I was rushed by the same zerg horde. That is why I am angry. I think that we should come together next time, not one by one. You can always request the group chat to be inRP until the battle starts, if you want.
Kudos BDM for being one of the most enjoyable intelligence factions in the game. I might not always agree with Geoff in the developer chats, but you're usually very fun to play against, and your role-play is compelling.
You're also very good at going in unexpected role-play directions. Plus, your formatting is gorgeous.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
I don't like doing this, but my faction advised me to.
If you see somebody who says they're not ready to fight as they have no regens and you bring them into a 2v2 right next to an NPC base where they can dock up and get said regens, don't be surprised when more show up. Then don't try to prevent the person from getting regens after beating you in the 2v2 by cloak-camping their NPC base and shooting them as they try to dock, putting them into the death turnover, and then taking them out of the snub fight whilst another full regens full munitions snub showed up.
That's not sneaky agency super-spying, that's being play to win. Especially after we kept some assets out of the PvP. If the above didn't happen, there would have been a pretty balanced pew. My favourite panda girl spammer Geoff usually does better than this and I assume you didn't tell the BDM to do the basepooping thing, so this is a notifier of what occurred, rather than anything else.
I'm completely not mad as I still killed my favourite pandabro anyway.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
I am not at all a PvP player, but I fully respect people who put the time in to get good at this. People enjoy PvP and this is great... Still, I would have expected at least some common courtesy... If you hunt someone (somewhat metagamingy, otherwise why come straight to Kappa if you're "hunting corsairs"? Why not go to Gamma first? Whatever), why not at least let them finish the mission? I don't claim what was done was against the rules; I am just disappointed in how this was approached and played out...
[10.04.2024 08:38:41] Auto-Buy(Repair): Cost 1.976$
[10.04.2024 08:41:32] A bounty of $1.800 credits has been deposited into your account.
[10.04.2024 08:41:33] BDM|U-33: Target on scanners
[10.04.2024 08:41:36] BDM|U-33: Corsair, eh?
[10.04.2024 08:41:39] A bounty of $1.800 credits has been deposited into your account.
[10.04.2024 08:41:47] CNS>Renovacion: Damn
[10.04.2024 08:41:50] CNS>Renovacion: Rheinlanders
[10.04.2024 08:41:53] CNS>Renovacion: What are you doing here?
[10.04.2024 08:41:55] CNS>Renovacion: Got lost?
[10.04.2024 08:42:02] BDM|U-33: Hunting corsairs, obviously.
[10.04.2024 08:42:11] BDM|U-33: Let's get started, shall we?
[10.04.2024 08:42:12] CNS>Renovacion: In Kappa?
[10.04.2024 08:42:19] CNS>Renovacion: What does Rhenland has to do with deep Omicrons?
[10.04.2024 08:42:30] A bounty of $1.800 credits has been deposited into your account.
[10.04.2024 08:43:06] A bounty of $1.800 credits has been deposited into your account.
[10.04.2024 08:43:22] A bounty of $1.800 credits has been deposited into your account.
[10.04.2024 08:44:09] A bounty of $1.800 credits has been deposited into your account.
[10.04.2024 08:44:35] [OOC] CNS>Renovacion: gg
[10.04.2024 08:44:38] [OOC] CNS>Renovacion: what can i say
[10.04.2024 08:44:41] CNS>Renovacion died to BDM|U-33 (100%)
[10.04.2024 08:44:58] [OOC] CNS>Renovacion: at least you could have let me finish the mission
[10.04.2024 08:45:01] [OOC] CNS>Renovacion: but whatever
[10.04.2024 08:45:04] [OOC] CNS>Renovacion: have fun
Hey there! I'm the player behind U-33
I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy our interaction - truth be told, I just hopped on looking for a fight while waiting for something to run at work as I was flying around in the Omicrons, and I saw your sair gunboat.
I can see why you're annoyed - you were just running missions and you weren't really in the mood for PVP. I didn't really have any way of knowing this, but I would have been willing to work something out had you said something before or during the fight, and not after.
(04-10-2024, 10:16 AM)EisenSeele Wrote: I didn't really have any way of knowing this, but I would have been willing to work something out had you said something before or during the fight, and not after.
Maybe by seeing the NPC nomads flying around? Seeing that I did not drop engagement lines, instead I continued talking in chat while I continued shooting down NPCs?
But yeah, maybe it's a learning experience for me to put in ooc chat something like "Please let me finish the mission first"