My quitting from this game was sudden, due to changes and situation in this community in general. I really had enjoyable moments in my Freelancer Discovery Career with many people. People who were there no matter if I was in my up or down. Some of them don't like me anymore. Despite that fact, I will give them a shoutout because they helped me and I appreciate even the smallest help.
My experience in this game was amazing, along with the community until I got noticed more in this community. Many were spreading lies here, but many actually believed them. I made mistakes, everyone does and I'm really sorry for my mistakes and for people down bellow who I displayed. I knew to annoy them sometimes, but they were always welcoming me.
I won't talk too much, I displayed people who helped me. I hope whoever is left from them, to have an amazing future in this game. I might return back one day, when things get sorted out. But it's really hard to say.
Thanks for everything. I hope you will never let yourself down as I did.
Will log once again, to log into my characters once again, to keep them alive for another 6 months if I decide to come back in that time. If not, I will give them to some of the people listen down bellow.
Shoutout to:
@Shaggy - My best ingame friend, always there for me to help me whenever I need help. We had a long and interesting history and I appreciate every moment that I spent with you ingame.
@Dartes - Helping me with the RolePlay and holding my motivation here. One of rare people who could understand so.
@Cortana Clark - Most dedicated member of the EOG. I really appreciate your presence, you were there nearly everytime I needed you and I'm sorry for returning this back to you like this.
@"Blackwings" - Helped me with my RolePlay and we had some nice interactions and RolePlay. I appreciate it.
@Hubjump - Helped me with PvP, taught me the most and I really appreciate it.
Domino (The.Houston) - Helped me with PvP whilst I was a total noob. I appreciate it.
@Thunderer - Helped me with PvP. Thunderer taught me everything else related to PvP. I appreciate it.
@Unity - You and me have a long history, was fun to fly with you whilst it lasted.
@Black Smoke - Overwatch and a bit of PvP. Made my to join the Overwatch and I hope more people will join it and be a dominant force in both RP and PvP.
@Omicron - Helped me with my RolePlay and in Overwatch. Don't give any attention to people that like to hate you, because I realized how wrong they are and I hope you will have a successful journey in the Overwatch and other.
@Phantomas - Presence for the Order and help in few battles. However, people couldn't stand their lose and decided to return back some ooRP consequences to you. I appreciate everytime you were there for me.
@PRJKTLRD - Commune and PvP teaching. You showed mercy, and I appreciate everything.
@Karlotta - I just had to, we had nice talks and some interactions in space.
@TheShooter36 - PvP and presence for the EOG.
There's few more people like KnezMario, Nikola and Anon who helped me a lot in this game. I really appreciate it.
See you Haris, you had a wild run while here but don't let that take you down. Had fun in our fights and having someone to help out in Order. There's no leaving this place though
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
You just started with the wrong foot and you're not the only who did it. My experience. I bet that within 6 months you will come back with more interesting things to offer for this community, like I tried it too.
(02-09-2019, 12:38 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Stop playing, go study history! History is important!
For he who does not study history is doomed to return to Discovery.
Seeya in two weeks, Freeport 7.
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
Ey man I never got to see you out on a real battlefield
Ah well
I just wasn't and still am not that involved. I just haven't made a leaving post cos I still like to swing my phat redemption around seal clubbing everyone who hasn't learnt everything about battleships every once in a while. GL bro.
Some weren't satisfied enough with my recent break that lasted one month, openly said by @Ice Princess
To give you some hope, you and me are not the only ones on the wall of shame.
Looks like it's time to start another, longer vacation. Most of you would now anticipate me back in few weeks, if anything. I must disappoint you about that fact, this time, I won't be returning back. I will try to keep this as short as possible.
My time has come to an end here. I lost all of my patience, time and fun.
There are certainly those that I can thank for all the help, that made me a stronger freelancer here. Whoever helped me in any way, I truly appreciate it more than you think. Everyone else is nobody to me here, for my own reasons I don't want to share here. That is second thing I would like to point out.
One of things that really amaze me everyday is the fact that discovery of freelancer is still running and having players thanks to all the hard work. from staff and players. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to enjoy this game again.
I got several reasons I'm quitting this game forever, first reason is real life. I'm studying to get job at Google, which is not an easy achievement. Besides that, I'm soon hopefully about to get married. I'm giving my best to make both of these happen in the most beautiful and satisfying way and keep them for as long as possible. Besides RL reasons, I got some community reasons which you won't get to know.
When it comes to my ships, credits. All worth around 25b, will be given to my one and only real friend here, with pleasure. I am anticipating you to keep enjoying this game. I know it's hard due to greedy people surrounding you, talking behind people's back, willing to damage them in the worst way. You're not like that and I confirm that from all these years I was playing with you this game. Of course, when I have time we can play other games. Of course there are exceptions here, people that are not like that. They haven't reached to level you have yet. Enjoy my equipment.
Note. Faction I run will be given to someone else who can handle it.
I will now fade into shadows. @Ice Princess you shall now be satisfied I promise.
Good luck with the Discovery and I hope you will keep getting more players who love this game.