(05-24-2019, 04:46 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Both sides should just stop whining in public to make it look like their players were interested in providing fair and balanced fights.
(05-24-2019, 04:48 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I apologise for not getting on my knees and bowing to the Auxesia clique who have:
Told me to go kill myself
Been openly racist to me
Have made fun of me going through depression
Have jumped on me in other Discords for talking about non-Auxesia related things and take screenshots and make memes about what I say and post it in their Discord
Have pulled strings behind the scenes to make my roleplay feel worthless just so they can get what they want.
I don't think anyone here is going to buy that Auxesia are noble souls who only want to deliver fun gameplay and server activity for UN|, and are the victims of this event. Do I hate Auxesia? That's too much effort. I do think you're a dangerous combination of extreme hypocrisy and toxicity, however, and this event reveals it. UN are simply acting on their own accord, all I care about is points and couldn't be bothered to stir up a meme squad especially if it'd mean I'd get less points for myself.
If you've evidence of all of the above, provide it to me and I'll look into it.
Now let's talk about you, Lyth. Let's talk about how long you've spent over the years trying your absolute best to stunt our progression and roleplay in any way possible, slinging out the victim card the moment you're called out on infractions, trying to get our tech access revoked despite several statements that have told you to not. You're persistent, I'll give you that. You're also manipulative. A practiced liar. You grasp at straws and have ideas that are very self-focused.
At no point have we ever gone out of our way to stifle your roleplay behind the scenes. That right there is the most hypocritical thing you could say considering how many player requests and complaints come out of your side over Core tech. You've hardly interacted with us or even taken the time to seriously look through anything we've done. People often get a different view from the inside, but realistically speaking I wouldn't want you anywhere near us considering how much motivation you actually have to try anything in your power to get at us, even going so far as to convince returning and new players that we're basically the root of all evil and that they should ignore/never acknowledge us. You cannot hide that. We've all seen it, we've all read the stuff you've said so don't bother trying to play white knight here.
You're probably the second most toxic person on the server.
Ladies and Gents, this is starting to become very personal, and probably 'Trial by Forum'.
Please go and have a sandwich break, walk, watch TV or whatever takes you away from the keyboard.
There is no need for this.
Have a good day.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
(05-24-2019, 04:48 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I apologise for not getting on my knees and bowing to the Auxesia clique who have:
Told me to go kill myself
Been openly racist to me
Have made fun of me going through depression
Have jumped on me in other Discords for talking about non-Auxesia related things and take screenshots and make memes about what I say and post it in their Discord
Have pulled strings behind the scenes to make my roleplay feel worthless just so they can get what they want.
I don't think anyone here is going to buy that Auxesia are noble souls who only want to deliver fun gameplay and server activity for UN|, and are the victims of this event. Do I hate Auxesia? That's too much effort. I do think you're a dangerous combination of extreme hypocrisy and toxicity, however, and this event reveals it. UN are simply acting on their own accord, all I care about is points and couldn't be bothered to stir up a meme squad especially if it'd mean I'd get less points for myself.
If you've evidence of all of the above, provide it to me and I'll look into it.
Now let's talk about you, Lyth. Let's talk about how long you've spent over the years trying your absolute best to stunt our progression and roleplay in any way possible, slinging out the victim card the moment you're called out on infractions, trying to get our tech access revoked despite several statements that have told you to not. You're persistent, I'll give you that. You're also manipulative. A practiced liar. You grasp at straws and have ideas that are very self-focused.
At no point have we ever gone out of our way to stifle your roleplay behind the scenes. That right there is the most hypocritical thing you could say considering how many player requests and complaints come out of your side over Core tech. You've hardly interacted with us or even taken the time to seriously look through anything we've done. People often get a different view from the inside, but realistically speaking I wouldn't want you anywhere near us considering how much motivation you actually have to try anything in your power to get at us, even going so far as to convince returning and new players that we're basically the root of all evil and that they should ignore/never acknowledge us. You cannot hide that. We've all seen it, we've all read the stuff you've said so don't bother trying to play white knight here.
You're probably the second most toxic person on the server.
Can I add this to my Tinder profile? It's a good joke. A bit long though.
It'd be interesting to know how you're privy to player requests.
Posts: 6,410
Threads: 494
Joined: Nov 2014
Staff roles: Art Developer
(05-24-2019, 05:13 PM)St.Denis Wrote: Ladies and Gents, this is starting to become very personal, and probably 'Trial by Forum'.
Please go and have a sandwich break, walk, watch TV or whatever takes you away from the keyboard.
There is no need for this.
Have a good day.
Except it's problematic when there's people intentionally slandering and griefing others and then crying wolf. I have no tolerance for exploits and lies.
I cannot guarantee a fair fight to happen all the time, but any OSC shuttle with double MRs will be shafted. I don't care if unioners gank us with snubs, it's just awful when it's exploiting something that's obviously blatantly game breakingly broken.
(05-24-2019, 05:18 PM)Auzari Wrote: Except it's problematic when there's people intentionally slandering and griefing others and then crying wolf. I have no tolerance for exploits and lies.
Be the bigger/more mature person and walk away.
You lose nothing by doing so, but may gain more respect from people.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
(05-24-2019, 05:14 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Can I add this to my Tinder profile? It's a good joke. A bit long though.
It'd be interesting to know how you're privy to player requests though.
You're not denying it.
Cba to dissect your BS Thyrzul style (it is very funny though) and waste effort. I couldn't care less about petty accusations. I'd advise you to play your role in this event instead.
(05-24-2019, 05:14 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Can I add this to my Tinder profile? It's a good joke. A bit long though.
It'd be interesting to know how you're privy to player requests though.
You're not denying it.
Cba to dissect your BS Thyrzul style (it is very funny though) and waste effort. I couldn't care less about petty accusations. I'd advise you to play your role in this event instead.
In other words, you've nothing to say to counter those points.
In any case, St.Denis is correct. Years of trying to communicate with you people has gotten us nowhere. This is no different.