In fact, at this point I honestly just feel like leaving these here so people can draw their own conclusions. Maybe I am a terrible nasty pirate, but I didn't get any passive aggressive posts about me from the TAZ guy, so who knows?
Omi, I really get the impression you're trying to pick my wording purposely to disagree or not get the message. I really can't be arsed to explain you what my encounters so far with you, displayed by Komachi, have left as impressions. Beginning with the Core-Zoner-Conflict, where she and Ravis were babbling all the time and spamming the local chat with their horribly misplaced and horribly trivial conversations, over to just magically happen to be in the right place when the Rheinlandkorps met with the Core in Rho, where she and Ravis were there, against to spam the local with borderliningly annoying and trivial talking - that's by the way the day you had the brilliant idea of pulling something ooRP from the forum inRP to smacktalk the "Bellona 2.0", and having all that in mind, combined with your very subjective feedback on the Vagrant write-up and many other very moody and abrassive formulated pink walls in discussions, simply lead me to the impression of being extra careful when dealing with you, inRP and ooRP.
The situation yesterday was pretty confirming, as it once again was, or better, it felt to me like it was providing you a stage for putting up a show you enjoyed too much, as I asked multiple times whether I was clear to go after having already payed you the usual fee. Komachi instead continued with the smack-talk, about how boring-ass the business-focused zoners are and how much she hated them and all that, pointing with a bomber from close distance to a Whale that literally takes one torpedo for the shield, another for the hull, which not only would have ment that I had lost a few minutes and a few millions on that one run, but also ment I wasn't permitted to do the next four runs either as Shikoku is the bottleneck to Kusari, since people had the brilliant idea of removing Oita, which pretty much was the only reason to use Galileo in first place.
This isn't about being pirated, making money either from trading or from pirating. It is simply the fact that I mostly had bad encounters with you in the past, heated and provocative discussions in practically every pink wall you ever posted on the forum, and even ingame the days before when pirating me it turned from "Oh, nice, that was one of the more interesting times of being pirated", something I even kudos'd, to "Yeah, okay, I get it. You hate boring-ass, non-snowflaked, trading zoners and repeat it over and over again, fine" to "Okay, I have no idea whether I can move now or if I get shot or if they shoot the trade lane once again". I think I explained that more than enough now. You simply have to deal with what reactions your actions cause. I know you can be a magnificient roleplayer, and I enjoyed reading The Quiet Place really much, but I also know you can be a perfect mix of Tal and Shiki that simply lack respect based on thinking that some people are less worth then they are for what they have already achieved in the community and what else not. Get it? It's the lack of social skills that makes it hard to enjoy you at times. If I want to be confronted with a wall of hate, I'd watch a rap battle or RP with Yoshida.
So I really wonder here who's being a dick, because my reactions are caused by your actions and your approach. So yeah, it's simply because I have the feeling you tend to cross a bridge too often when I see a Komachi. It feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'd rather fly 20k above the trade lanes rather than to be forced to deal with her. Being confronted with her once is okay, twice was the begin of revelation and third was just "meh". And when I can't enjoy it, I avoid it, since obviously this kind of talk doesn't bring us anywhere but accusing each other of being a dick. All I can assure you is that Realekki is no competion. I know when he logs, and he knows I have more time to log. So that isn't a thing, really, as we often talk during the trading sessions.
Damn, well uh.. i guess ill do what i can. i mean. sanctions are what they are but. whats important is he gets his tests done. this stuff wil settle down it always does.
and again. im serious about supporting each other dont wanna just end it there. otherwise I still got new guides and recruitment and boring stuff to post today.
Okay, so basically if you cut all the waffle out you're upset because I was rude to you in the past, and somehow that combined with you walking into a pirate encounter and expecting a barrel of laughs out of it means you can justify accusing me of "targeting" and "humiliating" you - not your character, you personally, despite my telling you over and over again that that's not the case.
This is leaving aside the fact that the only reason I even found out you were upset was that you decided to make little passive-aggressive snipey posts with smiley faces on them in a Flood thread, rather than (shock horror) approach me directly in some other manner or deciding to maybe just not whinge about it in public. How on Earth can you sit there and accuse me of having no social skills when this is how you act? You're making a direct attack on me and insinuating that I'm out to get you, I call you out on it, and suddenly we're in full reverse gear mode with you trying to declare that 'everything will be better in future'? Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. How can you accuse me of baiting you into a reaction when it's entirely your fault we're having this argument? You couldn't stop yourself from playing the passive-aggressive victim game, or whatever your posts were meant to accomplish, but somehow it's me who's instigated a 'reaction' from you? All you've proven is that I'm still the most easily baited guy ever when it comes to forum arguments, and to be honest pretty much everyone knew that about me anyway.
Seriously, all you had to do was either approach directly and sort out your little niggling grievances, but instead you were the one who chose to blank me as hard as you could in-game, going so far as to pre-empt a demand with a /givecash before I'd even opened my mouth. Technically, it wasn't even a pirate encounter, but you keep coming back to it as if I was genuinely threatening to bury you and your transport six feet under instead of joshing you around. You're the one blurring the lines between IC and OOC here, not me. You were the one who assumed the worst straight from the get-go, assuming that I was out for blood and that if you moved even an inch I'd send you six feet under, and you were the one who went off to the forums to go sniping about how terrible it all was in Flood. You can't sit there and lecture me about no social skills and self-fulfilling prophecies in your position - I didn't make you be so abrupt and dismissive iRP or ooRP, nor did I force you to take the long way around simply to avoid little old me. The TAZ there knew how to deal with sh*t he didn't wanna see, and didn't even have to break character once to do it. I feel like you were long gone from any semblance of immersion by the time we were done, but how much of that is my fault compared to how you reacted to me?
Maybe it is better for both our sakes that you keep me out of your safe-space bubble, because it seems like nothing I say or do can ever be right in your ideal little world. It doesn't help that the only place to defend myself against your allegations about myself, my character, and my motivations for logging in is on the forums in public for everyone else to see, but I'm not the one allergic to Skype contact requests, nor do I consider my PM inbox closed. I don't see how you can launch such vigorous accusations against my personality when you're the one sparking this fire off in the first place. All I'm doing (other than looking stupid and stressing myself out because I keep taking the bait, but smh it's too hard) is making sure people don't get the wrong idea and think you have any evidence to base your little barbed comments off.
Omi, it's simple: You did mix IC and OOC in the past. I remember that, will always associate that with you. You did crap in the past, and it sticks with you. Just like pink walls of passive-aggression.
(02-14-2017, 06:51 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Omi, it's simple: You did mix IC and OOC in the past. I remember that, will always associate that with you. You did crap in the past, and it sticks with you. Just like pink walls of passive-aggression.