==================== Type:Equipment Bug: Hades Pulse Cannon still has the 687m range like old OC/Corsair Pulse cannons instead of the new 1.6k range. ====================
IshTar is bought with 3 Artillery cannons included (Class 5) But the Specialized weapon slot is for Class 3. At the next reconnection, the guns will be unmounted and they can't be mounted again for incompatibility class. (Plus it's missing their sellpoints in case, for some strange reasons, you lost them.).
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Nomad do not have a Battleship Mortar ====================
There is a Nomad equivalent of the Heavy Mortar for battleships, but not one for the Mortar. Before the new Nomad guns were introduced, we had nomad_turret01_mark08, which was a Mortar, but its sellpoint got removed. We would need to get a Mortar reintroduced because the Heavy Mortar is nigh unuseable on the Marduk, since a single shot drains almost the entire core.