I was just thinking, although today isn't really anything to make comparisons on...but I noticed that over the prior few days there were very few crashes. I think it crashed once each on Wednesday and Thursday whilst I were online, if I remember rightly. It was very pleasing to say the least, but also very ironic how there was the unfortunate problem of hackers doing their dirty deeds in space. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but on the other hand maybe there's more to it.
As it happens, it's crashed a few times already since the reshuffle earlier, but I guess this could be related to any changes that were made.
Ed: Well because me and these three chicks decided to have a cereal fight.
Ed: Then we got productive....
Ed: IN THE SHREDDIE TOWER MAKING DEPARTMENT.. before you say anything...
Dave: I feel like standing in the middle of the beach stripping down naked to put on a hula skirt playing pan pipes whilst I watch a pixie try to make love to a cow and have the evil sock goblins chase the 5 penguins of the Apocalypse across Timbuktu all whist my wife Sammie drinks vodka and red bull served by the rich penguins in the sun.