An index of the laws and regulations imposed by House governments.
Contained herein are the Laws governing the House Colonies as set forth by their duly appointed governing bodies.
Each Colonial Government is entitled to one submission detailing all applicable laws within their sovereign territories.
All such submissions should include a table of contents at the beginning of their submission.
Unlike the CNS press release service, which contains time sensitive information that may become out of date, these submissions are concrete and permanent, and open only to the House governments.
The Republic of Liberty: A codex listing the laws and regulations applicable to Liberty and her surrounding systems.
The Kingdom of Bretonia: A codex listing the laws and regulations applicable to Bretonia and her surrounding systems.
The House of Rheinland: A codex listing the laws and regulations applicable to Rheinland and her surrounding systems.
The Empire of Kusari: A codex listing the laws and regulations applicable to Kusari and her surrounding systems.
The Gallic Union: A codex listing the laws and regulations applicable to Gallia and her surrounding systems.
An index of the laws and regulations imposed by non-House organisations.
The Zoner Freeports: A collection of policies and regulations imposed by various Zoner Freeports and organisations.
The Corsair Empire: A collection of policies and regulations imposed by the Council of Elders within Corsair space.
The Outcasts A collection of policies and regulations imposed by the Loyola Group.
GMG Sovereign Space: A collection of laws and regulations imposed by the Guild Masters within GMG.
The Crayter Republic: A collection of laws and regulations imposed by the Crayter Republic within Crayterian space.
The Core A collection of laws and regulations imposed by The Core as the Charter of Omicronia
Liberty Forces (Liberty Navy, Liberty Police and Liberty Security Force) are authorized to uphold these laws in Liberty systems (New York, Alaska, California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas).
Liberty Forces are authorized to issue punishments based on severity of a crime which can range from verbal warning to use of lethal force.
Primary Fleets ([LN] and 46th|) are considered ranking officers and their judgement and order stands higher in case of disparity.
Monetary fines for crimes can be up to 100.000 SC on the scene. Higher penalties can be issued by Primary Fleets or Liberty Government via Neural-Net.
Liberty Forces are subject to judicial review of their actions and will be punished if their conduct is found to be unjust.
Hostile organizations forfeit all protection that these laws provide.
Law abiding pilots within Liberty can report instances of crime when officers were not on scene. Please follow the instructions listed in Police Report System.
These systems are under embargo and no commodities (except various forms of passengers) may be transported into them:
2. Trespassing
Alaska system and Zone-21 in New York are restricted areas and off-limits to civilians. Trespassing may result in lethal force used. Current exceptions are:
- Zone-21 in New York, the Trans-Alaska Corridor in Alaska and be passed by Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering, Liberty Police and Universal Shipping.
3. Hostile organizations
It is illegal to affiliate with, work for, possess identification, ship, equipment, technology or weaponry from these organizations:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blood Dragons
- Coalition
- Corsairs
- Farmers Alliance
- Gaians
- Gallic Brigands
- Gallic Royalists
- Golden Chrysanthemums
- Independent Pirates
- Lane Hackers
- Liberty Insurgency
- Liberty Rogues
- Mollys
- Nomads
- Outcasts
- Reaver Mercenaries
- Red Hessians
- Smugglers
- Technocracy of Auxo
- The Order
- Unioners
- Wild
- Xenos
- Militants
Possession of Black Market technology or equipment of any sorts is restricted.
Possession of Liberty Navy technology is restricted. This includes, but is not limited to "Patriot", "Executioner", "Defender", "Avenger" snubcrafts, "Defiant" gunboat, "Magma Hammer" and "Vengeance" series weaponry, etc. Only Liberty Forces and ships within List of approved surplus licenses are permitted to use such technology. If you are looking to receive license, please visit Surplus Requisitioning Center.
Flying foreign house military capital vessels, fighter or bomber class ships is prohibited. Permission to enter Liberty space can be requested from Liberty Government, or Primary Fleets of the Liberty Navy, and are to be escorted at all times.
4.1 Warships
"Corvo" Civilian Deep Space Explorer and "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier are not considered Warships.
Only Liberty Forces can operate Capital Ships (e.g. Cruisers, Destroyers, Battlecruisers, Battleships, Dreadnoughts, Carriers, etc.) in Liberty.
Only Liberty Forces and ships within List of approved surplus licenses can operate Liberty Capital Ships (e.g. "Archer", "Interdictor", "Overlord", "Atlantis", etc.) anywhere in Sirius.
Temporary permission to enter or traverse Liberty with Capital Ships must be gained from Liberty Government and must be escorted by Primary Fleets at all times.
5. Obstructing justice
It is illegal to prevent, evade or delay the administration of justice. Examples are:
- Fleeing from an officer when ordered to stop via verbal command or cruise disruptor.
- Destroying or stealing cargo from the wreck of a criminal despite being told not to
- Allowing criminals to dock on a station within the House of Liberty
- Other attempts to protect or hide criminals or evidence from Liberty Forces
6. Piracy
It is illegal to attempt unlawfully disrupt any traffic and/or threaten to extort cargo, credits, equipment, personnel, etc.
7. Assault
It is illegal to assault Liberty forces unless specifically ordered by the high command of Primary Fleets.
It is illegal to assault any civilian unless:
- Civilian assaulted you and you are self-defending.
- Civilian broke laws and you are permitted by Liberty Forces.
- Civilian is marked within Liberty Bounty Board and you are a registered contractor.
8. Base Licenses
In order to legally register a modular base in the Republic of Liberty, it is required that the owner obtain permission from Liberty Government. The price for yearly license is set at 5.000.000 SC.
Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis. There may be problems with certain base positioning, such as in the middle of a trade lane route or directly across an area of space that sees heavy traffic or being in close proximity to established station. As such, we reserve the right to refuse or request that you modify your application.
Any attempt or intent to conduct espionage in Liberty can result in severe punishments.
9.1 Corporate espionage
Any attempt or intent to obtain and/or share, without the consent of the relevant parent corporation, classified information. This includes possessing, salvaging, purchasing, distributing or trying to reverse-engineer Liberty corporations' proprietary research, technology or products, including but not limited to Ageira White Boxes, without their express written consent.
9.2 Military espionage
Any attempt or intent to obtain and/or share, without the consent of the Liberty Government, classified information on any matter deemed to contribute to national security.
9.3 Foreign agencies
Foreign military, intelligence or police agencies are not allowed in Liberty unless permission from Liberty Government is granted.
9.4 Exceptions
These organizations are allowed within Liberty only for trade convoys:
- Core
- =CR=
10. Non-violent crimes
Following miscellaneous crimes are considered non-violent in case there is no damage to health or property.
10.1 Impersonating an officer
False claim to be part of any branch of the Liberty Forces or act in a manner which would vindicate such a claim.
10.2 Gross indecency
Massively inconsiderate acts, such as being nude or partially nude, participating or instigating an act of a sexual nature, displaying sexually explicit material in the public domain, etc.
10.3 Flying under the influence
Pilot a ship while being affected by any substance, which impair ability to fly in a safe and respectable manner.
10.4 Public disturbance
Encouraging or be a part of a public disturbance, which includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical altercations, polluting or littering in Liberty, damaging property.
10.5 Hacking
Any sort of hacking, including but not limited to docking points or transmissions
The Kingdom maintains close relations and cooperates closely with Liberty Authorities, Kusari Authorities, Rheinland Authorities, The Core, the Bounty Hunters Guild and the Crayter Republic and cherishes the many years of fruitful partnership.
Liberty Corporations, Kusari Corporations and Rheinland Corporations are welcomed to engage in commerce inside the Kingdom's borders, and encouraged to invest in Bretonian industry and opportunities.
1.3 - Hostile Entities
Bretonian, Kusari, Liberty, and Rheinland criminal organisations; Coalition, Corsairs, Hogosha, Outcasts, Zoner Militants, Pirates, and The Technocracy.
Owing to their numerous crimes against Humanity and repeated refusals to enter good-faith negotiations with the House of Bretonia to secure justice, the Kingdom considers all Gallic Union or Gallic-affiliated ships, stations and personnel to be war criminals and terrorists. Bretonia shall forever remember Leeds.
Non-Human Entities such as the Nomads, their thralls, and also Artificial Intelligence are to be eliminated with extreme prejudice, or detained for study when possible without undue risk to human life.
2 - Cargo Regulations, Embargoes and Trespass
2.1 - Contraband
It is an offence to transport or possess the following items within Bretonian space. Contraband is subject to either the confiscation or destruction of the cargo in question. Contraband confiscated by duly empowered law enforcement officials may be transported to a place of detention without hindrance.
Such officials may also delegate permissions for the movement of confiscated items to reputable third parties at their discretion. Contraband designated for destruction must be destroyed on the spot.
Vessels exempt from restrictions by default are marked below. Exemption licenses may otherwise be obtained for the commodities marked with an * in the Restricted Goods Licensing Centre.
Fines are set to:
Low (£20 per volume of cargo - £100,000 for 5,000 volume of cargo).
