==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Geisha Engine mountable on other transports. ====================
I have yet to try this myself, but I remember someone posting that the Geisha engine is mountable on other transports. This would cause said other transport to cruise at 355, rather than the intended 350.
The simplest fix to this I can think of would be to implement a special tech cell for the Geisha's engine. If any other transport tries to mount a Geisha engine, it gets nerfed to 10% core. That's the price you pay for squeezing extra speed into the drives!
This would be preferable to nerfing the Geisha's engine speed to 350, as I feel that's one of the main selling points of the Geisha, aside from it being an RP transport.
==================== Type: Systems(?) Bug: Pirate IFF no rephacks ====================
I checked and while pirates are rephacked against a load of things, nothing is actually rephacked /against/ pirates. This means that everyone can dock at pirate bases.
On a side note it would be kind of cool if intel factions could keep the ability to dock at pirate installations given that they can ally with unlawfuls.
==================== Type: Ship / POB Bug: Visited POBs are missing from radar after game restart. ====================
It seems, that POB locations are not loaded on character login, or not saved at all. Once POB is visited, it is shown on radar (provided you are in the same system ofcourse) until game is restarted.
I created a test POB in Virginia (Radar Visibility Test) and run following test scenario:
Deploy POB -> dock on nearest NPC base (34k) -> undock = POB visible on radar.
Dock -> New character -> log POB creator -> undock = POB visible on radar.
Dock -> New character -> log different char -> New character -> log POB creator = POB visible on radar.
Dock -> New server -> log POB creator = POB visible on radar.
Game restart -> log POB creator = POB NOT visible on radar.
Fly to POB -> POB appears on radar when I get closer than 10k.
Dock on nearest NPC base -> game restart -> POB NOT visible on radar.
Hasn't this always been the case? It'd be an FLHook or game engine thing anyway. ~Alex
Certainly not. I would have noticed if I had to search for my bases every time I do a supply run. As it is super annoying.
Also I'm not the only one, @"JackFreeway" has reported the same problem.
It happend after Discovery 4.89.1 - Patch 8 or 4.89.2 update so I thought it was relevant to post it here. Any other place I should have posted it then?
Seems somebody messed with this hack. It should be -0.55 maximum, no minimum. Or in other words, it should be possible to be hostile to Core on ALG.
Didn't test the opposing side but should be the same.
==================== Type: Systems Bug: 2 overlapping objects ====================
An "Unknown Object" is overlapping with the Planet Darlington Atmospheric Entry point. If I click the JH in space, it clicks "Unknown Object" and the dock accesses are denied. If I click the JH in the Nav-Map, it clicks "Atmospheric Entry Point", granting the access to Planet Darlington.
==================== Type: Reputations Bug: EFL ( presumable other Gallic Factions) dockable with the commonwealth ====================
The EFL restart sets the Commonwealth as neutral friendly, which I can only assume means the new IFF is a recycled Solar IFF that the restarts for Gallia may not have ever been fixed for. Not sure if its the same on the other side though that could be worth checking into