Whew, good thing I never gave leadership of L\- to Wesker. (^:
On a more serious note - it does feel like you're punishing not just Reeves for what he's done, but rather his whole faction's playerbase who I imagine are largely innocent. Is his "recent behavior and attitude" reflected on the Xeno Alliance at least?
Okay. So. As one of the oldest people still somewhat around from old Xeno days (very somewhat, I hardly log recently) and the person that actually threw Reeves leadership, let me break down what he has done for the faction. For some reason, this is a crusade against an individual rather than a judgment against a group of people and what they do for/on the server as it should be. So allow me to attack that crusade and show the staff team he IS fit to lead. Yes, he can be blunt. Yes, he can be opinionated. The examples I will present defend that he is what is necessary for this request though, a good leader. If the staff has a problem with him, they should do what they are supposed to and never did. Punish him with sanctions, not by blocking and attempting to destroy the efforts of a large group of people in providing activity to a community that has been dwindling for years now.
Reeves has motivated a hell of a lot of people to even JOIN the Xenos. That's even prior to changing them to be more relevant in the current state of the server. He is responsible for the base of our activity. I witnessed him bringing in the majority of people that are now in XA personally, especially the ones that log the most. I'll be completely honest here, I've always been crap at motivating people as a leader of a faction here. I've improved on that highly since I lead it after managing people IRL but.. you know what, I just don't have motivation for disco anymore aside from logging once in a while. That's not anyone's fault but my own. I've not been in disco in any of the two times I tried to reboot XA, much as I tried to be. That's pretty evident due to how they went.
Reeves has almost single-handedly re-worked a lot of our lore for the future. I had my part in this as well by giving feedback and the one thing I've done for XA this time around which is the Phantom Wing. We have actual lore progress now and additional things we can do, additional things our players feel reasons to log for. His actions as a faction leader since I've given him the reins have seen a Xeno return to vanilla lore primarily. Let me just make a list of everything I can think about off the top of my head that has been done primarily with his hands.
Xenos have re-opened trade with Corsairs and begun smuggling Xeno Artifacts as well.
Xenos have begun trading with the Order, smuggling Liberty black market munitions and other various goods to then utilize Kemwer munitions in our movement.
Xenos have gained access to shipyards from the Order in creating ships
Xenos have shifted towards closely veiled hostilities in regards to HF due to their handling of Bering, not giving Xenos a seat in the commonwealth, etc. This also moves us away from being HF with transport blues.
Xenos have bettered their relationship with Lanehackers as a sort of uneasy ally against Navy/LPI and HF when the time comes
Xenos have begun attempting to displace some of the Junker Cardamine trade in Liberty by hitting Coronado and our usual chokepoints in the Kusari corridor, Rheinland corridor. We send a trivial amount of this to Pittsburgh to keep up public opinion and sell a lot of it on the black market using contacts obtained from Phantom Wing reconnaissance.
Xenos have begun using the conflict in Bering to, rather than being attack-dogs for Liberty, focus on activities in Texas to strengthen the movement as there are many parties fighting the Unioner threat.
Xenos arranged a tech exchange and some development with the Order. Originally it was a simple exchange that was then compromised on for reasons I will not disclose. I'm unsure where that ever went as that was QUITE some time ago. We've since moved on and decided to find our own way to that goal, which leads me to my next point:
Xenos have an actual ship coming thanks to Reeves finding a modeler.
Xenos have shifted away from being a joke that, while fun, meant most people didn't take us seriously. I have a love-hate relationship with this change but I acknowledge it's better for overall RP to get rid of the yeehaws and sonny jims.
The vast majority of these changes were pushed through by Reeves himself. Reeves is a good leader for XA and, though he has his issues.. If staff actually has an issue with him, follow your procedures and punish him using sanctions. Don't punish him by going after the thing he cares the most about. That's a vindictive action if I've ever seen one and does nothing but add collateral damage of innocent community members that you are meant to serve. XA is the only reason I still come around on disco occasionally and to see this being done to it is absolutely heart-breaking. I really want to believe that the team means well with this action, and so I am here fighting to make you see the error this. Reeves may be a problem player by your perspective, but he is not a problem leader. Do not mix the two up. I see him yelling at people in our chat QUITE heavily for even getting near to breaking rules and he's actually flipped out and kicked somebody for toeing the line.
I really cannot stress this enough.
Reeves is a good faction leader and propelled the Xeno Alliance back to relevance and, by extension, Xeno representation on the server.
at this point devs would just get a public a-ok if they went back on their decision and gave XA officialdom, considering that pretty much everyone else but them thinks that not making them official was a mistake
remember when old admins were the most hated people on planet earth because they outright refused to reevaluate their choices even when everyone around them was providing them with evidence that made their decision a bad one, yet they still denied everything because they could, due to them holding all the power
Can I ask why is Xeno Alliance not official? Just because of Reeves? (Who is a cool guy and dedicated into XA). Come on devs, give them officialdom. They deserve it!
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(05-31-2019, 07:24 PM)Goliath Wrote: Can I ask why is Xeno Alliance not official? Just because of Reeves? (Who is a cool guy and dedicated into XA). Come on devs, give them officialdom. They deserve it!
daily reminder that 'game masters' (admins) and devs are not the same thing.
Xeno Alliance is one of the factions that adds ambience to the game. I remember going into Colorado with my GC transport and XA logged. All that went thought my mind was: I am screwed.
(05-31-2019, 05:11 PM)Reeves Wrote: DinoToday at 9:19 PM
I have posted just as I was leaving work so I did not manage to contact you sooner about it. The vote was rather split, but the majority was in favor of declining the application due to concerns they have found with the faction. The reason for it was the fact that you are a leader of the faction. The staff was not impressed with your recent behavior and attitude and do not wish to grant the officialdom to the Xeno Alliance as long something is not done about it. I am personally sorry it ended up this way and I hope the Xeno Alliance will re-try going for officialdom, but I also hope you will take it as a constructive criticism and aim for improvement.
This is an interesting standard, because as far as I can tell you've never actually been banned.
Meanwhile, let's look over at UN| and [RHA]. Now, I don't have much of an issue with Tanith or Wesker, but they have a history here and oh look, Tanith just got banned again, does that mean UN|'s going to lose its status?
Oh, did I say "interesting" earlier? I meant stupid and inconsistent.
(05-31-2019, 07:25 PM)Auzari Wrote: daily reminder that 'game masters' (admins) and devs are not the same thing
Devs (or at least 'head' devs) still hold more votes on this than the game masters do due to numbers, so this point is irrelevant given the context of the current discussion.