High (£30 per volume of cargo - £150,000 for 5,000 volume of cargo).
Maximum Penalty
Default Exemptions
Alien Materials *
Confiscation, £100,000.
Artifacts (inc Xeno Relics) *
Confiscation, Low.
Azurite Gas *
Confiscation, Low.
Bowex, Core, and Gateway vessels.
BM Augments
Confiscation, Low.
BM Weapons (Light Arms, Munitions, Blasters)
Confiscation, Low.
BM Pharmaceuticals
Confiscation, Low.
Cardamine (including Shigeakiki)
Confiscation, High.
Cryer Pharmaceuticals vessels.
Cigars *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, Crayter, Gateway vessels.
Counterfeit Computerware
Confiscation, Low.
Cryocubes *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, Crayter, Gateway vessels
Daumann Side Arms *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, DHC, Gateway.
Detroit Light Arms *
Confiscation, Low.
Ageira, BMM, Bowex, Gateway.
Enfer Blasters *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, Crayter, Gateway vessels.
Gaian Wildlife *
Confiscation, High.
Planetform Inc vessels.
Gate and Trade Lane Parts (Gallia) *
Confiscation, High.
Ageira, Bowex, Crayter, DSE, Gateway and Universal vessels.
Gate and Trade Lane Parts (Liberty)
Confiscation, Low.
Ageira, DSE and Universal vessels.
Hessian Tears
Confiscation, Low.
Holotainment Bands *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, Crayter, Gateway vessels.
Hypnotainment Bands
Confiscation, Low.
Bowex, Gateway vessels.
Kemwer Munitions
Confiscation, Low.
Military Surplus *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, Gateway.
Munitions *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, Gateway.
Confiscation, High.
Destruction, High.
Uranium *
Confiscation, Low.
BMM, Bowex, Gateway and GMG vessels.
Volgograd Ordinance
Confiscation, High.
Wildcat Gold
Confiscation, High.
2.2 - Breach of Embargo
It is an offence to transport cargo to, from, or through an embargoed system, or take actions indicating an intent to do so. Current Bretonian embargoes include:
Dublin Blockade: Dublin; New London's Cumbria Asteroid Field; New London's Southampton Debris Field, with the exception of passage between Belvedere Refinery and Trafalgar Base.
Exemptions: BMM, Bowex and Gateway vessels.
Tau Blockade under the Treaty of Harris: Tau-31; Tau-29; Tau-23
Exemptions: All vessels belonging to non-Gallic Entities
2.3 - Trespass in Restricted Space
It is an offence for non-law enforcement vessels to enter a duly publicised Restricted Military Zone without the permission of a duly empowered law enforcement official. These currently include:
Newcastle RMZ: 20k radius around Sunderland Research Station.
Exemptions: N/A
Dublin RMZ: 20k radius around New London's inactive Dublin Jump Gate; Dublin system.
Exemptions: BMM, Bowex, Gateway vessels.
2.4 - Rendering Aid to a Hostile Installations
It is an offence to supply an unregisteredModular Base with construction or upkeep commodities. Vessels transporting such goods are required to confirm their destination to law enforcement officials when questioned, and evidence delivery at a valid destination when required to do so. Vessels unable to prove a lawful destination will have their cargo confiscated.
3. Other Crimes and Illegal Conduct
Infractions of the below regulations may result in on the spot fines, refusal of docking rights, or lethal force being utilised, dependant on the severity of the offence. A failed attempt to infringe the law still constitutes a breach of this Charter; incompetence is no defence on such matters.
3.1 - Assault, Piracy, and Kidnapping
It is an offence to subject any law abiding person to the following actions:
Assault: Firing upon or otherwise harming any station or vessel;
Piracy: The disruption of trade lanes or the coercion of credits, cargo, information or services;
Kidnapping: the coerced detention of any vessel or individual, i.e. the holding of pilots or escape pods.
3.2 - Rendering Aid to a Hostile Entity
It is an offence to assist or aid any entity declared hostile under Section 1 of the Charter. This includes but is not limited to transporting supplies to or from a hostile station, providing hostile vessels with financial support, or directly assisting hostile vessels in combat.
3.3 - Military Intrusion and Espionage
It is an offence for:
foreign military, police or intelligence vessels to enter Bretonian territory without the explicit prior approval of the Bretonian Government, or a Treaty establishing such permissions;
any person to knowingly or recklessly obtain or share restricted or classified information without the permission of the Bretonian Government, or a duly empowered law enforcement official.
3.4 - Prohibition of Foreign Warships
It is an offence to enter Bretonian territory in a foreign warship without prior authorisation by the Bretonian Government, or a duly empowered law enforcement official. Warships are classified as Amaterasu Liners, Bustard Carriers, Cruisers and Battleships. Permissions for transit through Bretonian systems may be obtained from the Foreign Warships Database.
3.5 - Prohibited and Restricted Technologies
It is an offence to:
own or use ships or equipment produced by or affiliated with any entity defined as hostile by the Charter (including the Bullmastiff, Pitbull and Grendel), except where prior approved by the Bretonian Government;
own or use ships or equipment produced by Gallia, except where prior approved by the Bretonian Government;
own or use Bretonian military ships or equipment without the permission of a duly authorized official;
3.6 - Deeds Prejudicial to the Good Conduct of Public Affairs
It is an offence to perpetrate miscellaneous conduct that is considered detrimental to the Realm but not otherwise specified within this Charter. This could include but is not limited to inciting disorder, public obscenity, disrupting the neural net, piloting a vessel under the influence and other undesirable behaviours. Penalties issued under this provision may be appealed directly to the Bretonian Government.
4 - Base Registration and Zoning Regulations
4.1 - Enforcement of Base Regulations
All bases must be registered before construction commences. Any unregistered base will be deconstructed as soon as possible, following a declaration of intent through the public channels.
If, during these operations, the base administrators are present or otherwise contact us, they will be given one chance to register and comply with Bretonia's demands. The base may be placed under siege to ensure compliance.
Bretonia does not accept liability for loss of life or property due to the construction of an illegal installation. Best effort shall be made to recover the crew of any station outfitted with escape pods - Station Commanders that fail to fit life pods to their stations will also be charged with gross negligence and manslaughter. Crews who surrender themselves to the Crown's justice will be held by the BPA, prior to a sentence being passed.
Installations operated by Hostile Entities will be given no quarter and destroyed on sight.
Registered bases may be subject to consequences, up to and including deconstruction after a declaration of intent, for breaching any of the below or above conditions.
4.2 - Conditions for Base Registration
Permission for base construction is to be granted at the discretion of the Bretonian Government, and is considered on a case-by-case basis. For a base to be registered, the following conditions must be met. Failure to provide any of the points listed below will result in the immediate non-reimbursable voiding of the registration process.
The Owner must not belong to an entity considered Hostile or Unfriendly to the Kingdom of Bretonia (see: Article 1 - Hostile Entities);
The location and name of the base must be explicitly detailed (can be broadcast privately for the sake of confidentiality);
The personal name and employer / affiliation of the base administrator or point of contact;
The base's intended purpose and duties must be explained;
Entities to be permitted docking rights must be listed;
A £500,000 credit deposit must be filed (see Base Registration document for details)
4.3 - Development Zones for Base Registration
A Registration Fee is paid only once. Bases already permitted at the time of these Zoning Regulations coming into effect will not be required to pay further Registration Fees. Bases re-registering due to a change of ownership are not required to pay another Registration Fee.
The cost of registering a new installation varies, depending on the cartographic region the structure is located in.
An additional fine up to the Registration Fee will be imposed for the first registration of pre-existing stations. Permission must always be sought prior to construction being initiated.
Pricing* is as follows:
Zone 1: Cambridge, New London - 5,000,000 credits;
Zone 2: Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle - 3,000,000 credits;
Zone 3: Systems directly bordering Bretonia Proper - 8,000,000 credits;**
Additional fees***: +2 Million Credits per existing Licensed Installation within the system. i.e. New London license: 5 Million Credits; Current number of bases: 10, multiplied by 2 per base; total cost: 5 + 20 = 25 Million Credits
* Bases built for purpose of rebuilding/reconstruction of destroyed bases are to be exempt from base Registration Fees. Permission to build is still required.
** It is only mandatory to register installations located within Bretonia Proper, however non-Bretonian Military, Police, Intelligence or Corporate stations located beyond Bretonia Proper will not receive aid in the event of attack by hostile entities.
Such installations may voluntarily register to obtain the Kingdom's protection. Should such installations seek the assistance of the Kingdom after a siege has been initiated, the cost of voluntary registration will be doubled due to the extraordinary circumstances.
*** Constructing a base in a system without an already established modular installation will allow claiming of the pioneering bonus; the pioneering bonus waives additional fees and, should the base be constructed with the help of existing corporate groups (Bretonia Mining & Fabrication; Galway Frontiers; Bowex) will waive off 75% off the zoning costs.
