That is incredible... I think you should increase its price or restrict is cargo or people will just use it as a transport...4500 cargo for 65 mill?
How much is the Large train from Newcastle?
It was already mentioned that this ship would state it's faction restriction (junker only) in the infocard. Meaning... you wont have your standard traders using it, only junker tagged and ID'd players. I also think it would be nice to sell the thing in the junker guard system (puerto rico) to make it less accessible.
as for price related to cargo space...
The Container Transport - which has 12 turrets and is considered the best transport for combat purposes - has 4200 cargo space and costs 69.5 million
The large train has 4500 cargo space and costs 80 million.
The Pirate Train has 4300 cargo space and only costs 56 million.
The advanced train with 5000 cargo space (largest cargo hold for any ship in the mod) is 110 million.
Quote:Ah ok. That makes more sense. Whats to stop people from buying it anyway (I will do on openSP. I just GOTTA have a go on that smile.gifsmile.gif)
If it's listed clearly in the ship's infocard as a junker-only vessel, anyone using it who isnt a junker could be sanctioned for it.
Really, I think putting this thing out there with the same stats as the container transport would be perfect. Anyone wanting a similar ship for stats could use the container transport instead - which is available to most traders. It would give the junkers a unique ship that nobody else (except the harvesters, and the ship fits them as well) would have access to.
More combat capable, as this would be the 'capship' available to junkers (though still limited to transport-class shields and weapons), but it would still serve as a capable mining/trading ship.
Make sure the infocard will say : "This ship is used by Junkers to...." So, in case of contest, we'll say : "HEY YA, THIS SHIP IS JUNKER ONLY ! CAPWHORE !"
Sounds good ?
OK for gentle RP, OK for gentle PvP too. What do you prefer ?
Hurk hurk hurk...
[\JG/]Pim (mercenary, ex-IMG)(Raven's talon, New London and New Berlin mainly)
John Smith(independant trader, ex-contract killer on Manhattan)(Heavy Tanker)
Have a ship-specific "Mining Gun" like the special turrets on Liberty GBs and Cruisers.
Make this gun do no shield damage, and minimal hull damage, but have a HUGE splash area.
This would mean that, by pointing it at a nearby rock fragment, all other nearby fragments would be destroyed, making this an extremely efficient mining vessel for scrap etc.
here is a collection of ingame pictures. ( the location is omicron-alpha )
the lower left picture is taken from the transition script cutscene. - i added it for two purposes. firstly to check the resolution of the custom rusty texture and secondly to check the whole ship in a yellow / white light, instead of omicron alphas deep green.
on the right side, there is a direct size comparisson between the outcast destroyer and the salvage frigate.
the concept is the same it was for the first version:
- destroyer size ( but very flat to get through most asteroids )
- gunboat shields ( so its actually a gunboat class ship )
- i would suggest 180.000 armour ( like the prison liner )
- 5000 bats/bots ( baydoors are at the claw below the ship )
- 3 turrets lvl8 ( gunboat )
- CM, CD, thruster
- agility and turn rate should be that of a bretonian gunboat - or maybe even an outcast destroyer. its size and low arment makes it less a combat ship and more a support vessel.
- cargospace should be twice as much as a gunboat ( so it might be 600 - 750 )
hard to think of such a concept without balancing it.