==================== Type:Equipment Bug:mounted a cloak mk3 on a "Wrecker" Junker Gunboat. Was unable to unmount into cargo. No other devices work. sold at player owned base and returned to owner. ====================
==================== Type: Models (Systems?) Bug: Valetta has a mooring point t that tries to fly your ship through a part of the station. (Hint: It doesn't work) ====================
Fairly self-explanitory. While typing this, my ship managed to get past it, but its now stuck again here.
If a target snub is moving in any way, this radius value means that the missile deals little to no damage on the main server with present load. During sieges the missile does no damage when connecting to the target.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Core ID has no techcell on edgeworlds tech. ====================
Fixed after next restart. - Xalrok
(07-12-2018, 05:54 PM)Sciamach Wrote: Outcast slavery is actually far better for the victim than the corporate slavery and crime-less imprisonment of the Houses down in places like Liberty Rheinland and Bretonia
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Nomad thrusters have lower hp than all human counterparts ====================
"Nomad Thruster" has 150k hit points which is exactly as the Capital Ship Thruster. "Nomad Thruster II" is the snub version and has low hit points. Both are intended and working fine. -Antonio
Nomad Thruster 2: 8000, Thruster: 15000 ??????
(07-12-2018, 05:54 PM)Sciamach Wrote: Outcast slavery is actually far better for the victim than the corporate slavery and crime-less imprisonment of the Houses down in places like Liberty Rheinland and Bretonia
==================== Type: Equipment / Commodity Bug: Hyperspace Matrix does not consume Jump Batteries. ====================
The Hyperspace Matrix is functional - /beacon works, and is prevented if the Matrix Ship does not have 250 Jump Drive Batteries.
However, these batteries are NOT consumed upon using the /beacon command. Given the price of Jump Batteries, I doubt this is intentional, as according to @ronillon, the /beacon command did in fact at one point in time consume batteries.
==================== Type: Ship / Equipment Bug: Hyperspace Matrix floats on a Mastodon! ====================
I'm fairly certain that the Hyperspace Matrix (The little black triangle sitting top-right of the mouse cursor) isn't supposed to be floating in a fixed spot 50m below the nose of a ship xD