4.4 - Base Operational Requirements
The following Regulations are expected to be consistently and permanently observed by all Station Owners. Failure to comply with these Regulations may result in the structure's siege and destruction. Regulations are as follows:
No Hostile Entities (see: 1 - Definition of Entities) may be permitted to land on the station. Authorities may request evidence of docking permission logs at any time to confirm this.
All stations must have docking permission at all times for Bretonian Law Enforcement Agencies: this includes the BAF|, [SIS] and BPA);
All bases must remain above a threshold of 85% of total HP to remain in a legal state. Should a base fall below this threshold for over one week, the base may be de-registered and removed for improper safety regulations;
All Bases must be fitted with sufficient evacuation equipment to prevent the loss of life of residents and crew, should the Base become compromised via circumstances artificial or natural.
4.5 - Base Modification and Ownership Transfers
Station Owners are free to make whatever internal station modifications they see fit, including the construction of Storage Berths, Refineries and Factories.
Permission must be sought from the Bretonian Government or the BAF Admiralty Boardbefore the placement of Weapon Platforms, due to the highly dangerous nature of the structures. Once permission has been granted, the Owners of the Structure may only place up to four (4) Platforms unless given special permission.
In the event that a station is sold or otherwise changes owners or affiliation, the structure must be re-registered to ensure the new operators are fit and proper persons and compliant with Bretonian law. This re-registration does not require the payment of a Registration Fee. Failure to notify the Bretonian government of such a transfer will result in the base being deregistered.
Verbal warnings, deportation, cargo forfeiture, and fines of up to 150,000 Francs shall be used by Gallic Law Enforcement - Gallic Navy, GNI, Gendarmerie, for violations of the following laws in Gallic House space and the Zurich system. Lethal force is authorised in case of non-compliance.
Citizens are to report law-breakers for potential rewards to currently open official Law Enforcement public reporting channels listed below:
Permits & Licenses Registry may grant exceptions from legal restrictions, valid for up to one year without renewal. Official Law Enforcement high command or the Gallic Government can grant short-term exceptions.
Affiliating with, working for or possessing identification, equipment or vessels of the following:
Gallic Brigands
Gallic Royalists
Red Hessians
Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums
Liberty Rogues
Aliens and infected personnel
Crayter Republic
Bretonia Armed Forces and BIS
Entry by or aiding the entry of:
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Border World Exports
Planetform, Inc.
The Mollys
Lane Hackers
Bounty Hunters
In order to maintain stability and security in Gallic territories, any disruption to the peace, integrity, or stability, as well as hindrance to Law Enforcement bodies (Gallic Navy, GNI, and Unione Corse in Provence): is strictly prohibited. The Gallic Union retains the authority to issue Executive Orders for the swift implementation of necessary measures, ensuring prompt responses to emerging situations. Details of these orders will be communicated through a designated channel for the general public to read, prioritizing national security.
Failure to stop and comply with inspections, instructions and checks requested by Law Enforcement, or interfering with ongoing investigations.
Engaging in activities that endorse or recognize any regime within Gallia apart from the Gallic Union is prohibited. This encompasses adopting titles like Viscount or Duke. Failing to declare loyalty to the Gallic Union if reasonable cause of doubt is given during questioning.
Foreign military, police and intelligence vessels are barred from Gallic Union territories. Current exceptions listed in: Permits & Licenses Registry .
All transports belonging to House Corporations or Independent States that are in direct competition with Gallic interests in the Taus are to be considred as directly impeding the economic viability of the Tau region for Gallia, and as such are to be treated as hostiles if found in these systems. Gallic Navy and Gallic National Intelligence forces are hereby authorized to destroy any such vessels at their discretion.
Entities currently considered as hostile by this mandate include:
The Crayter Republic
The Empire of Kusari
The Kingdom of Bretonia
Forbidden Cargo - to anyone but Law Enforcement after confiscation. Restricted Cargo - to anyone but Law Enforcement, Gallic corporations, and licence holders.
Alien Organisms
Azurite Gas
Xeno Relics
Gate/Lane Parts
Military Salvage
Munitions and Light Arms
Human passengers in vessels not designed for that purpose (Liners, Shuttles ...)
Gallic Navy technologies, vessels and equipment, unless permitted by the official Gallic Navy high command (Exception: Gallic Corporations)
Cloaks and Cloak disruptors (Exception: Gallic Corporations)
Hyperspace scanners, matrixes, jump drives of any type and kind (Exception: Gallic Corporations)
Warships (Cruisers, Battlecruisers, Battleships)
Black Market and Pirate technologies of any kind
Vessels or equipment manufactured in Bretonia (Exception: Gallic Corporations)
Vessels or equipment of the Kusari Naval Forces origin
All Modular bases must apply for and be approved into the Modular Base Registry prior to construction. Conditions for granting a license will be individually assessed and must be adhered to. All Modular Bases must also inform the Gallic Union if their base will house a Modular Shipyard prior to the construction of the shipyard. Unlicensed bases may be fined by up to 5,000,000 Francs and either be granted a license after the fine and fee are paid, or face deconstruction.
500,000 Francs for a monthly licence
5,000,000 Francs for a yearly licence
10,000,000 Francs for a lifetime licence
Licence fees may be reduced or even waived, based on previous agreements or other circumstances.
Aiding of Enemies of the Gallic Union or Unwelcome entities
Aiding in unlicenced trade of restricted or forbidden cargo and technologies
Denying access to Gallic capital vessels and official Law Enforcement (Official GNI, Navy tags, GNS-).
Disturbing the peace, integrity, or stability of the Gallic Union
Having an unregistered Modular Shipyard
Confirmed offences may be penalised by up to 1,000,000 Francs by Law Enforcement per confirmed instance, and/or other penalties fitting the magnitude of the offence. Repeated confirmed offences may be reported to the Modular Base Registry and could lead to more considerable fines or other penalties or even the revoking of a licence and a need to re-apply.
Law Enforcement shall monitor the status of bases in significant stages of decay (Below 80% of structural integrity). Registered bases will be offered assistance, those deemed abandoned or remaining in heavy stages of decay after multiple checks (2+ checks with at least 7 days between each one) will be reported to the Modular Base Registry and may be revoked their licence.
Article One: The definition, territorial jurisdiction and enforcement of the Rheinland laws
§1.1. The supremacy of Rheinland laws is absolute in Rheinland space.
§1.2. Rheinland space shall be defined as: The systems of New Berlin (Capital), Frankfurt, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Thuringia.
§1.3. Rheinland law-enforcement authorities are represented by the Rheinland Armed Forces. Rulings by the Rheinland Government always supersede decisions made by law enforcement authorities.
§1.4. Rheinland has signed a number of treaties and agreements which are publicly accessible in this database. In case of conflict, ratified agreements supersede local House law.
Article Two: The Rheinland criminal code
§2.1. Rheinland Criminal Code is fundamental and the only source of penal law in Rheinland. It describes activities subject to punishment by law-enforcement authorities and regulates responsibility for the perpetration of them.
§2.2. Possession of, intent to distribute, and/or intent to acquire Contraband is illegal in Rheinland. Contraband will be defined as:
Abductees and other human captives
Alien Organisms and derivatives
Artifacts and derivatives
Black Market items
Cardamine and derivatives (e.g. Shigeakiki)
Counterfeit Computerware
Hessian Tears
Hybrid Equipment
Hypnotainment Bands
Kemwer Technologies
Volgograd Ordinance
Wildcat Gold
Xeno Relics
Exceptions are as follows:
§2.2.1. Rheinland law-enforcement authorities are allowed to transport confiscated contraband to relevant stations or planets for further investigation, storage or destruction.
§2.2.2. DHC and Kruger bear license to haul all listed items, with the exception of narcotics and alien materials. Additional licenses can be obtained by Rheinland corporations and other entities via the Cargo Licensing Registry.
§2.2.3. Other regulations or temporary changes to current regulations regarding the shipping of certain goods may be implemented after official publication by the Ministry of the Interior.
§2.2.4. The following regulations are implemented in case of contraband possession:
§ All contraband must be always confiscated and handed over to a relevant station or in case of non-human contraband destroyed on site.
§ Violator is obliged to pay 10 SC fine for every cargo unit of contraband, however, the minimum sum is 2,500 credits regardless of the amount of contraband.
§ In the case of 5 cargo units of contraband or less, law enforcers may waive from issuing fines and use only formal warning, if they see fit.
§2.3. Possession of following illegal equipment:
§2.3.1. Restricted equipment specified in Rheinland restricted technology registry such as Firekiss, Hornviper or Stealthblade weapons, combat vessels (e.g. Spectre, Banshee, Valkyrie, Disir, Revenant, Oder-class gunboat and capital ships) and other equipment. Special authorization can be obtained by submitting a request in the registry.
§2.3.2. Nomad equipment or equipment constructed on basis of it, except experimental technology used by the Rheinland Armed Forces.
§2.3.3. Equipment and ships that belong to or are manufactured by hostile organizations, terrorist groups and criminal organizations as defined in Article Five, §1.
