When you're not too busy spreading negativity - repeatedly - in a thread about this feature that is very well available, let's rather return to the question is as to why this got turned off. Typical PvP comfort optimization for snubs, bugs or abuse? I know for fact that AoE and explosion-based weapons are pretty evil in Freelancer's engine. Place a Heavy Battleship with two Nightmare Launchers at a station and aim for it. Any snub in short range will die if the missiles hit the station within short time.
This would be a nice-to-have, while it also isn't too much of a negative impact in terms of combat balance. It's not as if people will try hard to bring capitals and sacrifice them on snubs anyway. If anything, it would add nothing more than a little tad of realism and might prevent snubs from trying to steal or invalidate a kill on a capital as they have to keep distance from the exploding ship.
Like with anything else, such a feature requires someone to do it. Suggesting ideas alone doesn't do much. Discovery is low on people that actually do something.
And we all know who to blame for it. That's literally one person, and nobody so far did anything to encourage that person to do anything for Discovery again. Whining about the new nomad models doesn't bring us anywhere, nor does it have any relation to the topic.
the topic is about something new in the mod, a new mechanic. how come we can have something new if we can't have something that we were said to have years ago?
not to mention that we have an erormous amount of fixes in a backpack, such as dockmodules, /setmsgs's, torpedoes, cruiser razors, effects, etc
and simply making Disco a second Crossfire is just pathetic, considering the fact that our balance team doesn't even bothers about the mod itself
Quote:Place a Heavy Battleship with two Nightmare Launchers at a station and aim for it. Any snub in short range will die if the missiles hit the station within short time.
This can only work in lets say 1% chances , and even when it work , it will be only time . Story about "that noob manage to kill that ace with 2 nightmare" will spread at team speak and nobody that consider it self good snub pilot will allow that to happen to him . Noobs can still be killed by that or by double mortar trick if they sleep in battle .
(09-21-2017, 01:00 PM)Operator Wrote: the topic is about something new in the mod, a new mechanic. how come we can have something new if we can't have something that we were said to have years ago?
Mate, if you have any knowledge of coding that stuff or know anyone who could - be my guest. We're all extraordinary good at pointing out what's missing, but somehow we're not that eager to actually raise a finger to get stuff done.
The thread is about a new/rehashed feature, which is nice. If anyone wants to talk nomads, let's make an all new thread of it.
Because when a nice big ship goes up in a nice big explosions, having it strike a little goddamn fear in your heart and making you turn around and fly in the other direction very fast, is fun. It's big damn fun and no space game is complete without it.
This isn't going to completely tank snub combat. Nobody is going to be suicide ramming cruisers into groups of snubs. It just isn't effective. It's a neat cosmetic feature and it adds some flavor to the world. This existed in the hayday of .85 when the server was constantly packed with 200 people. It wasn't abused then, it didn't cause balance problems then, and it won't now.