Honestly, I do understand the confusion, it is sort of a unwritten rule, disco etiquette if you will.
It's something that you only find out through experience and because of that I think it's not totally fair to ignore and/or mock someone trying to take on such a role.
Dillan, it seems to me your best bet is to work together closely with the official zoner factions, get in touch with them and let them know about your ambitions.
The reason people act a bit as if they were stung like a bee is because just like you they have a passion for this universe.
I think its important to keep in character facts synchronised and orderly so we don't get two separate 'truths' if you will.
It's understandable that this approach feels unfair in the beginning, until you start seeing things from the other perspective.
A roleplay universe of this scale can only flourish if those who partake in it agree on its parameters.
Those are excuses dude, your just making my point clearer, 3 oficial factions that didnt gave a flying crap about tons of posts regarding the Freeport, thus deeming it abandoned, like i claimed in the first place.
Freeport 1 the very first, and you and the factions didnt care, now im playing with it and you whant it back? Ridiculous.
All a plater can do is see the feedback on the community, you gave Zero feedback, Zero oposition taking out a private message.
So yeah, im RPing around what you didnt gave a damn about in the first place, you comfirmed it was abandoned with your own words, thanks
Best regards
Since you're not understanding, let me explain it to you.
NPC Faction
Nobody has a say over them except the Story Devs, with possible input from Official Player Factions if there are any.
Official Player Factions
OPFs represent NPC factions. They learn about the lore (infocards, background, rumors) and try to represent the NPC faction in certain aspects. One part of that is administrating stations of the NPC faction, so people sending transmissions to certain stations will have someone who signed up to play with them as that NPC faction representant. Official Player Factions have to prove themselves for a long time, more than three months, and TAZ, IRG and OSI did that for years. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Designated representants
OPFs can allow players that aren't in the OPFs to represent/administrate stations. OSI/IRG/TAZ did that via CoF - CoF was not a faction but an inRP and ooRP network to allow coordination between three OPFs that need to coordinate for certain things like Faction Rights. These elections have been happening inRP, multiple times over the last years, which is how I for example got to administrate Freeport 11. Legitimate, with RP, ingame and on forum.
Random Indies
Indies who don't get in touch with OPFs have little to no say. You are one.
That being said, you have very little grip on the server rules, as you vehemently stick to your Andromeda import characters (1.8 No ponies, furries, or direct imports are allowed) - which was why I gave you the tip to don't do that. You also powergamed yourself into the administration of Freeport 1, which has not been acknowledged by OSI, IRG or TAZ, but also hasn't been reported because if we reported everything stupid we'd see on the forum, greens and oranges would suffer from burnouts even faster.
You haven't done things right. We have informed you about that back then already. Your argumentation is flawed and inconsistent and childishly stubborn. Before you continue with anything else, you should adapt to the community and not force your own rules on them. The last time you tried that, Core was about to destroy your station.
Kuddos MadVilain , finaly someone having a conversation.
The thing is, this isnt a recent RP , iv done tons of comunications that peapole saw, as you can see by the number of views and said nothing, Sero, so, according to "Disco etiquete" is it normal to ignore someones comunications? I dont think so, to tell the truth, im starting to feel disconsidered even more in here,
so, after ignoring tons of comunications and tons of posts and the feedback thread being empty, now Sombra comes with this Story? So were is the regard for the work i done?
After ignoring what is suposed to be so important to them, ignoring comunications and just about everything about it, come here claim... that i dont folow unritten rules?
Tell me honestly , does this feel right to you ?
Best Regards
Leaving you in your little bubble felt better than bothering to report you for rule violations. Same reason as to why I take my time to explain to you as if I was explaining it to a child why you never had control over Freeport 1 in first place. It makes no sense, doesn't respect previous structures or roleplay done by others and you were made aware of that already when you started it.
Long story short: You have the full say over Geneva and absolutely nothing more. Freeport 1 is represented by OSI/IRG/TAZ.
I admit I'd have done same in your situation, and you somehow also did ignore my point and argument anyways. Factions aren't RPing about every single base they have.
Also you could have approached us, ask us, present your ideas and then do something about it. Like I did when I applied to post of FP5 administrator, yet I am not in any of these factions, but I am their representative in this area. Discussions with you were made in time of CoF collapse. You also should admit I wasn't even caring about your communications which included Geneva Shipping because nothing in title said it was about FP1.
You still can get in touch with US and present us your ideas, because just taking a base of 3 Official factions just because no RP was done about it isn't very polite and won't really help you in near future. What would you do if suddenly any if these factions would come back and start RPing around FP1 again?
Wow Name Imports are a rule breaker? i can find tons of rule breakers all around Sirius then. Thats ridiculous, yes i imported the names, and so has half the server or more lol.
Secondly we are 3 players sometimes 4, from were i see it if we whant we can get a faction up and running whenever we whant, and we dont.
Thirdly, you will not make me or my friends join ANY oficial faction by force or gunpointing our station.
Finaly, force rules? the situation was that our friend was with theyrs and the guy (wich has about the same insulting atitude that you have) didnt like it, we didnt even know that was his territory,
But honestly i take what you said as it is, a treat to Geneva wich together with your continuous insults show exactly who is the child here.
So you just told me of an eminent attack because you cant give arguments.
Still doesnt justify the unresponsiveness , none of you said anything inRP , YOU ABANDONED THE FREEPORT and im not forcing anything, you let it be like that you the opficial factions you name it, no one zero and nothing you say rulewise or other will change that.
Honestly, to me that doesn't necessarily feel right but it does seem very understandable because I've been around the block when it comes to Disco.
There are a multitude of reasons why a communicative can be ignored.
Lazyness is one of them, though this is rarely the case.
More often it is a combination of factors such as confusion and a unwillingness to engage in roleplay that starts off from a standpoint that is not agreed upon.
On top of that people usually don't wish to escalate a situation or create oorp tension in the first place.
For instance, say I was a zoner official faction leader reading a post from someone wishing to claim ownership of a zoner facility.
There are multible zoner factions, I am not the leader of the zoners, just of my respective faction, before I can deal with anything the other factions have to agree with it.
The noses have to point in the same direction.
Second of all, let's say the communicative seems to originate from a standpoint that is not considered the status quo agreed upon.
As a faction leader of a player faction, but not the NPC faction, is it my responsibility to correct you?
Perhaps it is, if all the player faction leaders of the NPC faction in question agree on this.
If I would do so, would it be considered a nice heads up or an insult?
And don't get me wrong, when there's a lot of work put into a certain goal, having to hear that this doesn't fit in the status quo because you started off from the wrong assumption does hurt.
This is why most people choose to rather ignore such posts then to engage in them.
In these situations the key is collaboration, not competition.
As a indie faction trying to get your view to overshout the consensus of official factions usually results in failure.
I understand that such a situation feels unfair, but it's fixable, it's avoidable, all it needs is some goodwill (from both sides) to talk things out and come to a solution.
If you actualy see the Comms do refer freeport 1
Well at least i have my anser.
RP in here is pointless
Here, take your toy so you can leave it lying around ultil the next kid pick it up
It's not pointless. You chose to ignore us back then, so we did with you. If you do things right and listen to people, you could have avoided the drama without making yourself look the way you do here.
And that all because you try to take credit for something that wasn't your work.