§2.3.4. Cloaking devices mounted on ships that do not belong to the Rheinland Armed Forces, Rheinland corporations or permitted individuals which are registered in the extraordinary equipment registry.
§2.3.5. The following regulations are implemented in case of illegal equipment possession: Unmounted equipment is to be confiscated in space. Ships with mounted equipment are to be banned from Rheinland until the equipment is unmounted or they are cleared to re-enter. Law enforcers are also allowed to issue fines from 5.000 to 100.000 SC according to the severity of the committed crime. Illegally possessed ships may be destroyed.
§2.3.6. Requests to operate technology mentioned in §5.1 and §5.4 are to be submitted at the Special Authorization Registry. Special authorization requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and are at the discretion of official law enforcement agencies in conjunction with the government.
§2.3.7. Usage of Jump Drives, Beacons/Matrix's and Survey Modules within the borders of Rheinland require prior notice to the government. Failure to notify the government will result in a fine of no less then 100.000 SC or the destruction of the vessel.
§2.4. Piracy and Terrorism:
§2.4.1. Piracy is defined as the attempt and/or intent to unlawfully stop the lawful transit of any goods or the performance of legal services for gain, or to facilitate in the aforementioned actions as accessories to acts of piracy. Terrorism is defined as all forms of accomplished, attempted, or intended unlawful assault on life and the unlawful damage or destruction of property not covered under piracy.
§2.4.2. The penalty for accomplishing, attempting, and/or intending to commit, Piracy and Terrorism is immediate detention with lethal force authorized when arrest is resisted.
§2.5. Subversive conduct
§2.5.1. Subversion is to be defined as an umbrella term encompassing all felony tier offenses that are contrary to orders issued by lawful Rheinland authorities. Such offenses include but are not limited to: Inciting violence, unprotected speech deemed inflammatory against the formerly Imperialist and Federalist factions of the civil war, failure to comply with Rheinland Cargo interdiction and inspection checkpoints, failure to render assistance when deputized by a lawful representative in the event of an emergency, violating Rheinland construction and zoning code.
§2.5.2.The tampering or disabling of Rheinland Infrastructure, such as trade lanes or jump gates.
§2.5.3. Subversive conduct will be punished with warning and fines at the discretion of the officer on duty. Further non-compliance will result in detention, and the exercise of lethal force if arrest is resisted.
§2.6. Disorderly conduct
§2.6.1. Public swearing or threatening, impersonation of Rheinland Nobility or law enforcement, insult of the Emperor or House of Rheinland and its representatives. Acting as ships as captain or pilot while being under influence of alcohol or other drugs which affect the ability to control the ship or communicate properly with law enforcement authorities.
§2.6.2. Disorderly conduct will be punished with warning and fines at the discretion of the officer on duty. Further non-compliance will result in detention, and the exercise of lethal force if arrest is resisted.
§2.7. Corporate violations:
§2.7.1. Any of the aforementioned crimes if performed by employees of a corporation, company or any organized group marked by the same identification tag, are a subject for multiplied fines or sanctions against the whole organization, as well as the offending employee.
§2.7.2. Any of aforementioned crimes if performed by the administration of a corporation, company or any organized group marked by same identification tag, may be a subject to an arrest of all vessels of that organization present in Rheinland space for the time of the investigation as well as a subject for multiplied fines or sanctions against the whole organization.
Article Three: Trade regulations
§3.1. Cargo classified as restricted:
§3.1.1. Following cargo can be transported only by ships of the Rheinland law-enforcement authorities, Rheinland corporations, and organizations listed next to the respective cargo type:
Azurite Gas - Core and their affiliates
Energy Field Equipment
Exotic Systems
Gaian Wildlife - Cryer and their affiliates
Gate/Lane Parts - Ageira, DSE, US, EFL, GMS, IDF and their affiliates
Light Arms - EFL and their affiliates
Military Salvage - Bristol and their affiliates
Military Surplus
Munitions - EFL and their affiliates
Nagel-Oster Crystals
Stabiline - Cryer and their affiliates
Weapons (e.g. Daumann Side Arms) - EFL and their affiliates
MOX (see section §3.3)
Toxic Waste (see section §3.3)
Uranium (see section §3.3)
§ Following organizations are considered as Rheinland corporations: Daumann Heavy Construction, Kruger Minerals, Rheinland Shipping, ALG Waste Disposal and their affiliates.
§3.1.2. A small amount of weapons and ammunition may be transported for the purpose of a crew and passenger defense. A general use of ten (10) units is allowed.
§3.1.3. Restricted cargo transported without a license is declared as contraband and will be treated accordingly. Violator is obliged to pay 10 SC fine for every cargo unit of contraband, however, the minimum sum is 2.500 credits regardless of the amount of contraband.
§3.1.4. Human trafficking of any kind is forbidden within Rheinland. Transportation of legal passengers is limited to suitable vessels (Liners, Yachts, Freighters & Armored "Pelican" Transport). Illegal passengers include, but are not limited to, the following: Prisoners, Criminals, Slaves, Kidnapped VIPs.
§3.1.5. Captured or rescued pilots are to be delivered to the nearest law enforcement station or handed over to authorities. The same applies to passengers aboard unsuitable ships and illegal passengers in general.
§3.1.6 Failure to adhere to §3.1.4 and §3.1.5 will be punished by a 50.000 SC fine, further non-compliance will be met with necessary force to prevent continuous maltreatment or apprehend fugitives.
§3.2. The supremacy of Rheinland corporations in Rheinland space and measures to maintain it:
§3.2.1. Administration of mining fields: The Rheinland Ministry of the Interior maintain the right to modify, trade, lend, gift, and sell the rights to their respective mining fields to any party.
§3.2.2. In the Frankfurt system, all mining fields are administered by the Daumann Heavy Construction.
§3.2.3. In the Omega-7 system, all currently-known mining fields are divided between Daumann Heavy Construction and Kruger Minerals.
§3.2.4. Only vessels belonging to the company that administers the area, in addition to Rheinland law enforcement vessels, can patrol and/or mine in said areas. This holds true unless an agreement has been reached between the visiting vessel and the area's administrator.
§3.2.5. Area administrator has the right to forbid entrance completely to the said zones to any entity, group, company, corporation or individual except members of the Rheinland law enforcement and ships of Rheinland corporations and their affiliates. This must be announced by the Ministry of the Interior. In specific situations, temporary on-spot entrance denials may be issued by the owner party vessels without the formal announcement.
§3.2.6. In case of violation by a ship which is not allowed to enter the area, the violator will be ordered to leave the area once, then reasonable force may be used. Repetitive violators may be also fined up to 500.000 SC.
§3.2.7. If ore theft is revealed, the stealing party is obligated to pay equal to stolen ore's worth compensation to the field administrator which will calculate exact value according to market prices.
§3.3. The following restrictions apply to the transportation of dangerous or restricted goods within Rheinland Space.
§3.3.1. Toxic Waste may only be transported using the following vessel classes due to risk of spillage, crew safety and contamination:
ALG Golem Heavy Mover
Junker Salvager Frigate
Transports with less then 900 cargo capacity.
§3.3.2. Radioactive materials, such as but not limited to; MOX, Thorium MOX, Uranium, Plutonium and Nuclear Devices May not be carried in quantities over 500 units without a permit.
The following organizations are permitted unrestricted loads:
Rheinland Corporations
Rheinland Law Enforcement
Article Four: Directives for foreign capital ships and law enforcement vessels
§4.1. All Battleship, Carrier and Cruiser class vessels that do not belong to the Rheinland law enforcement are banned from Rheinland space unless they are permitted by a High Command member of the official Rheinland's Law Enforcement, by the Ministry of Defense, or listed in the exceptions below.
§4.1.1. Rheinland corporations and their affiliates are allowed to use the "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier.
§4.1.2. The "Corvo" Civilian Deep Space Explorer and the "Hegemon" Civilian Asteroid Miner are not considered to be capital ships.
§4.1.3. The “Bustard” Civilian Carrier and Samura "Amaterasu" Liner is considered as a capital ship.
§4.2. Violators of §4.1 may be fined up to 150.000 SC fine for Cruiser class vessels and up to 300.000 SC fine for Carrier and Battleship class vessels and are to be escorted out of Rheinland space by the shortest way. Ships that won't comply may be destroyed.
§4.3. Any vessel that doesn’t belong to law-enforcement authorities may be ordered to move away from planetary orbit.
§4.4. All foreign police, military and intelligence agency spacecraft of any size are banned from Rheinland space unless permission to enter is given by a High Command member of the official Rheinland's Law Enforcement, Rheinland Ministry of Defense or the Office of the Executor.
§4.4.1. Following organizations are considered as foreign police, military and intelligence agency:
Bretonia Armed Forces, except BAF|MN-
Bretonia Intelligence Service
Bretonia Police Authority
Crayter Republic
Gallic Navy & Intelligence
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police
Liberty Security Force
Kusari Navy
Kusari Police
Kusari Office of Intelligence
Technocracy of Auxesia
§4.4.2. Violators may be fined up to 250.000 SC fine and are to be escorted out of the Rheinland space by the shortest way. Ships which will not comply or commit violation repeatedly may be destroyed.
