Freelancer's input polling is tied to framerate. At a solid 60 FPS, you have up to 16.67 ms of added input lag. At a solid 120 FPS, you only have up to 8.33 ms of added input lag.
Turret turning is a fixed rate based on the turret's equipment definition. Input lag is a separate thing entirely and affects all input, not just turret turn rates.
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I noticed something and that is ever since the cap got introduced, FPS drops drastically and is capped after a random amount of alt-tabbing (usually more than 10). It's very annoying and the only way to solve it is to restart the game. It drops to like 30, then after more alt tabbing I experienced it dropping as low as 10. Yesterday it happened mid-player interaction and was very difficult to work with. There's no way to increase the FPS, the game just locks it very low.
I've also noticed some drastic FPS drops. I usually fix them by changing ship view (H) - but sometimes i have to do it more than once
~The eyes that only see prey. An instinct to act on~
~The bloodlust and it’s just, Not enough... Not enough.~
~But that’s the chain of command, And now we know we must not hide~
(05-11-2018, 03:05 AM)Karlotta Wrote: What do you mean with "responsiveness is slower". When you go from 120 to 60 Hz, does your ship start turning one sixtieth of a second later, or does it turn half (or another fraction) as fast?
It turns later, responsiveness in balance is literally the ships "response to the curosr moving", in mouse flight, the ship is forcefully oriented in the directon of the cursor. With less Frames, the ship literally responds to the change in cursor placement slower. The issue with this is that it forces people to fight in a way that doesn't involve their ships moving frequently. The only two types of styles that fall under that category are sliding in ek and boxing.
Quote:And what about the turrets/gun turning you mentioned?
The difference here is that turrets/guns don't have forced orientation to the mouse, the projectiles literally move with the cursor at a higher speed than the turrets themselves. You'll notice many instances of "snapshotting" or shooting people in another direction while the entire ship is facing a complete opposite direction (for ex snapping the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen to shoot someone while the ship is pointed towards the lower right.) The guns may not be facing the target but the projectiles hit because there is not forced orientation of the projectiles to the guns themselves. An example of a weapon with forced orientation is a maxim chaingun, it literally moves with the ship because it is forcefully oriented with the ship. The projectiles don't move separately. Because of this, aim really doesn't suffer (with weapons lacking forced orientation), your cursor will move just as fast, and your projectiles with it. Your SHIP however will respond to cursor movement much slower, giving you less control and in-turn less aggressiveness and variety in fighting.
So, this happened again after alt-tabbing for a few seconds. I tried everything including restarting my PC but my FPS now drops to 100 once I log into any of my characters (from 154 in the menus). I measured my GPU temperature right after the drop, MSI Afterburner showed 48 degrees, and my CPU temperature was 53 degrees at that moment. This happens after alt-tabbing for the vast majority of the time, and the problem is that it just keeps capping itself at 100 for a while.
Edt: If this really is an overheating issue then my bad. But that really doesn't seem to be the reason. When this 100 fps thing happens, my fps stays strictly at 100 with virtually no variance. If it were overheating the fps would vary more and would sometimes show 102 103 or something, at least when docked. Also, as we can see the cap comes into action after a player logs any of his chars. My fps in the menus stays the same after this 100 thing (154/180 depending if I am also running RTSS) but drops to 100 just after I log a character, which suggests it is the cap limiting it to 100 for an unknown reason.
Honestly, I'd suggest an option to disable this temporarily and see if it helps those affected.
(07-12-2018, 05:54 PM)Sciamach Wrote: Outcast slavery is actually far better for the victim than the corporate slavery and crime-less imprisonment of the Houses down in places like Liberty Rheinland and Bretonia
I'm not sure why you think it's reasonable for some people to get their FPS nuked for no reason when everything was fine before the cap. I've yet to see any cheaters deterred by this, because I never saw anyone using high FPS to cheat in like, 5 years. Your PoB issue is irrelevant and for another thread. If you have nothing to add, find another thread to post your grievances.
edit: last I checked, the last person to be sanctioned for jittering was in 2013.
(07-12-2018, 05:54 PM)Sciamach Wrote: Outcast slavery is actually far better for the victim than the corporate slavery and crime-less imprisonment of the Houses down in places like Liberty Rheinland and Bretonia
I'm not allowed to post in yellow text since I have no yellow name, but we are looking into the problem and are looking at avenues to resolve it going forward that will be satisfactory to everyone.
(05-12-2018, 05:07 AM)Karlotta Wrote: Goodbye, who ever those people who you will undoubtedly name soon were. I'm missing them already.
Because their non torn screens, and the joy that they caused me while their monitors weren't torn in half, were really important to the discovery game experience.
There couldn't possibly been a good reason to server-side cap framerate either.
Of course, and when the number multiplies to the entire snub piloting arena and there's no more fighter pilots left I'm sure you'll miss them too.
Who am I kidding, no one flies anything but caps these days anyways. There's only something like 0 snub pilots per fight.
You are so right. I simply dont understand how ANYONE coud have played this game with a framerate below 135.