I would like to submit a job application for Daumann Heavy Construction.
Here is my CV:
『Firstname: Hans
『[b]Surname: Wagner
『[b]Age: 23
『Date of Birth: March 14th, 803 AS.
『Origin: Munich, Planet Nuremberg.
『Short biograph: Right after graduating at Deutsche Gymnasium I have decided to make a living as a pilot. Mostly because science or philosophy wasn't really my thing. For the last couple of years I have worked as a freelancer, shipping cargo from point A to point B. It wasn't a bad job, but after some time I realised that if I want to get a better life for myself, I have to look around for a bit. That's when I came across with DHC.
『Division to join:
[x] - Transport Division
[x] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? I'd like to get some new experience, meet new people, explore new places and earn some cash.
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I believe my piloting skills, determination, Deutsch diligence and loyal spirit can be of use for Daumann.
If my request addressed you, I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Thank you for your time.
Freundliche Grüße, Hans Wagner
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: Kelby#1896 (AKA Moldau)
『Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes, I have.
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes, I have.
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: No, I do not.
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr Wagner,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED. We have no doubt that your previous experience in the freelance freight business will make an excellent addition to our staff. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on making the decision to better your life; a future with Daumann is a brighter future for all. Welcome to the family!
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!
[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher
No files attached.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
『Firstname: Elias
『Surname: Lehmann
『Age: 43 years old
『Date of Birth: 26 April 783 A.S.
『Origin: Rheinland
『Short biograph:
I was born on planet New Berlin. When I was five years old, my parents divorced. My father was a military man and raised me as a soldier. My whole life was connected with the work of my father, but I hated the army. At 20, I separated from my father and went to work as a mercenary. I worked on my own and until the age of 36 I killed as many people as one military man did not kill in his entire life. When I was 36 years old, I was invited to work at Security Fleet of Krugers. I accepted this offer. Until now, I worked properly, but because of disagreements with my command, I left. Now I’m looking for work and I hope that my skills will be useful to the future employer.
『Division to join:
[x] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[x] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? I want to help you against your enemies.
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I'm a good pilot on fighters and gunboats.
『Elias Lehmann
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: Decktare#3940
『Have you read our Infomation Page:Yes/No
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland:Yes/No
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing:Yes/No
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected) Accepted
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr Lehmann,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED. We have no doubt that your previous experience and your talents as a mercenary and security officer with Kruger will serve you extremely well in your no doubt bright career with Daumann Heavy Construction. Welcome to the family, Kollege!
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!
[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher
No files attached.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
『Firstname: James
『Surname: Hammond
『Age: 36
『Date of Birth: 14 - May - 790 AS.
『Origin: Bretonia.
『Short biograph: I'm from Bretonia, and i've worked most of my life in logistics and escort contracts as Freelancer for Bowex and BMM, so i got some experience in fighters and transports. Due to the well known war between Bretonia and Gallia, i decided two years ago that was time to move out to some more "quiet" place, so i moved to Rheinland.
『Division to join:
[X] - Transport Division
[X] - Mining Division
[X] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? More work, more money. Being a freelancer is not as profitable as being a corporate employee.
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I have a decent experience in logistics and escorting.
『James Hammond
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: I already added Bannorn
『Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: Yes
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr James Hammond,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED. Given your previous experience working in both the freelance industry, and with our corporate colleagues in Bretonia, you will no doubt fit in very well at Daumann Heavy Construction. You will indeed find that it is a welcoming and profitable place to work, with a generous benefits package as well! You are not the first Bretonian to escape the war-torn areas of your home and come to find opportunity in Rheinland - work hard, and I have no doubt you will succeed, like many before you!
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
『Firstname: Leonidas
『Surname: von München
『Age: 37
『Date of Birth: 21 Juli 789 AS.
『Origin: Reihnland
『Short biograph: I was born in Munich go to Uni for learning handle then i have make a Familie with 4 Kids and life in a nice House with a big Garden.
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[x] - Transport Division
[x] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? i like to go handle and mining
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I have learn in the Uni how to handle allways
『<Character Fullname>
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: I already added Bannorn
『Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: Yes
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr von München,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED. You will find that working with Daumann is a great choice of career, and our generous compensation and family packages will no doubt help you achieve your dream of a peaceful family life! Work hard, and I have no doubt you will succeed, like many before you!
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!
[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher
No files attached.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
『Firstname: Hartmann
『Surname: Paul
『Age: 25
『Date of Birth: February 10th, 801 AS
『Origin: New Berlin, Rheinland
『Short biograph: I was born in New Berlin. After studying, I work for a private company in convoy protection after leaving the company I started mining and transport as a freelancer. Today I am here to offer my services, but also to find a company where to work as a team is present.
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[X] - Transport Division
[X] - Mining Division
[X] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? help you build for the Rheinland, transport for the Rheinland, mining for the Rheinland and protect you against pirates
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? because I can be useful to you and my flying skills
『Paul Hartmann
『Paul Hartmann
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: jeuge40#6671
『Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: No
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Siegfried von Thielau >
SvThielau@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Vorstand
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Paul Hartmann,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED.
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period in all groups to give you the chance to prove yourself as valuable member of Daumann .
During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Me and your other division managers will brief you on the next steps.