the first month of me being active here. That had an impact on my impression of the situation last evening, as, looking at the dsace.logs, I didn't get the impression that I was free to leave after paying you the usual five million credits. The first robberies were quite okay. Komachi is annoying, blabbering and petulant inRP, just like Tal Ravis, and to an extend, Eliza Valdez, although the latter does it usually less.
What I'm saying is I pretty much got the impression of "If you move before satisfying me, you're dead" and I didn't want to find out if that impression was to be truth. Which resulted in me being pinned down for 15 minutes, pressured by torpedo launchers pointing at a Whale and Komachi talking faster than I tend to react in stressful situations.
I have no idea what a Bellona thing is. I'm guessing it's something negative, which would be fair enough because my first impressions of you were similarly dull.
I am a little concerned that you would choose to fly 200k around the system just to avoid yours truly pirating for 5m, and that you were so seemingly reluctant to engage in any sort of dialogue beyond the bare minimum. If you're honestly in that bad of a mood or otherwise cheesed off that being expected to give some RP gratification to the guy interacting with you is going to upset you, just send a quick // PM and I'll be happy to sit back. I'm not here to ruin your day, but I don't appreciate being treated like a toll booth, and personally I think you're overreacting horrendously. Piracy is hard enough without being stonewalled and watching people fly around the system to avoid you, but thankfully Vasko kept me company
As I said, it's rather challenging to be a good company when a second of double nova is enough to have you wait two hours to be able to go to Shikoku again. Since we have talked about it now, I think it will make it a bit easier to have more satisfying encounters in future.
I'm not out to blue message you. I don't know what other pirates you've run into, but if I wanted money I'd be trading, if I wanted PvP I'd be logging something else, and if I wanted to ruin someone's day I'd be asking for a lot more than five million so I had an excuse to put them out of the system for two hours.
If you want my DSAce to look for shadowlog evidence or something, you can have it - but if you don't have a leg to stand on when you accuse me of logging in just to needle the people behind characters rather than looking for whatever scant interaction you can find these days as a pirate, then I'd rather you didn't bother stirring sh*t up. I might just be a speed bump on your road to powertrading up a NEMP, but believe it or not I'm logging on to enjoy myself as well. In fact, it's kind of shocking how ironic your complaining about me is, considering that your in game attitude on the whole was on par with the kind of traders who seem to make a living out of screwing pirates over. I would have to start demanding 10m a pop and keep transports stopped for 20+ minutes to make flying 200k or more around the system 'worth it', but apparently starving unlawfuls of interaction is its own reward. This isn't even mentioning the fact that when you did eventually run into the pair of us, you cut me off with an out of the blue /givecash rather than show any RP related initiative whatsoever.
Something tells me that if it had been Vasko alone on the lanes, you would've been happy to pass by every time and wait even longer. A strange attitude to have when you're the one complaining about players behind the screen being targeted rather than their characters. I hope future encounters go better as well, but the ball is firmly in your court.
I did not accuse you of shadowlogging. You aren't Nyx. ;3
I have accused you of enjoying being an annoyance too much, and I told you why I did and based on what impression I did. It's not surprising you don't even remember the Bellona thing. I remember it though, and it gave me reason to think you tend to make weird things at times. The thing is less about someone being a speed bump but - as you said yourself, I wouldn't have minded to be stopped by Vasko, as I didn't the like eight times he did the days before, simply as I knew that it was always something enjoyable. The roleplay of him is less to be an annoyance but more to combine piracy with a little bit of unseriousness and humor. Another good example of that is @-Rax- with Uncle Willy. I often logged my transports and moved consciously through Liberty to give people something to do, and with some people I simply know it is a good thing to be in the losing position at times. Now avoiding you was rather to save my own mood from "Uh, it's that character again" and later "I'll just take the longer route as I'm more focused on listening to Huggster's monologue", so I didn't mind flying 166k which are, with a ship of a cruise speed of 350m/s I believe something between seven and eight minutes, probably a bit more because of the sun of Shikoku in the center.
It's simple. In my eyes you and your character weren't enjoyable, so I didn't bother giving you the stage for the show. As a very patient person, I can deal with ten minutes of Shikoku roaming than being actively forced to have a bad time.
But as I said, now that we talked about it and got each other's point. Future encounters either be better or will just be avoided the same way as before. With a community that is still big enough to provide more than 200 players that partake in the environment, although they obviously don't log at the same time, there are enough people to offer roleplay that is more enjoyable for both you and me, as I bet you are as much interested in Komachi being different than the way you display her as I am interested in turning my OSI transport into another snowflake.
You're the one setting up all the 'annoyance', not me. You're the one who takes iRP dialogue above and beyond, something I can only assume is because you'd decided to treat me (and not my character) that way right from the word go. Again you're trying to swing it like I'm forcing every transport that comes my way to have a bad time, but it's you with the problem and the stick up your ass. I feel like arguing with you is a waste of my time, but I really do find it hard to see how you can justify your actions in your own head as being reasonable. If I'd been taxing you extortionate sums or demanding a light novel every time you ran into me, sure, but on the whole your behaviour was some of the least pleasant I've ever seen from traders. It was a nice reminder as to why I stopped bothering pirating, that's for sure. I've seen similar justifications of 'I was doing something else' to excuse system wall running, too.
You could at least have the integrity to apologise, or at the very least acknowledge that you were being a dick. It's kind of blowing my mind that I'm supposed to be the bad guy here when everything I pirate gets off super light compared to what I could slam them with. Like I said, all it'd take is one ooRP poke and nobody would be wondering why we've regressed back into the age of Disco where interacting with anyone outside the safety bubble was a disaster to be avoided at all costs. Be honest - is it because you don't like me personally and I'm off the Christmas cards list, or because you're duelling the TAZ guy for the NEMP bonus and don't appreciate the heinous, or a mixture of both? Considering I've seen ore traders hungry for every credit that were more sporting than you I really am all ears. Maybe I should be flying a Xeno instead - at least then you'd have a semi-legitimate reason handed to you on a plate.