The Nomad Vagrants Feedback Thread
This is the now compulsory feedback thread of the faction. We as the faction are obligated to give people who have grievances an outlet for these, while you are obligated in turn to be civil and conduct yourself with dignity. So here is the procedure:
I. Writing Feedback:
It should be clear to you that running to the forums is an ultima ratio solution. While we cannot force you to do it, we heavily encourage you to first undergo the two steps below in order to sort out your issue.
Contact @Foxglove over Skype and raise the issue with him, the leader.
Write a PM to the forum account detailing what the issue is, why it makes you sad, and how it could be resolved.
Not doing any of this can potentially have an impact to how feedback of yours is responded to. If we notice you are merely out to stir up forum drama, you will be waived or directed to PM or Skype.
Also note that feedback threads are not discussion threads. There will be one post from you, and one answer from us. That is all. Everything beyond that pertaining to the same issue will be ignored, as it has already been addressed.
II. What we promise:
The faction promises to do two things:
Respond to concise and constructive criticism fairly and take it into account.
Respond to feedback at least once every two weeks, starting from the time the feedback was given.
III. What we demand in return:
A friendly and constructive demeanour while giving feedback. This is not a legal way for you to do trial by forum.
That you outline your problem in a way that answers the following three questions: What is the problem? Why does it make you feel sad? How could the situation be improved?
That you read this post and see whether what you are about to post may even be raised as issue here.
That's it. If you want to, you may use the template below, simply for formatting reasons, but you are not obliged to. This is merely a friendly offer of ours to sort your thoughts.
I just want to give you guys a kudos. I've roleplayed with the Vagrant on your side and against you in the Corsair pew events. I think you guys are doing a great job at being nomads and at the same time not abusing the ability to use nammu's or irra's with your ID at this time. I also like the idea of points as your rank structure so a player starts for the bottlm and works there way up. This brings back good memories of disco and how the rank structure used to work. Not how much skill you have in pvp or how active you are. So keep the good work ul and kudos to you all for the enjoyable encounters
I forsee a great future for both our factions. The RP interaction I personally had, were great, looking forward. How nomads should actually be imo. Not some passive-aggressive emo-like jellyfish. ^_^
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign
Our ID has been added into the game. You can view the contents and ID lines here in the first spoiler. The ID has allowances to purchase Liquid Cardamine off Nomad bases and a tractor beam that has the same range as human ones. The same has been added to the K'Hara ID. Currently, our wish for fuelless jump drives and survey modules for the ID is being discussed.
Furthermore, the last patch has seen the Vagrants receive a unique ship as reaction to an SRP request posted last year. You can see both infocard and stats on the bottom of this post. Further stats like turn rate and acceleration will be added because I feel like being fancy. Not now, though.
Also, thank you all for your kind words. It means a lot to see people appreciating our efforts.
I was not at all impressed today from the Vangrat raider players i "interacted" with. One of them even accused me of duel boxing.
I've been told that you guys are interested in roleplay and I have tried a lot to get some of that cool nomad RP interaction, but I guess you guys have other ideas.
Actually, it was the same player that I interacted with on both occasions that left a poor taste in my mouth.
In both instances, the player showed up in gamma when I was mining. Not a problem here, but we moved our ships to dock and came back with VHFs. I was with Pepe the first time and was told specifically to RP with the player and not attack, which i didnt. We tried to give a lot of RP towards the nomad but it just flew around, not answering back for most of the time and when it did RP it just gave the same repetitive RP and not really anything interesting. It later flew off.
The second time was before posting here. The player showed up and followed both of us but said nothing. I went on my ship to RP with it again to see if I could but it just flew to Omega-55 (no one was there). I decided to follow it to maybe catch some glorious nomad RP but after flying for maybe 15 mins in Omega 55 he just flys back to Gamma and then Delta after.
Being curious, I follow it into Delta and then I'm met with the following 'rp' after an initial 'hello' "blah blah blah ignores twighlight" whatever.
1) // Please don't call all your friends on me. I barely could even fight. (no new players were called in and we didnt fire a shot)
2) //yeh it sucks - have fun dual boxing (I dont.... ?)
What's the point of that player flying to Gamma in the first place and finding us if it doesnt want to pvp or RP (yes it PMed me saying to stop calling for reinforcements and the 2nd time accuses me of mulitboxing and doesnt want anything to do with me). All I wanted to do was RP on an RP server.
You guys made a big move to DROP the nomad old RP wording and go for an easier approach. The reason was to RP easier. And now you guys are simply just ignoring players who want to interact with you.
If that's the case, I'll jsut skip the RP and shoot from now on. I dont see a reason at the moment to Roleplay with you guys if I just get ignored. Must have been the most disappointing nomad experience I've had in a while.