I am not sure if you were directing the "moot" comment to me. but the way this would have to work is there would be a server time and people would have to convert that to their time frame themselves. Plus, if as suggested the time is posted on the forum as well it would be easy to track.
Isn't there already an 'internet' clock set to new Meridian time?
Which operates were time is the same all over the World with no time zones adjustment.
Yes but having an INGAME clock is the issue we're discussing.
And what is the best format for a clock like this.
Some say Server time.
Some say Sirius time.
Some say..whatever else there is.
Amon my "moot" thing was directed at you, but I'll just clarify.
If we use Standard Units...the end user will still have to convert that into his own timezone.
If we use proper server time the end user still has to convert that into his own timezone.
It doesnt matter what time system we use, the end user still has to convert it into his own time.
So, having an argument that is against server time, based on the player having to convert it into his own timezone is moot, as it really makes no difference. It's nothing against you, it's just its a point that doesnt need to come into the discussion, as everyone will have to do it anyway.
About the only way that i can think of getting around this is saying...ingame....400 untis from now, or 15 hours from now. The end user can then look at the clock on the wall and see when 15 hours from now is. But that is still converting so it really doesnt make any difference at all.
Pros: of Server time
Admins can more easily track offending patrons via screenshots with the timestamp.
People can easy enough (i believe) convert one standard server time into their timezone (use a net time converter if its really that difficult)
Is one standard timeframe for all.
Easier to co-ordinate attacks / trades etc
Is difficult for some people to convert
Doesnt reflect the different ingame timezones i.e. Liberty Time, Rheinland time etc.
Pros: of Sirius time
Everyone knows what time it is.
Easier to co-ordinate attacks / trades etc
Admins have to convert the timezone to track offending SS.
Doesnt reflect the different ingame timezones i.e. Liberty Time, Rheinland time etc.
Have to log on ingame to find out the time...unless that was also displayed on the forums or wiki or net somewhere? Maybe at the top? or in a thread?
Make sense?
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
' Wrote:Yes but having an INGAME clock is the issue we're discussing.
And what is the best format for a clock like this.
Some say Server time.
Some say Sirius time.
Some say..whatever else there is.
Amon my "moot" thing was directed at you, but I'll just clarify.
If we use Standard Units...the end user will still have to convert that into his own timezone.
If we use proper server time the end user still has to convert that into his own timezone.
It doesnt matter what time system we use, the end user still has to convert it into his own time.
So, having an argument that is against server time, based on the player having to convert it into his own timezone is moot, as it really makes no difference. It's nothing against you, it's just its a point that doesnt need to come into the discussion, as everyone will have to do it anyway.
About the only way that i can think of getting around this is saying...ingame....400 untis from now, or 15 hours from now. The end user can then look at the clock on the wall and see when 15 hours from now is. But that is still converting so it really doesnt make any difference at all.
Pros: of Server time
Admins can more easily track offending patrons via screenshots with the timestamp.
People can easy enough (i believe) convert one standard server time into their timezone (use a net time converter if its really that difficult)
Is one standard timeframe for all.
Easier to co-ordinate attacks / trades etc
Is difficult for some people to convert
Doesnt reflect the different ingame timezones i.e. Liberty Time, Rheinland time etc.
Pros: of Sirius time
Everyone knows what time it is.
Easier to co-ordinate attacks / trades etc
Admins have to convert the timezone to track offending SS.
Doesnt reflect the different ingame timezones i.e. Liberty Time, Rheinland time etc.
Have to log on ingame to find out the time...unless that was also displayed on the forums or wiki or net somewhere? Maybe at the top? or in a thread?
Make sense?
Ok i see where your "moot" point was coming from now, and yes I agree. Now so far as debating between "server" time and "Sirius" time why not just have Sirius time set to the server time? As calling it Sirius time seem to me to be more a topic of esthetics than anything else so that it fits with role play. For the sake of making this clock easy and workable for all it should be called Sirius time but have the same time, month, and date as the server. However, the year would be different to match with the RP environment of the game. Perhaps if it were to be a 12 hour set clock there could be some other name for am and pm as well. Lets keep this idea simple, functional, and easy to use, as I suggested it to bring better order to the game not make it more complicated.
' Wrote:Ok i see where your "moot" point was coming from now, and yes I agree. Now so far as debating between "server" time and "Sirius" time why not just have Sirius time set to the server time? As calling it Sirius time seem to me to be more a topic of esthetics than anything else so that it fits with role play. For the sake of making this clock easy and workable for all it should be called Sirius time but have the same time, month, and date as the server. However, the year would be different to match with the RP environment of the game. Perhaps if it were to be a 12 hour set clock there could be some other name for am and pm as well. Lets keep this idea simple, functional, and easy to use, as I suggested it to bring better order to the game not make it more complicated.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
Im curious as to how people think an overlay can be created. There is only 2 ways i can think of:
1. Draw directly to Freelancer using its DC Handle (GetWindowDC), this works but the problem is how to find out when SwapBuffer is called (I assume Direct X uses the Windows API SwapBuffer command like OpenGL does to "end a frame"). If the drawing isn't syncronised to when Freelancer draws then it "flickers".
2. Place a transparent window over Freelancers and then make components on the window apear/disapear. Making a transparent window should be easy, but one thing i don't get is how to make the window work right in fullscreen mode. When in fullscreen mode any window thats from an application that never initalised the fullscreen makes windows jump back to the desktop when its the active window...
Note: iv never attemtped to make an overlay, tho i did try out method 1.
Well now we get to the implementation of the Clock.
Someone suggested at regular intervals the Console input the server time into an ingame messge.
I dunno how much work that is.
An Overlay is another option. I assume Directx?
What about having another text box ingame? Is that possible? Maybe top left or something? That way if people need to edit their shots (i.e remove the UI for some reason) the timestamp will also be gone. This might or might not be a good thing. What about just above the chat exit point?
Are there any other ways of getting a timestamp ingame?
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.