it would be better to compare ships with a program.
I've put Typhoon,Kagutsuchi and Archer. As you can see even typhoon more fat compared to kagutsuchi. Increasing turn rate will make kagutsuchi very hard target, I think BD cruiser is fine it is very slim it can dodge better than a typhoon.
Also Light Cruisers are always been bad vs heavier cruisers but Light cruisers are best Fleet ships and better at killing bigger class ships.
I know its weird but bigger ships(same class) should have more turn speed otherwise they will be useless. I may take look at Cruiser turn rates soon currently most cruisers have same turn speed
it would be great to have different turn speeds.
(01-13-2018, 10:44 AM)eigos Wrote: I am "guessing" from a RP perspective, the LN cruiser uses the best components available and serves a larger organisation (Liberty Navy).
Dragons as a whole struggle to keep up with maintenance and cannot really afford to have the best components.
This is just a speculation. It CAN be buffed provided there is really a need for it. Capital ships for dragons are rarely thrown into battle anyways.
Also, more than happy to launch an RP project to explain any stat balancing/changes
(01-13-2018, 12:31 PM)Mr.Mike. Wrote: He said that their statistics are better than others and wanted to know why.
(01-13-2018, 12:33 PM)Antonio Wrote: Size.
(01-13-2018, 11:20 AM)Titan* Wrote: Balance devs, especially me. I look at ship size and design before balancing the ship.
Dragon Cruiser is smaller and thin compared to Liberty Cruiser, so that means dragon cruiser falls to Light cruiser category
Reddy is asking why the Dragon cruiser has worse stats*
The size isn't that much different,
They are both class 14 hulls on FLstat where the KU cruiser and the Typhoon being light cruiser class vessels are both class 13.
KU cruiser is much smaller yet has much more favorable stats. Including an extra heavy point.
(01-13-2018, 12:46 PM)Silverlight Wrote: Reddy is asking why the Dragon cruiser has worse stats*
Mostly because of ship design and then size
If you look at Ku destroyer from front, you'll see that its bigger than others
Ku Destroyer also have bigger engine compared to others
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The dragon cruiser is significantly smaller. It's effectively a much thinner LSC with the bulletcatching rings up front cut off. This means it has lower stats as it would be overpowered otherwise.
both cruisers were siege cannon types so i didn't understand why they had very different stats. now i understand a bit better.
Archer's main rival in liberty is scylla which has similar armor but more guns.
BD cruiser has to fight kudessi in kusari which has 300k armor, 1,800,000 powercore better turn speed and more guns. BD cruiser feels subpar to me, maybe something can be done to close the power gap a bit