§4.4.3. Following organizations are permitted to enter Rheinland space for the purpose of trading with freighters, liners and transports, which may be accompanied by an escort of the same affiliation:
Gallic Navy vessels marked [GN]T- and [GN]GT- .
Bretonia Armed Forces vessels marked BAF|MN-.
Article Five: Enemies of the state and undesirable entities
§5.1. A number of organizations and or movements are declared extremely dangerous and all the members of those organizations are to be arrested or eliminated:
Coalition for repeated acts of terror.
Corsairs for repeated acts of piracy.
Das Wilde for treason.
Landwirtrechtbewegung and Farmers Alliance for repeated acts of piracy and terror.
Red Hessians for repeated acts of piracy and terror.
The Unioners for repeated acts of piracy and terror.
The Order for cooperation with terrorist organizations.
Xeno Alliance for repeated acts of piracy and terror.
Bundschuh for repeated acts of piracy and terror.
Independent pirates for the repeated acts of piracy.
§5.2. Any aliens identified as Nomads as well as any other alien life forms or sentient beings are to be treated with caution and to be destroyed on sight.
§5.3. Providing any help to any member of the above-mentioned organizations or otherwise supporting unlawful elements is punishable by fines up to 500.000 SC, imprisonment or death sentence according to circumstances and severity of the crime.
§5.4. Following entities are not welcome due to their dubious reputation:
Blood Dragons
Gallic Brigands
Golden Chrysanthemums
Liberty Insurgency
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Gas Miners Guild
§5.4.1. If ships or equipment of mentioned entities are found in Rheinland territory. Their cargo may be confiscated if contraband and are to be escorted out. Ships that will not comply or repeatedly return may be destroyed without escorting.
Article Six: Restricted areas and security zones
§6.1. Following areas are considered restricted space. Only Rheinland law enforcement is permitted within, Rheinland corporations may receive temporary access for the duration of valid contracts with law enforcement agencies.
Contracts are limited to a duration of 6 months until a new one has to be agreed upon.
§6.1.1. Hamburg - Sector G3
§6.1.2. Frankfurt - The entirety of the Westerwald
§6.1.3. Frankfurt - The entirety of Sector-9
§6.1.4. Thuringia System
§6.2. Unauthorized entry to restricted areas or revealing any information related to them is considered as a serious crime that is punishable by immediate execution. Groups who's members are found trespassing will be fined 1 million credits in punitive damages, failure to pay will result in being labeled a hostile foreign intelligence agency under section §4.4.1.
Article Seven: Modular bases
§7.1. All modular bases within Rheinland have to be registered in the Modular bases registry before the construction begins. The registration fee is 500.000 SC. Each modular base is required to pay a quarterly fee 500.000 to maintain its license. The first installment of the license fee is to be paid 3 months after the date of modular base approval in the registry. This fee may be waived by the Government of Rheinland.
§7.1.1. Every organization or individual, which wants to construct a station in Rheinland, has to answer the following points truthfully:
§ Name of the base § Name of the station administrator § Affiliation § The purpose of the station § Existing trade agreements § Location of the base
§7.2. All modular bases have to be built at a distance of at least 10K from existing installations and other solars.
§7.2.1. Exemptions to §7.2 can be made if there is a compelling or historical reason to do so. Exemptions will require thorough documentation.
§7.3. Any deviation in the information provided by paragraph §7.1.1 and its subsections are subject to an official investigation and may be sanctioned.
§7.4. Affiliation rules:
§7.4.1. The affiliation of the station administrator has to be at least neutral to the law-enforcement authorities.
§7.4.2. The affiliation of the station administrator has to be hostile to the Rheinland unlawful groups.
§7.4.3. Paragraphs §4.1. and §4.2. apply also to the station security members.
§7.4.4. Conditions mentioned in paragraphs §4.1. and §4.2. have to be proven if the station is owned by the non-Rheinland entity or upon request of the law-enforcement authority.
§7.5. The law-enforcement authority has the right to restrict the trade to any station if it's necessary to interrupt the violating of Rheinland laws. Any contraband found available to be sold on the station is a reason for the start of official investigations and may be sanctioned.
§7.6. A violation of the Rheinland laws may result in suspending or revoking permission.
§7.7. Trade agreements with restricted goods have to be approved by the Rheinland Ministry of Economic Development.
§7.8. Criminal database:
§7.8.1. If an entry in the criminal database declares a member of the security of the station as criminal, the fine for amnesty is to be paid either from the violator or the station administrator.
Failing to do so may result in a revoking of the permission and/or the removal of the violator from Rheinland space.
§7.8.2. In case the arrest warrant is issued, the station administrator has to replace the member of the security of the station.
§7.9. Responsibilities of the station owner and administrators:
§7.9.1. The station administrators have to ensure that the official law-enforcement authorities have docking rights at all times.
§7.9.2. The station administrators have to ensure that trading on the base is not in any violation of the Rheinland Laws including not supporting any illegal, criminal or terrorist groups or individuals.
§7.9.3. Construction of weapon platforms must be approved by at least one of the official law-enforcement authorities or the Ministry of the Interior before construction begins.
§7.9.4. Construction of manufacturing facilities that produce cloaking devices, hyperspace jump drives or hyperspace survey modules is only permitted to Rheinland Corporations
§7.9.5. Base owners must make their accessible for a two (2) hour safety and wellness inspection between the hours of 5pm UTC and 10pm UTC.
(//Vulnerability window of modular installations within Rheinland space must be set between the hours of 5pm UTC and 10pm UTC)
§7.10.Base construction or operation without proper registration or valid permit as well as any other law violation related to modular bases is punishable by either a fine, or immediate deconstruction.
A. Of Governance & Administration
1. "Council of Elders" or "Corsair Council": Congregation of Elders, the highest Imperial authority.
2. "High Elder": Lord of all Lords, a Corsair which holds unquestionable power and authority. A title earned through distinguished victory, conquest and service towards the Empire. Holds a permanent seat.
2.1. "Elder": An Elder in a temporary seat. Has the same authority as an High Elder.
3. "Imperial State": The Imperial Corsair government: Ministers, magistrates, advisors, and other members that comprise the government.
4. "Governor": A Corsair that owns land or a station.
5. "Clan": A group of Corsairs led by an Elder.
B. Of Other Definitions
1. "Foreigner": A neutral or allied individual or organization.
1.1. "Protected Foreigner": A foreigner under the escort of a Corsair, or formally protected by a Clan and its members.
2. "Enemy / Enemies": Hostile individuals or organizations, a threat to the Empire and its goals.
B. The Council of Elders is the supreme authority, overruling all decisions below it.
C. The Elders of the Empire are representatives of officially recognized clans as politically and militarily influential. Elders, in their seats in the Corsair Council, have equal power among their decisions.
D. The Elders benefit from autonomy, and can propose and enforce their own laws within their own area of influence and territory, as long as such measures do not overpower or contradict this Charter.
Elders in Exercise on Non-Permanent Seats
Elder A
of clan X
Elder B
of clan Y
A. Corsairs are sworn by eternal duty to protect the Empire and its people directly or indirectly by defending it against aggression, by supplying it with resources, by destroying its enemies and conquering in its name.
B. A Corsair must never abandon their duty or commit treason against the Empire and its people. Examples of treason include, but are not limited to:
1. Knowingly allying with or assisting, directly or indirectly, the enemies of the Empire by any means. Negotiations with enemies are allowed if approved by an Elder.
2. Corrupting, plotting, sabotaging or conspiring against the Elders, the Imperial State or its people.
3. Initiating or participating in hostilities against law-abiding Corsairs or protected Foreigners, suppressing their rights by any means.
3.1. A Corsair may only engage another Corsair if they: Are in direct violation of Corsair law; Have their execution set by the Council of Elders.
C. The rights of a Corsair include, but are not limited to:
1. May uphold Corsair Law in Imperial territory and wherever Corsair interests apply.
2. May roam freely across space, unhindered by another Corsair.
3. May use any means necessary to honor their eternal duty to the Empire, as long as such means do not contradict any point from the Law Charter of the Corsair Empire.
4. Is always entitled to the bounty of their victories, and has claim to their gains.
D. The rights of a Corsair can be revoked if found guilty of treason, or by the order of an Elder.
A. All foreigners, those being allied or neutral factions and their members, can:
1. Roam Corsair territory, with forbidden access to restricted areas. Capital vessels must be escorted at all times, and their entry into Corsair territory given an early warning.
2. Dock in Corsair bases, given access by its Governor.
3. Assist the Empire and its people by any means they deem fit, without prejudice to the Empire or being against its laws.
4. Beneficially negotiate with the Empire, with the foreigner's benefit being second thought.
B. All foreigners as described in paragraph A can not:
1. Gain citizenship.
2. Gain entry into restricted territory without an Elder's permission.
3. Be given access to Corsair assets, be those technology, blueprints, ships and equipment, unless explicit written permission by an Elder is given.
