(03-25-2020, 07:34 PM)Vexykin Wrote: Whether they were just threats or a reality waiting to happen, doesn't matter really, dude was begging for a ban, he got it in the end.
This statement is so stupid it hurts me to read it. "dude was begging for a ban", lmao
Skorak is a bit of a prick but if every time someone got angry and said some stupid sh!t we banned them we'd be out of a community, including you, mr. "I'm mad, I'm furious".
Skorak has 500 pobs and made a white version of Hellfire Legion so I should be happy he's banned but at the very least he played the game every once in a while and made other people log. This whole thing is just some people in power being upset at this german man so they banned him because they can, and everybody knows it.
I'd say, "unban Skorak", but community input matters less and less the more Discovery drags its ballsack on forward every day.
(03-25-2020, 07:34 PM)Vexykin Wrote: Whether they were just threats or a reality waiting to happen, doesn't matter really, dude was begging for a ban, he got it in the end.
This statement is so stupid it hurts me to read it. "dude was begging for a ban", lmao
Skorak is a bit of a prick but if every time someone got angry and said some stupid sh!t we banned them we'd be out of a community, including you, mr. "I'm mad, I'm furious".
Skorak has 500 pobs and made a white version of Hellfire Legion so I should be happy he's banned but at the very least he played the game every once in a while and made other people log. This whole thing is just some people in power being upset at this german man so they banned him because they can, and everybody knows it.
I'd say, "unban Skorak", but community input matters less and less the more Discovery drags its ballsack on forward every day.
You are comparing virtually nothing against someone who is literally threatening to harm the server health and status quo. My past is way irrelevant in this case, but I see the "meme gang" always brings it up, like it's something notable...It's getting old, but by all means, you have really nothing on me, so yeah...Keep on blabbering nonsense
Flood may have less rules, but you still may not insult one another. Don't make me close flood threads, else this mentioning my name meme above will never end.
(03-25-2020, 07:47 PM)Vexykin Wrote: You are comparing virtually nothing against someone who is literally threatening to harm the server health and status quo. My past is way irrelevant in this case
Better than actually harming the server health and status quo by blocking every thread, every person, and censoring on discord, all the while:
PS: I'm sorry if I harmed your snowflakey-world in your heads. Meme-Gang has spoken, should I retreat to my cave?
Also let's remind people how you abused your broken SRP weapons Wesker? Literally harming gameplay, by consciously abusing your 0 energy drain SRP weapons and even posting a YT video about it, then blamed the whole staff for taking those away from you because you fck'd up?