Hey. I know you guys are in desperate need for faction activity, but using your hybrid permacloaks to afk at Freeport 11 while not saying a single word WHILE people are talking with you is the best way to have people instrumentalize the removal of permacloaks. Talking about Cleveland and Sharky aka Harbinger and Shrine.of.Vela. I've recorded them sitting for an hour at the Freeport without saying a word. Cloaked. That's not what your faction got the cloak for.
What actually is this faction? Since it's inception I have been really struggling to understand it's purpose and intent, and what it contributes to the roleplay environment. Not trying to make a dig or anything.
(12-09-2017, 04:45 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Hey. I know you guys are in desperate need for faction activity, but using your hybrid permacloaks to afk at Freeport 11 while not saying a single word WHILE people are talking with you is the best way to have people instrumentalize the removal of permacloaks. Talking about Cleveland and Sharky aka Harbinger and Shrine.of.Vela. I've recorded them sitting for an hour at the Freeport without saying a word. Cloaked. That's not what your faction got the cloak for.
Okay, Sombs. I don't know what stunt you're wanting to pull, but from the proof I've been given, I see a completely different situation in which you ask the help of John.Silverstone to drop some mines to spot the aforementioned ships. And that's just the top of the iceberg.
Other than that, you outright stated that said ships were Oracles, but you didn't meet them nor see them. And to top it off, you put two bounties on two ships you didn't even see inRP.
Whatever stunt you're trying, it just failed. And from what I see in said images, that shows me you doing the worst thing I'd imagine from a player of your caliber: metagaming and powergaming. Seriously, Sombs, I never expected you to fall so low.
(12-09-2017, 05:02 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: What actually is this faction? Since it's inception I have been really struggling to understand it's purpose and intent, and what it contributes to the roleplay environment. Not trying to make a dig or anything.
Click me for info.
This should help you in getting the idea of what Oracles are and what they do.
[09.12.2017 14:40:04] 72nd|MNS-Aurora: Cortez: Hola, captaines. Pilots.
[09.12.2017 14:40:10] Little.Spitfire: Good afternoon.
[09.12.2017 14:40:12] {CoF}Pathfinder: Sean: Evening
[09.12.2017 14:40:22] Harbourship.NewDawn: Aurora AI: Greetings,Captain of the Aurora.
[09.12.2017 14:40:32] C::Dia,Augustopolou: Oh, Outcasts.
[09.12.2017 14:40:34] C::Dia,Augustopolou: Even better.
[09.12.2017 14:40:48] C::Theo.Angelopoulos: Isn't that a bit too big for our taste?
[09.12.2017 14:40:56] 72nd|MNS-Aurora: Cortez: Hola, kinsmen.
[09.12.2017 14:41:07] C::Dia,Augustopolou: Another time.
[09.12.2017 14:41:26] C::Dia,Augustopolou: There's also the case of that Zoner GMG gunboat.
[09.12.2017 14:41:47] {CoF}Pathfinder: Sean: *shakes head* Only corsairs talk big
[09.12.2017 14:42:02] 72nd|MNS-Aurora: Cortez: They're a prideful people.
[09.12.2017 14:42:02] Oracle|Shrine.of.Vela: ?: "Mhhm."
[09.12.2017 14:42:14] {CoF}Pathfinder: Sean: Ask them to tell you a hunting story and they make out like they a gods among men, yet there they go
[09.12.2017 14:42:21] Changing screen mode=windowed
[09.12.2017 14:42:57] Oracle|Harbinger: AI: Searching- Corsair tales. . .
[09.12.2017 14:43:03] Oracle|Harbinger: AI: I found nothing.
[09.12.2017 14:43:08] {CoF}Pathfinder: Sean: Use the term 'canibal'
[09.12.2017 14:43:27] Oracle|Harbinger: AI: Searching- Canibal tales
[09.12.2017 14:43:58] Oracle|Harbinger: AI: Well, I have found one about a canibal describing the taste of human flesh.
[09.12.2017 14:44:10] Oracle|Harbinger: What the hell...
[09.12.2017 14:44:21] Oracle|Shrine.of.Vela: ?: "Disgusting."
I was present when they talked. You can also hear them being cloaked. For an hour. There is neither metagaming nor what you think what powergaming is, nor actual powergaming.
And just because a few lines from two tagged ships that were cloaked at that moment tells you right away their identification?
The answer is no.
Just because you read a tag, and heard cloak sounds, it doest not mean you know who's there, hidden behind a cloak. Do I need to remind you that lots of people in the 'Crons (eg. Core, Order, ORG, Nomads, Auxesia, Zoners) actually use cloaks out there?
By reading the logs, I can prove that they were there, yes - but that there were no talks about Nomads or Nomad supporters. The discussion was pointed at the Corsairs mostly. While I understand your character doesn't stand Nomad supporters, how would it know that Oracles could be such, given the fact that she never met them face-to-face inRP?
So, instead of looking into the issue of your members staying silent for an entire hour at Freeport 11, not responding to any talks with them while I was fully aware of them being there, you really try and take something as grey-area-ish like "Ouh, you only heard them but you didn't see the permacloaked onlinetime-intel-farmers" as an excuse to point your finger at someone who actually was present, recorded the stuff (it's uploading), interacted with people present, knew the Oracles were there because they talked while the guy on the Harbourship.NewDawn confirmed it was Oracles, who are known for being religious fanatics that have been spotted multiple times at Freeport 11 not-fighting nomads?
You're usually more professional than that, Zyl. You don't see the issue here but instead argue on evidence that obviously was given you without the full context. Instead you tell me how far I have fallen. Continue to try and make the wording of the rules your shield. If that's what you want to do, the Oracles really have fallen very, very low.
you both make valid points and I think we should come to an understanding.
Oracles should not sit an hour cloaking infront of players and not say anything. Its just bag gameplay, (try and use your perma cloaks with more reasoning.)
And Sombra maybe the bounties was a tad to far.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
No, they are valid. It's not like you sit in space and yell anonymously into space. You talk via radio. Those originate from sources. Sources with transponders. If you think you can trashtalk people cloaked in space anonymously, you're wrong. Sadly, this is a grey area.
Log into the game, prepare for roleplay consequences.
Weren't faction tags usually treated as ooRP for reasons of fairness?
Same like you treat a Wild vessel by its callsign including "Wilde" which inRP would be the most stupid thing to do for them.