To:Riegel Vesper From:Scarborough Station - Newcastle Topic:Recruitment Terminal. Date:19/02/827 A.S.
Greetings, Mr. Vesper
Welcome Mr. Vesper! We are happy to see you with us. Sure, Bowex may be a little different, so as you can see, we have a few employees, but all well-trained to fly with you and provide you with companionship in the environment we have to offer. However, if you feel that these changes do not affect the way you work, feel free to let us know about your projects, which we will be delighted to look into if they are viable. Once you have accepted this, you can start your work immediately by performing at Scarbourough to get your ID and uniform credentials from that office.
See you later, Michael Taylor
CEO Bowex and Director of Trade,
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? Bretonian Independant Hauler
- To what division are you applying? Transport Division
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? To be apart of the biggest Bretonian Exports Company where there are many opportunity for progression and training to further my ability in these working environments.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why? Get myself to safety then call for assistance because I am not trained in that field of work.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why? Call for law enforcements to come deal with this.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers? Cute little fellows.
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee? No
Welcome Miss. Bolton! We are happy to see you with us. Sure, Bowex may be a little different, so as you can see, we have a few employees, but all well-trained to fly with you and provide you with companionship in the environment we have to offer. However, if you feel that these changes do not affect the way you work, feel free to let us know about your projects, which we will be delighted to look into if they are viable. Once you have accepted this, you can start your work immediately by performing at Scarbourough to get your ID and uniform credentials from that office.
See you later, Michael Taylor
CEO Bowex and Director of Trade,
Posts: 6,380
Threads: 335
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name?
Horatio Fairfax Rodney Alfred Bickerton.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I have an accredited pilots licence (Father insisted I learn in order to more conveniently navigate the estate). I also have a degree in Theoretical History from the University of Cambridge, Trumpington College.
Beyond that, I don't see how prior experience should be particularly necessary. How hard could it be fly a trade ship? I simply point out where the thing should go and the crew do whatever manual labour is necessary to make it happen.
- To what division are you applying?
Trade Combine.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Regrettably my blasted doctor insisted that I was ineligible for service to House and Queen during The War, primarily on account of my chronic bone spurs and wooden bladder. Thankfully, they've recently cleared up, so it's only correct that I do my patriotic duty now.
My father (Sir Johnathon Orson Reginald Aldred Bickerton, 81st baronet of Coleridge) advised that a commercial captaincy with Borderworld Exports would be a sufficient posting for a gentleman of breeding who was looking to establish himself in the affairs of state.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
Why, that's rather none of my business. If those fellows hadn't wanted to be attacked by pirates, they should've hired better help.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
I had rather thought that there was a tenuous peace these days. Should garçon have his nose bent out of shape, I'll remind him that the chaps in the Armed Forces are ready and willing to give him another good rapping unless he cuts that nonsense out!
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
I would have supposed that this would have been a bit of an academic question at this point, given Glasgow's lamentable condition. You didn't evacuate the rascals beforehand, did you?
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?
I'm rather afraid I don't much affiliate with 'employees'.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Early retirement but before that it was working for Bowex as a Supervisor for Trade
- To what division are you applying?
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Looking to get back into Bowex. I've missed all the paperwork and retirement is just really terrible. Nothing to do now. Yeah I know, I'm boring... We had some exciting projects that we completed when I was in Bowex last such as this massive project being the highlight of my career.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
You know as much as I'd love to help the Hessian i'd be best to turn a blind eye and pretend i saw nothing.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
Well seeing as times are different I don't know. Go back a few months when we were at war and I would have told him to jog on. Now? I guess I don't know. Shout hello in the most bretonian way possible?
To:Horatio Fairfax Rodney Alfred Bickerton. From:Scarborough Station - Newcastle Topic:Recruitment Terminal. Date:25/02/827 A.S.
Greetings, Mr. Fairfax.
Welcome Mr. Fairfax! Welcome to New London's most beloved company. Reading your resume we notice your sense of humor, as well as your category to express your opinion of how you can lead a historic and administrative life in a field with collaborators. Once again, welcome. However, if you feel that these changes do not affect the way you work, feel free to let us know about your projects, which we will be delighted to look into if they are viable. Once you have accepted this, you can start your work immediately by performing at Scarbourough to get your ID and uniform credentials from that office in your mailbox.
See you later, Michael Taylor
Leader Bowex and Director of Trade,
To:Peter Hudson. From:Scarborough Station - Newcastle Topic:Recruitment Terminal. Date:25/02/827 A.S.
Greetings, Mr. Hudson.
Welcome Mr. Hudson! It is very good to have read your contribution form and notice that you have a lot of experience since the days gone by at Bowex. Certainly your return in our ranks of employees is appreciated with esteem and expectation among our employees. However, if you feel that these changes do not affect the way you work, feel free to let us know about your projects, which we will be delighted to look into if they are viable. Once you have accepted this, you can start your work immediately by performing at Scarbourough to get your ID and uniform credentials from that office in your mailbox.
See you later, Michael Taylor
Leader Bowex and Director of Trade,
- What is your full name? Jaine Walker I am a transport captain of a Shetland Train named Victoria
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? I am a Freelance transport captain operating under a Bowex Licence //indie bowex
- To what division are you applying? Commerce
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?To gain some sort of protection for my ship and crew from pirate attack and to make bowex richer.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why? I try to help anyway I can, even if it means ramming my large shetland into the the enemy
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?I maintain radio silence, I wouldn't want to give them the pleasure of thinking they are bothersome
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?I am of no opinion
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee? Negative
To:Jaine Walker From:Scarborough Station - Newcastle Topic:Recruitment Terminal. Date:03/05/827 A.S.
Greetings, Mr. Jaine Walker
Welcome Mr. Jaine Walker! It was good to have read your form and realized that you have a lot of experience you already have a ship with Bowex authorization. Certainly your work in our ranks will be appreciated with esteem and expectation among our employees. However, if you feel that this new job affects the way you work, feel free to let us know about your projects, which we will be happy to review if they are viable. After accepting this, you will be able to start your work immediately by running in Scarbourough to obtain your uniform ID and credentials from that office in your mailbox.
See you later, Michael Taylor
Leader Bowex and Director of Trade,
User Recognised:Jaine Walker Comm Channel:Open Target ID:Michael Taylor Video Uplink:Established
Greetings Mr Taylor
I don't wish to sound rude but it is Miss, not Mr. My long range transmission must have been distorted. However I am happy to agree to your terms and I am happy to proceed with any contract signing etc that you require me to do. It won't affect the work me and my crew are currently doing.