Summer is upon us. Much like the wise peasant, it is the time to water the fields and cut down the weeds, so that we may reap a bountiful harvest by this autumn.
Much is going to take place in the coming weeks, and for that to happen, a precise headcount of all current active elements has been ordered.
You will use the following form to renew your oath of service to your King. Failure to do so will have GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS. Do as your King commands, and there will be many riches and titles to come.
You have one month from this day.
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline.
Renewal of oath
I, [insert name here], [insert, in that order, your rank, office, and title(s) if applicable] of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention :
Sender: Capitaine Jean-Paul Bourdeau Recipient: La Marine Royal Gauloise Subject: Oath
It is my honor and privilege to do as such for my Kingdom. Let our harvest indeed be bountiful, and let the necessary fat be trimmed.
I, Jean-Paul Bourdeau, Lieutenant de Vaisseau of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention:
Capital ships commanded:
- MRG|RNS-Constant • Perilous-class Patrol Vessel
I hope this is to your satisfaction. Vive le roi!
Jean-Paul Bourdeau
Lieutenant de Vaisseau
Marine Royal Gauloise
I, Contre-Amiral Pierre Vincent Dupetit-Thouars, Vicomte du Plateau des Coucous, Chevalier de Port-aux-Perles, of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention :
Capital and transport ships commanded :
MRG|RNS-La.Concorde (Valor)
MRG|RNS-Bonne.Naissance (Valor)
MRG|RNS-Landerneau (Valor)
MRG|RNS-La.Rochelle (Obstinate)
MRG|RNS-Grasse (Obstinate)
RNS-Tonnant (Valor; reserve corps)
I, Maître Principal Gaspard Mariani of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention :
Capital and transport ships commanded :
MRG|TL-Le.Bateau.Ivre (Perilous)
Sender: Amiral Louis Clement Recipient: La Marine Royal Gauloise Subject: Paperwork
Why are you wasting my time with this nonsense? Don't we all have better things to do? Do something useful, instead of causing me unnecessary paperwork.
I, Louis Clement, Contre-amiral of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention:
Capital ships commanded:
- MRG|RNS-Die - "Valor" class vessel
- MRG|RNS-Vilaine - "Obstinate" class vessel
- MRG|RNS-Var - "Triumph" class vessel
- MRG|RNS-Nice - "Perilous" class vessel
Sender: Commandant Pierre Vaillant Recipient: La Marine Royal Gauloise Subject: Paperwork
Oh well, I found some time to do those paperworks.
I, Pierre Vaillant, Capitaine de Vaisseau of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention:
Capital ships commanded:
- MRG|RNS-Sombre.Destin - "Valor -Conquérant-" class vessel.
*The screen flashes with Fontaine's comm-sig momentarily, then reveals the man himself.
Per the Naval command dispatched this morning, I henceforth issue the following statement.
I, EVERETT FONTAINE, CONTRE-AMIRAL, CHAMBELLAN de la MARINE ROYALE GAULOISE, BARON, CHEVALIER DU SOLEIL, of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention : Baguette and oil supplies require replenishing, as well as business with the Crown. Please dispatch a shipment forthwith.
Capital and transport ships commanded :
- MRG|RNS-Algerie (Valor, Flagship)
- MRG|RNS-Force-Majeure(Triomphe, support destroyer)
- MRG|TL-Felin-Majestique(5G Commerce Raider)
- All other auxiliary capital craft attached to La Marine Royale.
I, Jaquoille Tartenpion, paysan a la porcherie du kanton Nouveau Eymoutiers, Equipage of la Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention :
I don't know what to say here, mon commandant. I am pilote chasseur et bombardier.
I, Rupert Davies, Maître Principal of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
Maître Principal Rupert Davies
Marine Royale Gauloise
Expéditeur: Maître Principal Pierre Lasalle Destinataire: MRG Command Sujet: Oath Renewal
I, Pierre Lasalle, Matire Principal of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
Maître Principal Pierre Lasalle
Marine Royale Gauloise
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
Expéditeur: Quartier-Maître Claude Wallace Destinataire: MRG Command Sujet: Oath Renewal
I, Claude Wallace, Quartier-Maître of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.
Quartier-Maître Claude Wallace
Marine Royale Gauloise