(07-13-2019, 10:44 PM)mayu20 Wrote: Its funny how 95 people voted on this, but the game can't reach 80 online players for more than a hour on a weekend.
The community itself is "way" bigger than the player count might tell. I think timezones might be a factor but maybe, just maybe, there's too many people waiting for a "reasonable" amount of players to log instead of just doing it. If you can, try to log and you might just provoke a chain reaction. (Btw the related thread has over 140 unique votes at this point)
If everyone say that freelancer is dying, in a fresh head, it means ?
we have several solutions,RL (big one reason), bof, time to install, the place taken on my disc, useless for a game who die. etc etc
In first, is it really true?
What Shelco said is true, Discovery's community is quite large. I think we have somewhere around 500 people (who still log into Discord, check the forums at least once a month, etc) around, and it is most certainly possible to get many of them online at one time. They just don't seem to have the drive to. You can debate about the why behind it, but I think we need to ditch the idea that we're all alone here.
cheat the system by making an event at a time and a date thats just about logging into the game on any ship you want so the playerlist number goes up
and then u can check the list and log a different thing based on where the activity is
constant 128/128 every day thank me later
Ehmm... *chewing on a fresh green juicy stick of -some-kind-*
Discovery NOT "dead" be ... Not yet, not soon, not ever... Have Hope... We must !
We still have many active players, and the Community is quite BIG, even if the Game is "old" and some newer players might consider it "outdated".
Also, many older players from back in the days of Discovery beginnings are still here and playing.
Maybe not every day, or every week, because we all have a Real Life to live too.
Ol' Jedi being one of those from back in 2005 - 2007, and I tell you that I get to see quite a few from the old veterans here.
It's true, we had better times when Server was FULL 225 slots and we had to wait in line for quite some time to be able to log-in and play,,,
Now the 'numbers' are much lower, around 75-80 at peak times and mostly for some "events".
But... This don't mean that Discovery is 'dieing'.
It's just "less populated" because most younger players prefer to go spend their free time with some other newer games, maybe more 'interesting' for them.
Those who really love Discovery and have the pleasure for some good quality RP encounters are - and will be - here for long time.
Because Discovery is mainly about this: Role-Play and feel good with it, not just "Pew-Pew-Pew-BOOM".
I have seen the full "Life" of Discovery - from the beginnings in 2005 until present times - and I was always here with many different chars, just not much with my original Yoda-[T] because at some point I decided to "retire" the ol' Jedi for a while.
We have LOTS of New Features here, thanks to the HARD work of Devs, Admins and many other 'contributors' who are giving much of their free-time to make Discovery better and better and more interesting, despite the 14 Years 'age' of the Mod and Server.
The hard work of many people over time has made Discovery what it is now.
We also have many very good RP-ers here, and if you happen to be a newcomer and get the chance to meet some of them you will certainly enjoy the 'game'.
So... All this been said... NO ! Discovery is not "dieing" because many people are here to enjoy what we have and the Community is BIG and Strong.
Enjoy the Role-Play and try to make your "contribution" to the Community !
I have played this game for 3 years, learned the game with lots of community help and also a good friend who still plays the game too.
We’ve built 2 bases also we’ve created an unofficial faction and we currently try to recruit new players to come and learn the game by helping with the base and also being able to enjoy the game when using different characters.
Official factions are a big thing in this game and they sometimes give the impression that no one else plays disco which might be a reason why people leave the game.
Maybe it’s time to rethink some ways people run their groups make new alliances and get back to generally enjoying the game.
All the ones in our unofficial faction are encouraged to also make different characters as well as the ones they use with us.
Many of our members are scattered across the globe it is hard to get everyone online at once and with the use of discord our group works well together.
Also discord has been a saviour for our group being able to communicate and get everyone working together.
I really enjoy this game and I am more determined than ever to help make this community great again and everyone who has just decided to just plod along and play here play there and just basically not do anything to help the game and community should get up one day and say ..... I will help to improve this game with my gameplay and comments....
The new Game masters do their best all the factions do their best with their roleplay and there time online.
One thing I might say is the events do spring a lot of people online when they are active
Possibly advertising the events and some new way of promoting this community could get it back to those days gone by
Let’s all get together as a community and sort it out guys
I’m sure we can all come up with ideas so maybe a section on the forum where people can put out of roleplay ideas ......... not sure if there is one but something directly to the game masters ........ just an idea