In recent times I have started working very closely with other Freelancer developers over on the Starport and we came to the conclusion that in 2020 it's time this tool got some updates. With that in mind I have resumed development on this after six long years. I will use this thread to post updates I make, but I wont be actively monitoring it as I don't frequent these forums very often.
I would like anyone who uses the tool to comment on this, as I need the general consensus. Is the current theme fine, or would you like extended theme options?
As I am nearing completion of 1.3, I thought I'd give this a bit of a bump. Please post any suggestions, requests, and related content as issues on the github if you have any requests. After 1.3 is done I will still maintain FLMS, but it will get significantly less attention, so better sooner rather than later.
It would be good if the tool would stop removing .x values. When you save, it converts 1.2 to 1, which makes the transfer of stations with multiple parts annoying, as parts clip into each other or have nasty spaces between them. Perfect example is currently in Omicron Theta.
Creation of paths from A to B would be neat, both for lanes and NPC paths. I'd also recommend to update the in-tool-description of the various entries as I assume so far literally everyone had to make their own documention on what is what and what the limits are.