4. Own territory in Sovereign States, participate or influence in Corsair Politics, or manipulate the Empire's stability by utilizing economic or diplomatic factors.
C. Foreigners, at any moment, may have their privileges removed by a Corsair within the limits of the Law as described in section VI.
D. Foreigners must abide to this Law Charter to its full extent while in Corsair territory or when Corsair interests apply, with penalization being enforced by all law-abiding Corsairs.
A. A law-abiding Corsair has the right to trade, given that the fruits of such trade are not detrimental to the Empire or the Individual.
B. Trading human cargo is not permitted. Ferrying personnel is authorized for the benefit of the Corsair economy, industry and military.
C. A Corsair has the right to conquer resources for themselves and/or the Empire in detriment of a foreigner or alien, with the restriction that such conquest does not bring the Empire or the conqueror negative consequences that surpasses the benefits of the conquest.
D. The trade of Artifacts, Xeno Relics included, is strictly and directly regulated by the Council of Elders.
1. Corsairs are obliged to promote the trade of Artifacts in good faith, enforce its regulations, and not sabotage another Corsair's lawful trade operation.
2. Artifacts must not fall onto the hands of the enemies of the Empire, or criminals. A negotiation by an Elder, given that it brings overarching benefit towards the Empire, is licit.
3. Infringement of the clauses and items of this section terminates the lawfulness of the trade operation, with the rights to mine and trade any sort of Artifacts being terminated temporarily or permanently, depending on the damage caused.
A. Corsairs and foreigners are subject to fair punishment for the crimes against another Corsair or the Empire. Such punishments are:
1. Monetary Fine
2. Destruction of Property
3. Confiscation of Property
4. Limitation of Movement
5. Capital Punishment
B. Any Corsair that operates within the limits of this Charter can enforce any punishments they deem reasonable towards another Corsair or a protected Foreigner, as allowed by law. A Corsair is always fully responsible for their actions and judgement. Incorrect, unfair, unlawful or collaterally damaging judgement is, by itself, illegal and a serious crime. Incorrect enforcement is to be reviewed by the Council of Elders. Corsairs that are found in breach of fairness are to be subject to their own unfair treatment or face greater punishment.
C. Traitors, as defined in section III, clause B, if caught in the act, are to suffer consequences immediately, without trial. Clause B of this section still applies, regarding unfairness. Enforcers are obliged to gather sufficient amounts of evidence.
Corsair LawsCorsair Court Our forces combined, no-one shall stand before us. Our enemies shall be burnt and cast to the wind, our troops marching forward over their mangled corpses. True we stand alone, with wolves circling, but our isolation lends us our strength, for we are one and they are divided.
The days of Darkness are no longer, for we are the Corsairs and we are fear incarnate! Viva los Corsairs, the Empire shall rise!
The blood of the Hispania runs in our veins. The blood of our enemies shall wet our hands.
By the grace and eternal wisdom of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Kogen Tetsuya of Kusari, the following Legal Codex is enforced in His Name and in the name of the People of Kusari in the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari. It is the responsibility of every subject and visitor of Kusari to respect and observe these laws at all times and promote adherence to them. Failure to comply with the laws shall lead to respective punishment. Fines mentioned in this codex can apply cumulatively. Not being familiar with this Codex does not exempt from the responsibility under the following laws.
SECTION I. Territories, Jurisdiction & Agencies I-1. This Imperial Stellar Codex represents irrefutable rules and regulations regarding all conduct within the sovereign space of the House of Kusari, its protectorates, and its sphere of influence.
I-2. Vessels bearing the following identifications are considered Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies:
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Kusari Office of Intelligence
I-3. Vessels bearing the following identifications are considered Kusari corporate vessels:
Kishiro Technologies
Samura Industries
I-4. The jurisdiction of the Empire of Kusari extends to the systems and space listed below classified into the following three categories:
I-4a. The Sovereign Space of the Empire of Kusari wherein the Imperial Laws apply in full scope.
I-4b. The Protectorates of the Empire of Kusari wherein the Imperial Laws apply selectively. The Law Enforcement Agencies of the Empire of Kusari can protect the interests and security of the Empire by engaging or escorting out parties designated further in this Codex as hostile or unwelcome, as well as render assistance to other parties requiring such help.
I-4c.Zones of Influence of the Empire of Kusari. In these systems and areas, the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Empire of Kusari reserve the right to carry out patrols and inspections for the sake of the security and interests of the Empire.
Sovereign Space
Zones of Influence
New Tokyo
Tau-29 (Saga)
Sigma-59 (Okinawa)
I-5. The following systems are restricted to Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies only. Any unauthorized vessels found in these areas will be immediately destroyed:
I-5a. The following areas are restricted to Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies and Kusari Corporations only. Any unauthorized vessels found in these areas will be immediately destroyed:
Hiyo Cloud, Honshu
I-6. The following treaties regulating inter-House borders and zones of influence are currently in effect in addition to this Codex:
Treaty of Lewes- 829 A.S., Kusari-Bretonia-Crayter economic cooperation
Treaty of Harris - 828 A.S., Kusari-Bretonia-Crayter Treaty of Peace
Treaty of Nevers - 827 A.S., Kusari-Rheinland Treaty of Peace and Amity
SECTION II. Criminal Offences II-1. Criminal offenders are entitled to fines only when found within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari as designated in Article I-4 of this Codex. Offenders found guilty under Articles II-2, II-3 & II-6 of this Codex within the systems and areas designated by this Codex as protectorates or zones of influence in accordance with Article I-4 are subject to execution only.
II-2.Insulting a Kusari law enforcer within Kusari sovereign territory is an offence and incurs a fine. Excessive and continuous insulting, use of profanities, display of obscene behaviour, and other disturbance in public channels as well as in private channels (if reported) may lead to forceful expulsion or neutralisation of the perpetrator.
II-2.a Public insult of the Emperor, a member of the Imperial Family or the Ministers of the Imperial Diet shall be considered a non-friendly act towards the Empire of Kusari and its people. Such an insult may result in expulsion and further ban to enter the space of the Empire of Kusari, detention, or in extreme cases of continuous obscene insulting - execution on site.
II-3.Piracy within Kusari sovereign territory, Kusari protectorates or the outer patrol zones is strictly prohibited.
II-3a. Ships suspected of committing piracy will be escorted outside the zone of influence Empire of Kusari.
II-3b. Ships proven guilty of committing piracy will be either taken into custody for further trial or neutralized on site immediately.
II-4. All ships legally present in the space under the jurisdiction of the Empire of Kusari are entitled to passage safely. An assault against such a vessel constitutes a criminal offence and shall be persecuted under this Legal Codex.
II-4a. Ships having committed such an assault but ceased it voluntarily or following the demand will be subject to fines or arrest. Voluntary cessation of an assault shall be considered an alleviating circumstance when considering the form of penalty.
II-4b. Ships which do not relent in their assault will be eliminated on the spot.
II-5. In the discharge of their duties under this Legal Codex, the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Empire of Kusari may demand compliance from any ship within the jurisdiction of the Empire of Kusari. These demands must be within the scope of this Legal Codex and directed at upholding the laws of the Empire of Kusari. Failing to comply with a justified demand by a Law Enforcement Agency of the Empire of Kusari shall be considered obstruction of justice and be persecuted.
II-5a.Failing to comply with a justified demand shall incur a fine of at least 50.000 S.C.
II-5b.Continuous failing to comply with a justified demand shall result in offender's detention or elimination.
II-5c. Aside from requirements when executing the provisions of this Legal Codex, the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Empire of Kusari may inter alia stop vessels for inspection, scan cargo and equipment, asking the ID, the points of departure and destination, etc. Such actions are considered justified demands.
II-5d. Law Enforcement Agencies of the Empire of Kusari may at their consideration use cruise disruptors (CD) against a vessel in discharge of their duties or II-5c. Such use of CD shall not be considered an unprovoked assault. However, the representatives of the Law Enforcement Agencies of Kusari pledge to use this right responsibly.
II-5e. An abuse of their rights by the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Empire of Kusari shall be considered an offence and be investigated. Witnesses to such abuse shall contact the Kusari State Police and Naval Operations Headquarters to report the abuse in question.
II-6.Espionage is considered a hostile action towards the Empire of Kusari and is strictly persecuted. Any attempt or intent to obtain and/or share classified, sensitive, or otherwise designated as strategically important for the Empire of Kusari information without the consent of appropriate Kusari Agencies, including Kusari Naval Operations Headquarters, The Ministry of Defence, or the Imperial Government of Kusari, is considered military espionage.
II-6a. Offenders are subject to imprisonment or execution depending on the situation.
II-6b. Cooperation with the Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies in exposing espionage against the Empire of Kusari can be an alleviating circumstance in the case of II-6a.
II-7.Pledging support to listed criminal organizations in verbal, written or any other form is a crime.
