==================== Type: ID | K'Hara Bug: Does not Allow for purchase of the Nomad Cloak on Cruiser ====================
Edit: I was able to purchase a cloak on Dur-Skurrikun but once equipped it says its not compatible with the new cruiser, even tho in the info card it says its for cruisers. So both Altair and Dur-SHurrikun are having issues.
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: The Civ Shuttle's backview camera is messed up. It has a disproportionate FoV to the size of the ship, or at least compared to ships of the same class. ====================
Did you fly a cap or other large ship before you switched to the Stargazer? That usually causes it. -Xalrok
==================== Type: POBs Bug: The PoB R&D.Station in O-Kappa undocks 100K below the sun. ====================
Edit: The installation is still intact and operational.
==================== Type: Bases/Graphics Bug: Corinth is invisible until you're up close. ====================
(11-29-2017, 01:50 AM)Nodoka Hanamura Wrote: ==================== Type: POBs Bug: The PoB R&D.Station in O-Kappa undocks 100K below the sun. ====================
==================== Type: Tradelanes Bug: Tradelanes disabled for no reason. ====================
Sometimes a tradelane ring is distrupted for no reason. No player in the system, no NPCs around, no base in range.
This only happened with Gallic tradelanes, but I don't use Sirian ones that often, so I don't know if it happens with them too.