I spent all day yesterday in Tau 29, PVP dead at least 4 times.
Today I was PVP dead in Delta, and three hours later, PVP dead again.
My total time actually game yesterday was near to 12 hours. Today? less than an hour.
The difference between these two days is: Yesterday I was PVP-Dead for 30 minutes at a time. Today, I was PVP dead for 2 hours at a time. In thirty minutes, I can re-kit a ship, move it to a different location, get myself a snack, and be ready to re-engage. A two hour period of PVP deadness leads me to find another game to play, read a book, or...do anything else.
That's just about the availability of time. I, like most people, can't always say I'll be back in two hours. Two hours from now could be the beginning of my shift, too late at night, or interfere with other plans. Being a larger block of time, that happens more often, and, in my view, the 'game' suffers for it.
The game suffers because its not just me who's not logging on. The whole of everyone who might be killed aren't logging back on...and that has a knock on effect. General activity is lower because more people get a huge block of their scheduled video-game time locked out, and of course they may go across Sirius and do something else, but just as often, we simply leave the game entirely.
I see having more players online, and more players in any single spot, interacting with one another, or being potentials for interaction with, to an asset for the community, the server, and the mod. The thing we sell, as much as any of the ships or features of the mod, is the multiplayer experience.
I've been kicking this idea around for a while. Its true that the PVP dead thing is a lever against "death's not mattering" but...this is a game. Deaths, clearly, do not matter. We come back hundreds or thousands of times.
I'd like to suggest that it will improve the experience on the server if, for example, the general PVP-Death period was shortened to a period of an hour or eighty minutes. That still keeps the period long enough that re-logging to join a fight won't be super common, but I think will be short enough that general server activity will be helped by the reduced cost of death.
Thoughts on the PVP-Dead rules, the time to respawn, or the value of PVP-Death?
2 hours is nonsense in the current Discovery environment. We just cannot maintain that with our current player count. Players need to be able to consistently and seamlessly rejoin interaction.
I think dropping it down to 30 minutes might be extreme, and should be kept to events (for now). But we can surely bring the respawn timer down to an hour. During the week we have about as much as half the effective players we had when the 4 hour rule was brought down to 2 hours. Time to split it in half again me thinks.
As mentioned on Discord. Granted, I have not read the entirety of the post, maybe half.
I would say 1 hour as a baseline dead timer might be good. 30 minutes for conflict areas.
Alternatively, and going a bit more in the weeds so to speak, would be to keep 2 hr pvp death for Capital class ships and 1 hour for everything else. Meanwhile, conflict areas would reduce it 50%.
This would make death timer for Capital class ships in conflict areas 1hr and death timer for other ships 30 minutes.
This way, the loss of a capital ship in combat sticks more than loss of a snub or other ship as it should. Snubs aren't as costly to replace as battleships.
I absolutely agree with all this, particularly given that PvP death can be anything from "you died after a long and engaging fight" to "you got shot and barely managed to escape and dock," and when it's more toward the latter end of the spectrum (either because you died quick or you were vastly outnumbered) it can be very frustrating to have to wait just to interact again.
I had a thought of it being 1 hour across the board, and 30 minute in non-House space, given that the independent and border and edge worlds are meant to be more dangerous, overall. It seems like it would be a good reflection of that.
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I don't think anyone would be happy of having to constantly relog to defend their system because the respawn timer is so low. And people would start coming back to fights, making it far more annoying. The respawn timer was 4 hours before, I think two hours is fine because massive fights don't usually go over an hour anyway.
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(11-07-2018, 11:56 PM)Iris Wrote: No one has to log to defend, really. Sometimes things just don't get defended. It's not like anything is technically lost that way.
If you don't want to log, then don't log. But being forced not to log by the rules feels way worse.
And then people will whine and cry because you haven't defeated the unending swarm of rogue dessies from New York and that no one can powertrade, etcetc.
Or you know, it'll contribute to killing the game off because the attackers think the defenders will never log, and defenders get really tired of having to keep constantly being called to action, or the attackers get annoyed because the defenders respawn timer ends etcetc. Or the opposing faction utilizing this to siege POBs, or someone hunting you for bounties, whatever. This would negatively impact POB sieges waaay more.
Just leave it as it is, you need a timeout session for this.