II-7a. Offenders are subject to fines, detention, or execution. The latter shall be used in grave cases as the last resort only.
II-7b.Promotion of joining or financially supporting the listed criminal organisations as a part of V-2 is an aggravating circumstance and shall be considered a crime on its own subject to the same penalties listed in II-6a.
II-8.Calls for a forceful change of the existing political regime in the Empire of Kusari and other surreptitious activities directed against the legitimate authorities of the Empire of Kusari are considered a grave offence and shall be subject to fines, detention, and in extreme cases - execution of the offender(s).
II-8a. Supporting an individual or a group of individuals suspected of or found guilty of II-8 shall fall under II-7 as pledge of support.
II-8b. Cooperation with the Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies in exposing surreptitious activities designated under II-8 can be an alleviating circumstance for offenders found guilty under II-8.
II-9.Improper transportation of human cargo: Transporting more than 200 individuals in a transport vessel not designed for human transportation within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari is considered a crime.
II-9a. Offenders are subject to fines and have to unload all human cargo on the nearest station belonging to a civilian, corporate, or Kusari Law Enforcement entity.
II-9b.Liners (except Pilgrim) and Yachts are exempted from II-9.
II-10. Any vessel found transporting human cargo within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari is obligated to inform the Law Enforcement Agencies about their designated destination and departure point upon request. Failure to comply is considered a potential act of human trafficking and thus a crime.
II-10a. Offenders are subject to fines and have to unload all human cargo on the nearest station belonging to a civilian, corporate, or Kusari Law Enforcement entity.
SECTION III. Trade & Contraband
III-1. The following goods categories are considered contraband within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari:
Restricted Cargo (Authorized Carriers)
Black Market Munitions
(hereinafter: BM)
BM Blasters
BM Side Arms
BM Augments
BM Pharmac.
Enfer Blasters
Kemwer Technologies
Volograd Ordinance
Captured Pilots
Cardamine (All forms, Shigeakiki)
"Nomad"-related Materials
Hypnotainment Bands
Gaian Wildlife
Gate/Lane Parts (Ageira Technologies, DSE, and USI)
Cloaking Devices (Kusari Law Enforcement vessels & Licensed vessels)
III-2. Whenever a representative of a Kusari Law Enforcement Agency confiscates illegal cargo within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari, an additional fine will be issued. The sum of the fine depends on the offender's ship class and amount of cargo:
Ship Class
Fine Amount
Fighters & Bombers
15.000<->25.000 credits
30.000<->70.000 credits credits
Gunboats & Gunships
50.000 credits
Transports & Liners
50.000<->280.000 credits
III-2a. Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies may adjust the listed fines if they deem it appropriate. Formal complaints about misconduct by Kusari law enforcers are to be sent to the Kusari State Police and Naval Operations Headquarters.
III-3. The Imperial Government of Kusari may issue economic embargoes on entities or goods due to a state of emergency, war, or other reasons. All active embargoes shall be published in the Kusari Government Section for public access.
SECTION IV. Spacefaring & Spacecraft Regulations
IV-1. Foreign police, military, or Intelligence ID'd vessels are barred from entering the sovereign space & the protectorates of the Empire of Kusari. Such vessels found within the sovereign space or the protectorates of the Empire of Kusari shall be subject to deportation or forceful removal depending on the situation.
In emergency situations, foreign law enforcement vessels may traverse the space of the Empire of Kusari under the following conditions:
Such vessels are escorted by the Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies and follow the directions given by the escorting forces.
Such vessels have prior permission obtained from the KNF High Command or the Emperor personally.
Such vessels are permitted in accordance to treaties under I-6.
Such vessels are in pursuit of an entity also designated hostile by the Empire of Kusari. Such pursuit is permissible no further than 15K from the jumpgate or jumphole used to enter the space of the Empire of Kusari.
The law enforcement units of the Gallic Union are barred from entry regardless of circumstances.
IV-2. Kusari State Police is the only policing force recognised by law within the Empire of Kusari. Private policing groups are in principle forbidden under the jurisdiction of the Empire of Kusari.
IV-3a. The Bounty Hunters Guild is allowed to operate freely within the system of Shikoku. Bounty Hunter vessels also can chase a criminal to the neighbouring systems under the jurisdiction of the Empire of Kusari but no further than 15k from the jumphole or jumpgate used to enter such a neighbouring system.
IV-3b. The Contractors of the Official Bounty Boards of the Imperial Government and/or Kusarian corporations are exempt from IV-2 with regard to the scope of a contract provided by the Bounty Board in question.
IV-3c. In the absence of Kusari Law Enforcement Agents nearby, concerned subjects of Kusari can carry out citizens' arrest of a criminal violating this codex. Aiding a civilian or corporate vessel in distress shall not be considered private policing and is highly encouraged by the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Empire of Kusari. Distinguished subjects shall be rewarded appropriately. Under no circumstances, however, does this provision invalidates the responsibility to firstly report a known crime to the nearest station of the Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies.
IV-3. The following ship types are prohibited from entering the sovereign space and the protectorates of the Empire of Kusari without prior acquisition of a Ship License.
"Bustard" Civilian Carrier
"Amaterasu"-class Liner
IV-4. Vessels of the following origin are not welcome in the sovereign space and the protectorates of the Empire of Kusari and will be considered hostile targets if encountered:
ships of Blood Dragon technology
ships of Golden Chrysanthemums technology
ships of Outcast technology
ships of Junker technology
ships of Pirate (Z-Line) technology
ships of Rheinland Blackmarket technology
ships of Liberty Blackmarket technology
ships of Gallic Blackmarket technology
ships of Order technology
ships of Gallic Navy technology
ships of Gallic Brigands technology
ships of Maquis technology
ships of Corsair technology
ships of Gammu Artificial Intelligence origin
ships utilizing 'Hybrid' technology
IV-5. Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies technology found in possession of a third party shall be expropriated or eliminated.
IV-5a. "Ashikaga"-class Gunboats in service of Kishiro Technologies and Samura Industries is exempted from IV-5.
IV-6. Kusari corporate technology found in possession of criminal organizations is subject to expropriation or elimination.
IV-6a. “Amaterasu”-class Liners found not in possession of Samura Industries, the Hogosha or without valid purchase certification provided by Samura are subject to seizure or elimination.
SECTION V. Parties Gratis & Non-Gratis
V-1. Certain parties are designated as non-gratis within the sovereign space and the protectorates of the Empire of Kusari. This may be due to them being viewed as a threat to the Empire of Kusari or found detrimental in any other way.
V-1a. Parties designated as "hostile" are viewed as a threat to the stability and well-being of the Empire of Kusari. Members of these parties found within the sovereign space, protectorates, or the outer patrol zone of the Empire of Kusari will be detained or executed.
V-1b. Parties designated as "not welcome" are viewed as detrimental to the domestic affairs of the Empire of Kusari. Members of these parties found within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari will be subject to deportation, cargo interdiction, or forceful eviction, depending on the situation.
V-1c. Parties in the state of war with the Empire of Kusari will be viewed as combat targets everywhere and be engaged indiscriminately.
V-2. The updated list of the parties falling under the categories designated in V-1 is presented below:
At War
Golden Chrysanthemums
Gallic Brigands
The Maquis
Independent Pirates
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Sirius Coalition
Red Hessians
Supporters of criminal
organizations (as per Articles II-7 & II-8)
Technocracy of Auxo
Farmers Alliance
EFL Oil & Machinery
Ile-De-France Shipping
Gallic Metal Service
Unione Corse
Blood Dragons
The Order
Gallic Royalists
The Wild
Contraband Smugglers (as per Article III-1)
SECTION VI. Construction & Maintenance of Modular Installations
VI-1. All bases constructed within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari must be registered in the Regulation Database. The vessels authorized to supply each base must also be registered against the same database.
VI-2. Any legally recognized group is entitled to construct bases near existing permanent bases they own. Secondary affiliated organizations may also construct new installations near that organization base, provided they obtain and present written authorization from said primary faction.
VI-3. All bases, unless exempted in writing, are subject to the following conditions:
Do be owned and operated by persons in good standing with the authorities of the Empire of Kusari.
Do incorporate the name tags of all lawful Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies into their base administration computers.
Do not be constructed within 8K of an existing station or docking ring.
Do not be constructed within 5k of an existing modular station.
Do not be constructed within 12.5k of Jump Gates or Jump Holes.
Do not be constructed within 2k of Trade Lanes to prevent obstruction of trade.
Do not deploy Defence modules within 5K of other structures (except Trade Lanes), unless authorized in writing.
Do not be used as a staging ground or repair depot for groups that are designated as hostile in IV-8 to the Empire of Kusari.
Do not be used as any kind of freeport within the sovereign space of the Empire of Kusari.
Do not construct the following factory modules without written permission: Hyperspace Survey Manufacturing Factory, Cloaking Device Factory, Jump Drive Factory, Exotic Weapons Foundry, Exotic Equipment Fabricator, Exotic Materials Laboratory.
