Herein it is set forth, that on the 9th day of the 4th month in the year of our lord, 827 A.S the provisional Imperial Government of Rheinland was founded on Planet Hamburg. Representatives from Kruger, the Rheinland Police, the Rheinland Military, Republican Shipping, Daumann Heavy Construction, and Civilian representatives from across Rheinland gathered and met at the Planetary Government's chambers to formalize the founding of the Second Rheinlandic Empire.
Those gathered formally rejected the authority of the Republican Government and declared their loyalty to the head of House Albrecht and Heir to the Empire, Hans Edvard Von Albrecht-Friedmann, thereby restoring the Imperial Line to the throne. It has been decreed, that while civil unrest is now inevitable, the provisional Imperial Government will look to restore the democratic functions of the House, once New Berlin and Stuttgart have been brought to order.
Hans Von Albrecht is scheduled to make an address to the House later today.
i am more than pleased to see, the von Albrecht Familie back on the Thron.
Hereby, I, Erzherzog Karl-Heinz von Thielau, Oberhaupt of the Von Thielau Familie, assure you, with the backup of the rest of the whole family, permanent and unconditioned loyalty.
Name: Anton Bauer I hope, with all your imperial genealogy, you won't forget about those, which hands feed the Rheinland. Workers tired to be sold to foreign corporations, and be underpaid in their own House. We counting on Kaiser. Don't let us down.
The Generalstab and the admiralty of the Kaiserliche Marine hereby officially declares its loyalty to the Kaiserreich Rheinland and Kaiser Friedmann with the hope and faith that Rheinland will be transformed into a freer and more democratic nation, once again dedicated to the people.
With cordial respect to the recipient, from the office of the VonClaussen estate, Planet Hamburg.
Sent on behalf, and dictated by, his excellency, Herr VonClaussen of the Sternenseegarten, Östlichedornberge, Planet Hamburg.
Reviewed by the pressers and communications team of the #Linus827 campaign.
Communications do not constitute policy declarations unless stated by Linus VonClaussen or a representative of the VonClaussen policy team.
The Von Claussens provide signed permission for messages released in these transmissions to be quoted in external forums and media, including press broadcasts.
Addressed to: Our people, my peers in the Imperial court, The office of the Crown Heir. Urgency: Important. Viewable to the Imperials. Encryption: State security end-to-end encryption protocalls.
Linus is borderline bowled over. He begins to speak before catching himself before any of the words come out. In his hands, his dog,
"A historic hour at the dawn of an already storied epoch. "
"My noble constituents in dutchy of Hamburg is overjoyed to report triumphal stability has been reached in all of Hamburg's urban districts. Neighbours, friends, local and ducal authorities are collaborating with first responders to ensure restitution of the local economy, with the full co-operation of security forces. By the end of next week, given diligence of care, we may even be able to lift curfews, so great is the support for the Sovereign Heir Apparent. I am proud to call Hamburg a system of patriots, and a heartland of our indomitable people, despite the confusion that the malfeasant Federals have wrought. Unexpected entries into the crisis - such as the Liberty Separatists, have been surreptitiously repulsed from our orbits. The citizens of the Second Star breathe free."
A smile spreads out from the expanse of his eyes. A smile of conviction and pride.
"Given our positive security situation, I will turn over all Ducally-operated broadcast transmissions, not in use by first responders, to the Crown court, during the hour of his broadcast. They will be employed to relay our Liege's sabled words to all of Sirius. Every ear who chooses to listen will hear us. Every heart will be turned. There will be no possibility of Federalist interception or tampering with His Testament."
Hanseatic-class Navigational Broadclass Relay- Hamburg Planetary Net
"I must confess, I take some delight in the knowledge that Hamburg's celestial location means that the Federals will struggle to limit access to the Prince's Speech, to those hapless few that they would design to turn against Rheinland, even in the depths of Thuringia. Any conventional jamming array known to the defence department will face a stress-test if they try to overpower every telecartographic transmitter in Hamburg orbit, firing at once, my advisors tell me. Those who cling to a misfortunate past, they will hear the word of truth. These are the selfsame transmitters used to warn vessels of impending ion storms. They are quite potent and represent critical infrastructure. There is no situation of greater criticality than the comfort of a newfound monarch. "
"We await the signal of the royal retinue. If Hamburg or the Party Imperial can offer assistance to His Royal Highness, you need but let us know. Long live the crown prince. Long live Rheinland."
With civillity and respect, I remain a Servant of his Imperial Majesty, Kaiser Albrecht, and the Imperial Order;
► Recipient - Imperial Party of Rheinland; Linus von Claussen
► Subject - <MISSING>
April, 09, 827 A.S.
Soldaten und oberkommando die Rheinwehr:
You are a blight on your people and history. Never in its history Reichstag has ever allied with terrorists. With scum. The power of our Empire was achieved from the inside. You allied with terrorists in persue of strength in tough times. You forget assaults on civilians. You do not fight for their freedom. You would bend your knee before an Alien if it were to offer you its help. To offer you power.
It is very disappointing to see more Rheinwehr gerrisons deployed to suppress civilians and federalists than it was during war with Kusari. With the Guild.
You have abandoned the very definition of honor. You are a shame. You are an abomination.
Linus von Claussen:
You are not worthy of your surname. You defile it, the same way your imperialist friends defile our history and our rights. My history and my rights.
I do not agitate or propagate anyone to fight. To rise up. There is no need in it.
But as I breathe, you will not turn my Vaterland in what once was it's downfall.