tl;dr: I am arguing for the removal of "Cannot ally with (un)lawfuls" from all IDs. I have yet to hear of any oorp scenario this ID line prevents that is not already covered by other rules, especially "4.4 Every char must have only one type of ID equipped and they must play to that ID." and "Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above".
As far as I can tell, all this rule prevents is legitimate grouping or "allying" between lawful and unlawful factions that have positive diplomacy (ALG and Bundschuh) or a legitimate situational reason to group (Liberty criminals and lawfuls against Gallic invaders).
It's also useless for preventing many scenarios of oorp allying, for example a three-way between Xenos, Liberty Lawfuls and Gallic Lawfuls in which the rule prevents the logical situational alliance of Xenos and Liberty Lawfuls but does not address the completely illogical alliance between Liberty and Gallic Lawfuls.
If there is a legitimate reason for this ID line to exist, I would love to hear it.
Yeah, it's a really weird, very unspecific line (more so because of the definition of lawful/unlawful changes between IDs). I had it removed from The Core ID because it's in our nature and roleplay to work with unlawfuls. It probably doesn't need a place on the IDs.
One thing I will say, however, I don't feel like the rule to prevent ooRP silliness even works. In the Omicrons especially, I've have seen many groups that are bitter enemies, such as Corsairs and Outcasts, having picnics with each other one moment when all is quiet, and then working together when i.e a Core ship appears, before they go back to their picnic as if they're bed buddies. People make reports, but they seem to never get processed.
(05-27-2018, 01:35 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Yeah, it's a really weird, very unspecific line (more so because of the definition of lawful/unlawful changes between IDs). I had it removed from The Core ID because it's in our nature and roleplay to work with unlawfuls. It probably doesn't need a place on the IDs.
One thing I will say, however, I don't feel like the rule to prevent ooRP silliness even works. In the Omicrons especially, I've have seen many groups that are bitter enemies, such as Corsairs and Outcasts, having picnics with each other one moment when all is quiet, and then working together when i.e a Core ship appears, before they go back to their picnic as if they're bed buddies.
This literally happened yesterday, A corsair bomber was CDing ships to support an outcast Rans.
Removing that line from all IDs sounds ideal, especially in scenarios where most factions would likely temporarily ally with one another in order to defeat a common foe. Perhaps certain IDs could have the line altered instead of removed, for example in the case of the Corsair/Hessian ID. "Cannot ally with Hessians/Corsairs under any circumstance" may be a good idea, since they've been at war for centuries.
Similarly, maybe any ID that references "May hunt X faction anywhere" should also have a similar limitation? I'm just pitching ideas out here.
I think that people worrying that this would allow oorp alliances need to remind themselves of this part of this existing line:
3.3 OOC (Out of Character) chat and behavior in Local/System Chat
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(05-27-2018, 02:47 PM)Tænì Wrote: I'd remove it, but instead add exception lines where required. For example UN has the option of assisting rm against invaders.
Yiz. I agree it restricts groups like Hansa . The fact that you can't ally with your IRP Buddies just because your ID says so is bad. That is why Player Faction IDs are such a good thing to have.
The Hansa Making the independent economy, economical for you!
No, I don't think exceptions are the solution. You would have to wager every single lawful and unlawful ID against each other trying to determine if it'd ever be realistic to ally, and you might end up with a dozen exceptions on each ID, making them more complicated instead of less complicated.