So yese parents were mollys, roight ? Un' ye wish tae serve yer people ?
Well, me guess, ye came tae de roight place, laddie. Un' please do accept me apologies fer nae answerin' since so far.
Consider, ye in'... But lemme ask ye a question... since ye parents owned a moinin' shippie , dinnae ye learn sumtin' 'bout moinin'?
Fer oy dinnae see ye wantin' tae join deh MMC...
Name:Sorcha Gender:Female Age30 Clan:Hanegan Tick the role you want to be in [M] Regular [M][X] Wild Geese[] MMC[X]
Biography: I was born on Cork, specifically in the Ballyvolane area, bordering the Mayfield and White's Cross districts to the south. My mother Aileen taught me about mining since I was little and took care of me and my younger brother Liam whilst my father George was off fighting against the occupying forces and those damned Corsair swine, which I know is an insult to pigs because at least pigs are useful.
I digress however my father sacrificed himself saving my family whilst fending off them sairs during the burning of Cork, afterward my family and I moved to Coleraine. Where I continued to learn, until I was 18, whilst my brother Liam is off mining I became a small time engineer mostly dealing with fluid intakes and fluid outputs.
Reasons for joining us: I long for a world and time where future Mollies can live free from both the sairs and the crowns, serve my people in a meaningful manner and perhaps on a more personal matter I want to honour my father and his memory. S.K.Y.P.3 information bafleeadama
Name:Tom Shelby Gender:Male Age:30 Clan:Shelby's Tick the role you want to be in [M] Regular [M][X] Wild Geese[] MMC[X]
Biography: Hello e'ryone, my name's Tom, un' Imma looking fo'rd tae be the part of ya.
Ma mom's deh citizen of deh Republic, bot her grandparents were former BMM workers, dey took Molly's side during deh revolution. She's still alive, workin' at Foyle, unlike ma cold-headed dad. He was a man of fortune, a freelancer. He met her at Foyle un' in 3 years ma ol' brother was born. Dey lived quite poorly dere. Two years later ma dad had fulfilled a big contract wis Bowex corporation, few months later I was conceived. Dey were planning tae leave deh Republic fo' a better life in Liberty. He took a major half of his fortune tae make sings settled dere, bot got killed by unknown folks on his way sumwhere in Magellan.
A smaller part couldn't buy 'em a citizenship un' stuff dere, so Instead of tae be born in New York, I was born at Foyle. Money were spent tae make new identities fo' oos in Bretonia. She couldn't leave her parents, un' we were sent outta deh Republic at deh age of 10 un' 7. I was 21 when deh studying program had ended, bot instead of making a carrier in Bretonia, we came back tae deh Republic wis deh pack of knowledge un' rusty Scylla, bought from Rogues in Cortez system fo' deh rest of our money we'd had. We've believed dat we con make deh Republic a better place, un' it'd become better while we were absent. So it was just a matter of toime when we picked up a crew un' showed ourselves as a dignified persons, dignified enough tae become a part of [M]olly.
Reasons for joining us: I love un' believe tae deh Republic. No one should doubt in its independence. 'sairs un' deh Crown should leave oos alone, we'll foight 'till they don't admit it. Fightin' side by side wis other [M]ollies is deh best I con do. S.K.Y.P.3 information cptmutchell
Name:Paddy O'Rourke (Miss) Gender:Female Age:22 Clan:O'Rourke Tick the role you want to be in [M] Regular [M][] Wild Geese[] MMC[X]
Biography: Me Da and Ma became refugees to New London after the "troubles" 20 years ago. As a wee nipper I grew up hearin' th' tales of woe and misery that they and many Dubliners suffered. Me Da got employment wit' the Junkers in Trafalgar Base fixin' t'ings. I grew up there, went to the New London Academy For Business Women, and ventured forth to make me fortune. And I chose a business career as an entrepreneur buildin' and runnin' a Miners Pub.
Reasons for joining us:Me heart is fer the mistreated miners and their families of Dublin. If oi can use me marketing and business training to help miners establish themselves to be successful, then the families are enriched as is the cause. I ain't a fighter pilot, but oi can fight on the fiscal front.[/indent] S.K.Y.P.3 information None [/indent][/font]
Tom Shelby, Miss Paddy ... Tis a pleasure tae see foine molly mates willin' work fer deh Republic.
Oy's glad ye bein' in. Please do report tae deh fields officer at Arranmore fer yer uniforms un' duties.
Also, Miss Paddy, please consider joinin' deh regular forces, as e'en oif ye ain't a foighte' poilot, deh foight on deh economic front could requoire tae intercept Crown thieves un' salvage some o' ore.
Name:Edwald Hinsk Gender:Male Age:32 Clan:Hinsk Tick the role you want to be in [M] Regular [M][X] Wild Geese[X] MMC[X]
Biography: I ma born o'n a Hegemon Minin' ship when ma parrants ran away from da Armed Forces while som of de Mollys protected the Minin' ship. Ma woul' say, that ma owe you somethin', so her ma am, ready ta help de Mollys when tha helped ma! Oh ya, ma got experienc' o'n a Hegemon Minin' ship and ah ya some fighters...
Reasons for joining us: Was part of the Mollys in 2014-2016, time to rejoin. S.K.Y.P.3 informationMy old skype account is floated with 1000 bot friend requests... I would prefer Discord: Diamant Station#9961
(11-18-2017, 07:37 AM)Paddy. Wrote: Name:Paddy O'Rourke (Miss) Gender:Female Age:22 Clan:O'Rourke Tick the role you want to be in [M] Regular [M][] Wild Geese[] MMC[X]
Biography: Me Da and Ma became refugees to New London after the "troubles" 20 years ago. As a wee nipper I grew up hearin' th' tales of woe and misery that they and many Dubliners suffered. Me Da got employment wit' the Junkers in Trafalgar Base fixin' t'ings. I grew up there, went to the New London Academy For Business Women, and ventured forth to make me fortune. And I chose a business career as an entrepreneur buildin' and runnin' a Miners Pub.
Reasons for joining us:Me heart is fer the mistreated miners and their families of Dublin. If oi can use me marketing and business training to help miners establish themselves to be successful, then the families are enriched as is the cause. I ain't a fighter pilot, but oi can fight on the fiscal front.[/indent] S.K.Y.P.3 information None [/indent][/font]
'Tis been a while, Blodwyn O'Driscoll. And in fact oi am wonderin' if th' position is still available to join th' ranks of Molly Regular forces.
I refer to me previous application above.
I am equipped wit' me own Scylla and a Pitbull Special fer the... gatherin' up of loose goods, let us say.
There are a few sundry other craft includin' me trusty miners (Gawd bless 'em).