Ok so quick query on Lawful law enforcement and rules. So the standardised line for law enforcement on lawful IDs is "Can demand contraband and levy fines and destroy ships who refuse to comply in their ZoI etc etc" and it's the respective faction's post in the laws thread that actually defines how that line is interpreted and what it can do.
However, I have a question. If the line isn't enforced exactly as described in a laws post, would a player be breaking the rules?
For example, Core laws could say:
Quote:"A ship carrying contraband must be fined, and then escorted with it's cargo to a drop-off point. Unless you are in a transport, cargo cannot be demanded to be dropped in space [and destroyed] as the cargo could be useful".
So if a Core ship caught a smuggler hauling artifacts, and instead of escorting it to a drop-off point they made the smuggler drop it and the Core ship blew up the cargo, would it be sanctionable?
I'm sorry if this seems complex. Just playing around with an idea in my head.
(09-24-2018, 10:38 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Ok so quick query on Lawful law enforcement and rules. So the standardised line for law enforcement on lawful IDs is "Can demand contraband and levy fines and destroy ships who refuse to comply in their ZoI etc etc" and it's the respective faction's post in the laws thread that actually defines how that line is interpreted and what it can do.
However, I have a question. If the line isn't enforced exactly as described in a laws post, would a player be breaking the rules?
For example, Core laws could say:
Quote:"A ship carrying contraband must be fined, and then escorted with it's cargo to a drop-off point. Unless you are in a transport, cargo cannot be demanded to be dropped in space [and destroyed] as the cargo could be useful".
So if a Core ship caught a smuggler hauling artifacts, and instead of escorting it to a drop-off point they made the smuggler drop it and the Core ship blew up the cargo, would it be sanctionable?
I'm sorry if this seems complex. Just playing around with an idea in my head.
sanctionable? no as they are not braking server rules they are braking core law rules,
you could however if you documented the encounter report to the persons inrp commander and there could be ingame compensation for the,abuse of power by the officer who stopped you, or the officer in question could have inrp punishment for braking the very house laws he/she is surpose to be inforcing,
have had this issue in the past and this is pretty much the long and short of how it played out, if i can find the related documents i will add a link to it for you.