Star Wars: Empire at War
Star Wars: Galaxies
Mechwarriors 2: Mercenaries (Well all of them, but I actually owned this one.... Til my brother jamed four disked into one drive! DX)
Battlefield 1942 (never played the others)
Oh and Chessmaster 8000 (I can *ALMOST* beat it....)
Angel,Nov 20 2005, 02:33 PM Wrote:Ive got both Tie Fighter and x-wing, im a big Starwars nut
X-wing allinace
X-wing vs Tiefighter
Tie Fighter
Rebel Assult 2 (FOR MAC!!)
Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2
Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Outcast
Jedi Knight 3 Jedi Acadimy
Empire At War
Galactic Battle Grounds / With Expansion
Phantom Meanice.
I Love all of them, been threw all of them at least twice with the exception of KOTOR and Empire At War but you just cant beet Jedi Knight 3, and X-wing Alliance
(Me A Starwars Nut As well)
Freelancer (DISCOVERY)
Civilsation 3
AOE 2 with Expansion.
Well Those are my Favs.
U can see why im makeing a Starwars mod for Freelancer ;)
<<<<<The Jade Consortium>>>>>
<<<<<To Fight Is To Live>>>>>
<<<<< Xerxas Jades BIO >>>>>
You surprise me! : :ohmy:
I remember it being one of the most advanced of the time :)
*under attack by Kilrathi forces*
you seen the movie?
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Shining Force series
Legend of Gaia
Final Fantasy (the first one and Tactics)
Faxanadu (never did beat it)
Imperium galactica (maybe it was 2, and if you know where I can find it, I WANT it BAD!!!)
And tho I didn't get to play enough to get to fav's Wing commander was awesome, would still play it.
Maxwell.Smart - Blood Dragon, by choice and imprisonment.
Quake 4
Starcraft + Expansion
Total Annihalation + Expansions ( the Farther of RTS Games)
Rome Total War
Galactic Civilizations 2
Rise of nations + Expansion
Age of Empires 3
Yeaaah... me and virus used to hit people up in SWG to let them admin us to there houses, then we took everything we could and disipeared... flew to like... Lok... or something... My bunker looked nice though. >:)
Freelancer: WA mod, (Currently in production by me)
Freelancer: Discovery
Star wars Galixies
Freelancer: Freeworlds
Gutiar Hero
Battlefield 2: Sir. Mod (GREAT people to hang around, and blow up, with)
Battlefield 2: Mercanarys mod (Also by me)
Starwars Battlefront 2 ( It gets boaring once you master the art of the rebel pwn)
Battlefield 2
Black and white 2: Battle of the gods/regular.
Starwars Bounty hunter
Kingdom Hearts
The matrix online
The matrix path of Neo
Soul Calaber 3
007 From Russia with love. (Or as I like to call it, from RRLLTHSHA wth Lav.)