==================== Type: Infocards Bug: Planet Miyazaki, Tottori ====================
The infocard appears to have been duplicated entirely, displaying the correct one first, but a broken coded version after the end of the correct description.
(02-07-2018, 12:04 AM)Spectre Wrote: ==================== Type: Infocards Bug: Planet Miyazaki, Tottori ====================
The infocard appears to have been duplicated entirely, displaying the correct one first, but a broken coded version after the end of the correct description.
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Port Said (bw01_05) equipment dealer is empty ====================
Station in question should sell standard snub Order equipment at very least.
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Battlecruiser Luna (ew18_02) equipment dealer ====================
It has Corsair guns. Should be Core.
Fixed. -Xalrok
==================== Type: Rephack, I guess? Bug: Order & new Civilian IFF's ====================
There's no legitimate way that I have found so far to make Crayter Republic & SCRA civilians neutral to The Order official ID. The issue is likely happening to indie ID too. I've reported it like 4 times already to no effect ever since implementaiton of those.
==================== Type: Infocard Bug: Otaru Border Station description ====================
"The Kusari State Police have been given control of the old supply depot, and have converted it into a border outpost from which they can oversee traffic heading through the gate. However, despite the outpost's presence, Blood Dragon activity remains high throughout upper Hokkaido. The base is still being converted, and is expected to be fully operational by 822 A.S., freeing up Battleship Matsumoto from her activities in the system. "
Matsumoto is gone
==================== Type: Infocard Bug: Misaki Station ====================
"Since then, Misaki has become a busy station, not only producing Quantum Multiplexors for most of Sirius, but also becoming a waystation for traffic between Kusari and Gallia. Kusari Navy officials have indicated they wish to move the Battleship Matsumoto into the system once the Otaru border station is complete. . "
Matsumoto isn't there either
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez
The Maxim Chaingun Rounds show that you can buy 2000 more than are capable of purchase. Then when you try to buy them, it takes your credits (500k) and then it doesn't put them in. The total capacity is 2000 rounds, but the allowed to buy amount is 4000 rounds. This happened on Battleship Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Ship: Falchion
Edit: The problem also happened on other bases, in addition to losing the 500k credits for trying to go over the 2000 capacity, trying to buy any amount higher than 2000 takes the amount (r x 250cr) but puts no rounds in the storage. For instance, I had 1911 total in my storage, I tried to buy 90 (I did my math wrong to check) and it took the money for 90 x 250cr but gave me none.
THE IMBALANCE OF POWERis a construct ofTHE MINDsystemic to the reactions between the subjects of the system.POWERis given by those who acknowledge such power.REFUSALto acknowledge power removes that power forTHE REBEL; however, it produces anomalies in interactions throughout the system. TheseANOMOLIEScause theUNPREDICTABLEnature of the system that all usersCRAVE.
==================== Type:Infocard Bug: Maquis ID ====================
ID line says: Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo except for the l'Ane and Vache. Tho both of these transports have less than 4,300 cargo. Just a cosmetic problem.