Recipient: Yubokumin Clan. Sender: "Homura" Subject: Re-assemblage. Encryption: Unbreakable. The opportunity of you, Brothers, know me, is small. Which is why i am going to start with an introduction. You may call me "Homura", and that is pretty much everything you should know. Today, i turn to you with a proposition carrying a renowned light of hope for all of you, my Bretheren. You might find our stories pretty much similiar - for our justified acts we have been declared a dishonour of The Shogunate, either slowly but steadily or in a brief moment loosing everything we have ever valued.
I have experienced this when Augus Clan have been dismantled and turned into Asai Clan, where i had no desire to stay anymore.
And there is something mutual between you and me.
We seek revengeance, and our status with The Shogunate to be restored, and our status of 'Shogunate's Dishonour' forever revoked.
I am reaching out to the hatred, anger and sorrow filling your hearts: asseble, and rally under my lead, i will bring you to your destiny and grant Yubokumin what they deserve.
By any means at our disposal, we will strike our opressors violently and restore our former glory. They will accept our terms - or we will make sure they will regret denying us.
If after reading my words you feel your heart beating faster and you see the truth behind them - reach out to me. We will make Shoguns' loyal hounds to pay for what they have comitted. If necessary - we will make The Shogun himself pay for what they have comitted.
We will not let them live with their sins.
And i will not let your efforts to be gone in vain, my faithful Bretheren; reach out to me, and assemble under my wing.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Recipient: Yubokumin Clan. Sender: "Homura" Subject: Re-assemblage. Encryption: Unbreakable. Perhaps, i have overestimated you, Shadow Dwellers. Worry not, i will handle my plans on my own, but keep in mind, if you are not with me - you are in my opposition. Enjoy your much deserved oblivion.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Recipient: Iwamoto Toju. Sender: "Homura" Subject: RE: Perhaps, you should reconsider. Encryption: Unbreakable. So, you finally decided to show up from whatever hellhole you are hiding at. Before i even reconsider my attitude - you might want to enlighten me about what actually caused you to behave the way you did. The final judgement of you will still be up to me.
Should you refuse - this will be pretty much the conclusion of our conversation, and i will not hesitate to respond appropriately to any other your attempt to approach me.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Recipient: Iwamoto Toju. Sender: "Homura" Subject: RE: Lies. Encryption: Unbreakable. Now you are speaking on the language of definitions that make sense, exile, and i am listening carefully to your words, if you are willing to further elaborate this 'Betrayal' Kijima have conducted against you.
Your goals might happen to be more... noble, that they were initially described, and the exaltation might not be as justified as they speak of it.
Speak, if you have something to say to excite me, and we might find a conclusion both of us will mutually benefit on.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Recipient: Iwamoto Toju. Sender: "Homura" Subject: RE: Justification. Encryption: Unbreakable. Mā, mā... you are a persistent one, indeed. But allow me to assure you, nothing concerns me more than the success of our cause. And my first blow to the pitiful puppets of Samura is to be delivered soon, regardless if you are going to assist me, or you are not going to.
I was there, back when Augus was still an existant Clan, dwelling in the shadow of my Elder Sister; she, however, made it a worthy exemplar of a person affected and shaped into a form i desired her to be, softly directing her every action while she formally held the title. Her disappearance forced me to leave the ranks and disappear as well for the time being, pre-emptively erasing some unnecessary data from the archives - Shogunate should not have known of my existance until i wanted them to know.
Now, such moment have came, and i publicly announced my return to the Blood Dragons. The first step have already been taken, and the plan is already developed; next step will be to see if the Clans are ready to put their ambitions, quarrels and competition aside and work together as one, or to face their inevitable reformation and unification under one, true banner. Differences are an illusion. Confrontation is nothing but a lie.
We are all indeed Brothers and Sisters, and should remember where the true enemy is.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor