P. Becker : [Comm-ID] The Order ~
-- : [Receiver-ID] -- ~
Project Lisbon : [Subject]
Herr Gutierrez, Herr Indietsev, Frau Smith,
The Legacy cell has confirmed your deliveries and has sent out the corresponding payments to your requested accounts. The manifest will be updated accordingly.
Once again we thank you men and women for delivering these supplies to us. Lisbon is even closer to returning to full functionality.
Much of our fleet is currently occupied, as you might imagine. We find ourselves fighting alongside each other again in the most unexpected place, that being Omega-3.
And although the Kingdom of Bretonia is the primary participant on the enemy side, our old friends of the Core have also made an appearance again, naturally on the wrong side again.
These are prime conditions for further strengthening of our ties. Division V will be happy to send any spare ships out to the Omicrons to assist in your reconstruction efforts; perhaps we can coordinate with the remaining Bundschuh cells in this matter.
I will make sure that Division V and any highly trusted Shipping Division pilot is appropriately instructed.
Helmut Weinstein
Division V Directorate
ALG Waste Disposal
Absender: Oberst Annika Einfalt Empfänger: P.Becker Location: Akabat planet, Omicron Mu, aboard of DWR|WTS-Versorgung Topic: Projekt Lisbon Encryption:EXTREME
Frau Becker,
This is Oberst Einfalt of Weisse Rose, if you remember me. If you remember me - good, if not - it will not change a lot. And again I apologize for my informal speech, as I am more the person of action, than diplomat of any kind
It is always a pleasure to hear from our allies both from the Orillion cell and the Overwatch. We are glad to hear, you are going to repair these remains in Epsilon and expand your influence. As we fully support this intention, I am going to give you a bit more detailed list of what we can do, than one Generaloberst gave to you.
Engineering help - If you remember our last transmission, then you understand, that we are having problems with it as well. However, personally I have been studying stations engineering for quite a long time and I have a group of engineers (even though the most of them are pretty young and need both experience and mentorship) , so we already took part in numerous restorations of Bruchsal and other solars under our flags.
Logistics - all of our kapitans in logistcs fleet are well-experienced and effective. We keep updated maps of omicrons for our most used routes and de-facto spend a lot of time there, due to our cooperation with your organization. Actions will talk better than words, so we have already shipped 45 000 units of Industrial Hardware to Akabat.
Military support - despite the fact, that we prefer a pencil over the sword, we can send you additional reinforcements, in case of station being under siege from our mutual enemies. For example, automated squadrom "Hellion" consisting of two civilian fighters and two civilian bombers might be send under your command at any time.
Your requests - If you need anything specific, that isn't in the list above, we will gladly assist you. As have been said, DWR always stands for their allies.
Apart from it, we have already hauled 45000 units of Industrial Hardware, please, find the bank account and proofs below.
That's all for now. Danke for your attention, more supplies to come.
P. Becker : [Comm-ID] The Order ~
-- : [Receiver-ID] -- ~
Project Lisbon : [Subject]
Frau Einfalt,
I and the rest of the Legacy cell thank you and Die Weiße Rose for a speedy and effective delivery of the much needed supplies to Akabat. I will take note of the Bundschuh's abilities and reciprocate them should the need ever arise. With these Materials, Lisbon will surely be a shining jewel as it once was a decade ago, and the Bundschuh will be more than welcome aboard at any time.
Herr Gutierrez,
While Frau Einfalt and Die Weiße Rose have delivered the requested amount of that material, I see no reason why you shouldn't be compensated for overflowing our reserves. We will find a way to put these to use, as I'm sure you will find a use for what has been transferred to your account.
Herr Weinstein,
We welcome the ALG's support in this endeavor. Whatever support you can provide we will gladly take, and as with Frau Einhart, anything you offer us, we will gladly reciprocate.
I'm pleased to announce the Division V train Solothurn has completed delivery of the filtering elements you require.
As I'm told, the trips were without incident, and highly profitable with the return shipment of armaments.
It took us a while to get back to your call for aid, given the circumstances in Kusari we had our focus elsewhere. But here I am, while it is not much, we decided to spare a small part of our logistical fleet to help the Order once more.
We decided on the Ablative Armor Platings as our contribution to the repair of Lisbon, yet there is one point to be discussed. Given the hostile nature of the main production sites of this Armor Platings towards most of the groups the Order can call allies and friends and the risk of harming our own stance with the only accessible secondary production sites, namely Valetta Shipyard owned by the Maltese, we would like to request the bonus per standard unit delivered to be raised to 1200 SC. To further support our point, I may as well include the average purchase costs at Valetta are 3200 SC the standard unit.
Nevertheless the first delivery is being prepared and should arrive soon. We hope to hear from you soon.
P. Becker : [Comm-ID] The Order ~
-- : [Receiver-ID] -- ~
Project Lisbon : [Subject]
Herr Weinstein,
We've confirmed your delivery of filters to Akabat, and the commodity officer has reported that they are already being utilized for Lisbon. Bonus payment for the supplies has been transferred to the delivery ship.
Frau Chu,
I'm thankful the Chrysanthemums are at our aid. Given the nature of your predicament with the Outcasts, I will authorize the slight boost to the bonus offered. You delivery has also been catalogued, and bonus payment has been transferred.
Absender: Oberst Annika Einfalt Empfänger: P.Becker Location: Akabat planet, Omicron Mu, aboard of DWR|WTS-Versorgung Topic: Projekt Lisbon Encryption:EXTREME
Frau Becker,
As have been stated, we are going to bring additional supplies. So here goes the rest of superconductors and the first load of nanocapacitors, that was loaded aboard of DWR|WTS-Versorgung by our camerades from DWR. We aslo brought you some armaments, but obviously you don't have to pay for them.
That's all for now. Danke for your attention, more supplies to come.