This faction has been evolving together with Gallia lately. It started small, as a niche faction: a battlegroup of the Gallic Royal Intelligence with a heavy focus on its lore, and an untold, but hinted-at mystery behind it. As Escadron XXII "Les Révélateurs", we went through the last months of the Gallic war, fighting alongside the Royal Navy in the New London Blitz and getting stranded in the Gallic Hebrides together.
But then something happened: the changes that the devs had in store for Gallia coincided with what our characters had been doing and planning. The extent of coincidence was almost uncanny:
The GRI stations in Zurich and Orleanais (the only ones that we built our RP around, and to which we evacuated our role-play assets in Gallia to prevent them from falling to the Council's hands) became GRE bases. It also fit like a puzzle to some other plans, and made the stories to come about "Les Révélateurs" and their puppeteers all the more ironic.
Going Enclave was the only logical choice. That's why we embraced these changes almost as soon as they were announced. As we developed our lore and faction further, we also tried to make \*/~ less of a niche faction, and more accessible to the general Enclave player base. That resulted in a faction that inherits everything that "Les Révélateurs" have done, puts it to good use, but doesn't make it the cornerstone.
Now the faction is styled as a "defense" force of the Enclave military junta, consisting of many units ("Les Révélateurs" included). This is a step away from a snub-and-gunboat focused intelligence unit to a full-scale Enclave military.
Despite that, the faction will still remain story-driven, lore-heavy, and character-focused. Our goal is to give roleplay and gameplay opportunities for any kind of Enclave players, regardless of their preferred activity: snub PVP, cap PVP, trading, in-game non-combat interactions, story writing and character development, Discord RP, and so on. We believe that we could better do it if we became one of the official Enclave factions, hence this application.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
(09-15-2019, 01:07 PM)St.Denis Wrote: Money taken, added to Tracker.
Good luck
Thank you. But apparently, the time we spent in game doesn't track. I've done some digging on the forum, and our tag appears to have the same problem that was fixed by @Alex. for L\- with a workaround here:
I'd hate to give you more work, but could you apply a similar workaround for our tag \*/~?
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Joined: Aug 2009
Staff roles: Server Manager Coding Dev Moderator
(09-15-2019, 03:22 PM)Catbert Wrote:
(09-15-2019, 01:07 PM)St.Denis Wrote: Money taken, added to Tracker.
Good luck
Thank you. But apparently, the time we spent in game doesn't track. I've done some digging on the forum, and our tag appears to have the same problem that was fixed by @Alex. for L\- with a workaround here:
I'd hate to give you more work, but could you apply a similar workaround for our tag \*/~?
Acknowledged. I'll get to it at some point. FWIW this seems like a strange tag.
(09-15-2019, 07:21 PM)Alex. Wrote: Acknowledged. I'll get to it at some point. FWIW this seems like a strange tag.
Thank you. We'll just keep doing our thing in the meantime. Please let us know if any issues arise with adding the tag.
As for the tag itself, you're not the first one to call it strange. Some people even called it "Praise the Sun". Personally, I find it rather fitting. We originally invented it when we were still a GRI faction and needed something that would fit "Gallic", "Aristocratic", and "Royal" as good as =LSF= fits LSF. We've tried many options, but eventually stopped at \*/~. It vaguely resembles fleur-de-lys and the crown. The fact that it's universal was an added bonus.
I figured I'd bump this, mainly to encourage people to share their experiences with us. Feel free to tell here what you like, what you don't like, what you would like to see, ask questions, etc. Without the tracker (hopefully, only for the time being), it's the only criterion I can use to determine whether or not we're going in the right direction.
Bumping this again. The tracker doesn't show \*/~ activity, and I'd hate it to be the reason of the application getting rejected when the time comes. Deck is so worried that he is looking into ways of gathering statistics from the player list.
As far as I understand, the fix that was used for L\- back in the day should be applicable here too. If it is not, then please let us know.
P.S. As usual, all feedback is welcome, either here, or in the feedback threads.
We understand that it is difficult to make a decision about officialdom without data. And no one is obliged to update the tracker for our sake. To make it simpler, we have compiled this list. We hope this somehow helps us and you.