The only people that were helping the new players (Angels) and were the only ones that kept these same newbs, including old me, from quiting from this server, are now gone.
And now normal players have a duty to help them.
Why not, we only have to remember 100 RP Rules, and to follow them, and we get stressed every day because you never know when is pirate going to jump on you or when is a fool that doesn't follow rules going to blast you. Sure, add helping to that too.
My point is, that angels were people that really helped players, and that was all that was required from them!
For us as you can see, it's required all of the above i mentioned, now normal dudes have to be Angels too!
With all due respect to Admins, this was not a good decision, and i would recommend them at least think about reconsidering the return of the Angels.
Thank you.
That would make sense if the Angels still existed. They were dead as is, doesn't matter if the admins discontinued them.
Also, nobody is forcing you to play the game AND help others... With some common sense maybe you'll do it. But if you really don't want to or it's too difficult, then it's fine; that's the whole point, helping is no longer limited to a dead faction. We'll have more "angels" now.
First of all, I never said I don't want to help new players. I was a new player once too, and you cannot forget your past, because your past is what got you where you are now.
What I am trying to say is that players today face many challenges, and with many challenges comes stress, and I am saying that when players are in that period, they aren't always in mood to help others.
This is in relation with artus's post about peoples past, its not really relevant but it kinda ticked off past memories
There was once an owner of an old CSS server...
he had few admins to assist him, but they were good admins, very few ever needed the rank removed
one question he asked people surprisingly was, "Have you been banned yet?"
this was because often players who caught his eye would misuse the new power, where as ones whom have received bans knew the punishment and had something to look back on and not repeat.
but they also knew what it was like to deal with bias most the time, it created a very friendly server known as Warmcup(of tea)
Employing admins who have had these punished pasts help find the ones who will not repeat such and will do their best to keep the game fair.
But anyway i agree with the removal as some players would simply direct noobs to angels, whom were somewhat rare, they would say a name ingame, but thats a forum name, newbies like young me had no clue who these people were or that a forum existed like this... it took me being sanctioned to get into the forum and to get my act together
Hey, you think I am complaining here because of myself? Not really. I am doing it because those players that have rank 14 need Angels, sure, they are not always online, but Angel was someone that was really kind to everyone, and he was not doing it because he has an Angel tag, he did it because he's a good man. Most players today are occupied with their stuff, and they won't help people.
All of you that agree with the removal of Angels is probably because when you needed help, there weren't any Angels online to help you. If you ever heard one of these guys speak one sentence, you would be with me on this one. That's my point right there. Don't judge Angels if you didn't even see one.
(03-29-2017, 11:13 PM)Zyliath Wrote: Don't snipe at each other in here, please. Keep it civil.
If you wanna snipe each other, go in Flood, on Skype, on Discord, or play CSGO with AWPs.
Nobody is "sniping" on each other. Please know a difference between an argument and a fight.
In this case I suppose the word "quarrel" would fit more to it than a fight. Then again it hasn't even gone that far down the line to even warrant anything. Just keep it to your points and only them and you're basically on a mini-debate.
On the hand of this topic though, I've seen a few angels in my time near consistently at one certain time period back around when I started. Never asked one for help though, I managed to clear that ruleset on my own since there's not exactly that many to honestly remember when you're finally flying. Though, this is all my experience and opinions upon the subject and nothing more than that.
A very disappointing thing about the disbanding of the Angels Faction is that, as far as I know, there was no consultation with the Angels themselves, as people with generally the most experience in dynamically helping new players. Certainly no-one contacted me about it and there was no general discussion. I'd like to know why please?
The reasons behind the act may or may not be rational and worthy, but that's not the point, maybe some other outcome could have been developed? But I guess it's too late to discuss it now that the decision has been arbitrarily made.
Answers on a postcard, here, or anywhere else that's public please.
To be honest, i totally agree with Artus, not only because i was an angel, but because he got a good point. I was an angel on trial, i really liked it, NO not because i had the tag "Angels" but because i liked helping new people when i didn't know what to do online. When that happened i logged on the angels, and i got a lot of good respons, and i really mean it, there was a LOT of people needing help, and saying they were glad that the angels was back.
Now people say i can put up a tag with "guide" in it or something like that, AND NO not to point fingers or anything, but that is just exactly what the angels did, IF you are unhappy about the leaders, just REMOVE them, you are truely the admins, you have the power to do it.