(07-31-2019, 06:34 PM)Daniel 'Dani' Freeman Wrote: The BHG IFF is necessary since its required for a hunter to be red to the target before he can kill it and claim the kill. I would personally prefer the Freelancer ID but Freelancers are very... Neutral aka. White to everything. The faction is meant to be very simple and so are the factions goals. <3
"The Sirius Syndicate is a mercenary guild, formed by people who are willing to do anything to survive in the harsh sector of Sirius. Consisting of mercenaries, hitmen, agents, businessmen and ex-soldiers providing their skills to anyone who is willing to pay a handsome price for them." - your own lore writeup. So you have to decide if you are affiliation-less hardcore mercs ready to work for anyone ready to pay (as you say) or if you incline to work for someone particularly. Those two options do not go together mostly, if you have preferences for alignment, you are per se not unprincipled mercs but affiliated ones. In your OF application this is not as evident as in your unofficial faction page where you indicated in diplomacy section hostile treatment of several unlawful and revolutionary factions. So it would be better for you if you sort out your lore stance of either being "True Neutral" affiliation mercs or "Lawful Neutral". So far, your reputation is already as of biased mercs and unlawful factions are unlikely to hire you.
(07-31-2019, 06:34 PM)Daniel 'Dani' Freeman Wrote: We realise the Micro civilisation thingy is extremely extremely far fached and we realise its nearly impossible to accomplish. Its just a goal that we thought would be fun to have it in the mindset of a mercenary IRP. We know it's not original but we're trying to be as independent as a freelancer faction can be. <3
Now, why would a merc faction strive to become micro-nation? Where is the geopolitical logic behind it? Having an HQ away from everyone to be "neutral" or to avoud legislation of a certain party is fine but HQ =/= micronation. For that you will need an actual state that will render you a state, not mercs. Seems pretty much illogical objective however you look at it, should you stick to merc RP ofc. Comparison with RL is not always valid for freelancer although still a good reference material. Why would, say, a private military company like "Blackwater" strive to create a separate state? It would pose a heavy burden on their budget and operation capacity (instead of doing their job they will have to assert control over certail territories akin to police forces. Spoils of plundering wil leventually wither, same as population if not catered for. Also, this would require much more personnel, thus decreasing per capita gains of each mercenary leading to less interest in continuation of working as a merc. People with experience go there either to spill blood semilegally or to get cash. Should they be equalled to policemen in both roles and salary - what is the point of continuation of their service under the banners of the company?
IMHO, the faction lore still needs some thought over. You have the time, so you can chill and develop it gradually. Good luck with the faction - RPing mercs has been difficult on Disco since the population is not high.
I have nothing bad to say, but I can say interactions I saw from you were pretty good. I am wishing you guys best of luck, even though it's kind of early for this.
I hope you will have fun.
I also like your forum writing style, it's 'unique' if I can say so.
If you would ask me, officialdom is not something worth of putting effort in.
Posts: 6,410
Threads: 494
Joined: Nov 2014
Staff roles: Art Developer
You guys haven't really been around as an unofficial group that long either. That or you were extremely quiet in regards to stuff going on. Isn't it a little early to consider officialdom?
Money taken, you will be added to the Tracker soon.
Good luck
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
The staff has decided that your request will be denied this time. You are free to re-apply if you wish.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person