VI-4. Any base in breach of one or more of the conditions listed in VI-3 may be subject to fines, seizure or destruction of the base assets.
VI-4a.Attempts to prevent the foreclosure of a base under VI-1 shall be deemed an act of hostility against the Empire of Kusari, and offending bases shall be subject to an embargo order. Any unauthorized ship breaching an embargo order without a justified excuse shall be terminated with extreme prejudice.
VI-5. Bases to be constructed are subjected to a one-time fee for approval of the project, dependent on the System where the base is located:
New Tokyo
2,500,000 Credits
1,750,000 Credits
1,500,000 Credits
1,200,000 Credits
1,000,000 Credits
VI-5b. Base projects for which the fee for approval has been paid, but which due to lack of capability or will have not been constructed, may be withdrawn upon a request within 14 days following the receipt of the formal approval. Such projects will be refunded ¾ of their fee. No refunds are available after the 14 days of grace period or under any other circumstances.
VI-6. Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies reserve the right to reject base applications that are deemed as presenting liabilities to the security or stability of the Empire of Kusari, or are located in regions deemed unviable for the sustenance of the installation (Nebula areas, Sun Corona perimeter, etc.).
VI-7. Kusari Law Enforcement Agencies reserve the right to review the status of modular bases every two (2) months. Bases found to be abandoned or in progressing decay are considered a traffic risk. In such a case if no contact with the base operators can be established within two (2) weeks, the base may be subject to dismantling.
This Republic constitutes itself as a democratic society which employs liberty, justice, equality, and political pluralism as the superior values of its legal order.
As an independent state, this Republic is governed through popular sovereignty.
The structure upon which this Republic is set is that of a unitary representative republic.
Sirius Standard, or English, is the official Crayterian language of this Republic. All official communications, statements, transactions, etc. are therefore supposed to use it accordingly.
This Republic recognizes the freedom of religion, and thus no official church, temple, synagogue, or otherwise, has been created.
Section 2 [Uniformed Services]
The Uniformed Armed Services serve to uphold these laws, defend the independence of this Republic, and honor our citizens' proud way of life. Additionally, protection is extended to those maintaining cordial relations with the Crayter Republic. The Services include:
Crayter Planetary Forces (ground army and "wet" navy)
Crayter Marines (space ship or station foot soldiers)
Crayter Military (space naval pilots, commanders, and crewmen)
Section 3 [Major Corporate Entities]
These are government sponsored, funded, and/or operated companies. They are non-partisan, but subject to parliamentary oversight.
Crayter Defense Industries (military engineering and construction)
Ares Logistics (military transport)
Integral Systems Engineering (civilian transport and maintenance)
Conveyor Minerals Incorporated (civilian mining operations)
Hephaestus Constructions (civilian construction and infrastructure)
Yuma Robotics (civilian engineering and design)
Felix Manufacturing (civilian goods production)
Yuma Ocean Farming (food production and distribution)
Intersun Luxury Liners (entertainment venue handling)
Section 4 [Territory]
The following regions are considered the sovereign territory of this Republic:
Coronado: The entire star system, with a 15k restricted zone around Planet Yuma.
Cortez: Within fifteen kilometers of the Coronado jump point only, excluding Planet Curacao.
Tau-44: The entire system.
Tau-31: The entire system, excluding the Leeds Jump Gate, Planet Harris and a five kilometer zone around it, and the path between the two.
Section 5 [Citizenship]
Citizenship within this Republic is granted for those born to any current citizen or legal immigrant, provided the birth took place within
Crayterian Territory, including consulates on foreign soil
Barrier Gate Station
The Crayter Sector
Any Crayter Uniformed Services station or ship.
Legal immigration is permitted, and citizenship through it may be obtained by;
Serving within the Crayterian Uniformed Forces for at least two years, then remaining there for at least one year after citizenship is granted.
Registering as an immigrant, then actively seek employment within the workforce for a period of five years and taking a citizenship test upon completion of that phase.
Registered immigrants may have their status revoked for committing any felony offense, and both they and citizens will have their status stripped if convicted of treason.
Section 6 [Leadership]
The president of the Crayter Republic is elected by secret vote at every three years.
There is an unlimited number of mandates.
The Vice-President and the Ministers are nominated by the President.
Article II – Crimes
Section 1 [Trade Interdiction, Contraband]
The following goods are considered contraband:
Black Market Light Arms
Black Market Munitions
Counterfeit Software
Human Organs
Liquid Cardamine
Sorted Artifacts
Synthetic Marijuana
Xeno Relics
Licenses for those commodities may be issued by Crayterian authorities to trusted groups or individuals, and can be requested here.
Possession of contraband goods, for commercial purpose/personal use, Crayterian or not, while passing through Crayterian Territory is strictly forbidden.
Crayterian Military pilots will never impose taxing to provide a safe passage to possessors of contraband goods.
Section 2 [Piracy/Seizure of Credits and Cargo]
Piracy has two legal definitions.
Trade Lane Piracy is described as;
The disruption of a trade lane ring with intent to conduct acts of piracy. Intent is shown by the accused party being present in the close vicinity of a trade lane ring when the disrupted party drops out of the lane.
Attempts at extortion, successful or not, for sums of money, equipment, cargo or personnel in exchange for their immediate or future safety.
Open Space Piracy is described as;
The disruption of a trading vessel with intent to conduct acts of piracy. Intent is shown by the accused party being present in the close vicinity of a disrupted trading vessel.
Attempts at extortion, successful or not, for sums of money, equipment, cargo or personnel in exchange for their immediate or future safety.
Members of the Crayterian Uniformed Services, along with individuals or groups entrusted by Crayterian authorities, are permitted to seize credits and cargo as defined by these laws or the agreement with said third parties.
Section 3 [Assault and aggression]
The assault of any member of the Crayterian Uniformed Services for any reason is forbidden.
The assault of any civilian, Crayterian or not, within Crayterian Territory for any reason is forbidden, unless ordered by an officer of the Crayterian Uniformed Services.
Assault by a Crayterian civilian or citizen against a second party without legal justification is forbidden.
Section 4 [Obstruction of justice]
Any individual preventing, evading or delaying the punishment of an individual found to be breaking the law by Crayterian forces will be subject to any punishment deemed necessary by the ranking officer on duty.
Section 5 [Slavery, kidnapping and hostage taking]
All slaves or lawful pilots will be released at the will of Crayterian Armed Forces.
Section 6 [Murder]
Murder of a Crayterian citizen is punishable by life in prison or death depending on the circumstances.
Section 7 [Terrorism]
Terrorism is the deliberate use of violence aimed against civilians in order to achieve political, religious or ideological ends.
Hacking into secured Crayterian transmissions and channels is considered a terrorist act.
Section 8 [Bribing]
Crayterian Authorities are not allowed to accept any form of bribes to foster an illegal action.
Attempts of bribing Crayterian Authorities and their representatives is a crime.
Section 9 [Bounty Hunting without permission/registration]
Crayterian Authorities are not allowed to permit anyone who is not registered on the Crayterian Republic Bounty Board to bounty hunt within Crayterian space unless hired by a Crayterian to do so.
Attempts to bounty hunt without clearance is a criminal offense and will be treated as assault.
Article III - International relations
Section 1 [States and groups]
The following states are recognized by the Crayter Republic as independent and legal entities:
Kingdom of Bretonia
Republic of Liberty
House of Rheinland
Empire of Kusari
Gallic Union
Sirius Coalition
Gas Miners Guild
The Crayter Republic is allied to the Kingdom of Bretonia, the Republic of Liberty.
Section 2 [War]
The Crayter Republic is currently in a state of war with the following nations and organizations:
The Gallic Union
The Maltese Nation
The Technocratic Covenant of Auxesia
Section 3 [Unlawfuls]
The Crayter Republic maintains a listing of unlawful groups that are unwelcome within Crayter space, regardless of intent. This list includes:
Liberty Rogues
Farmers Alliance
Independent Pirates
Section 4 [Embargoes]
The Crayter Republic currently enforces the following embargoes, and does not permit trade of hard cargo with the following factions or nations, or in the following regions:
The Maltese Nation
Gallic Union
Soft cargo, such as Human cargo (except slaves), research items, and survey equipment, are not effected by any embargoes.
Breaching of these embargos can be met with lethal force.
Article IV - Foreign Installations
Section 1 [Permission of construction]
----A foreign spatial installation (or facility) is defined as a space station of any size and form which is owned by anyone else other than the Crayter Republic. ----The construction of a foreign spatial installation is prohibited within Crayter sovereign space (Article I, Section 4), unless prior permission and licensing is acquired prior to its establishment. ----In order for an individual or group to legally obtain permission and a license to construct a station, they must issue a formal request to the Crayter Republic government. This request will be reviewed and the said license will only be granted if the installation will not violate any Crayter Laws.
Section 2 [Fees, Fines and sanctions]
----The acquiring of a construction license comes with a 500.000 Sirius Credits fee to be paid (Pay To: =CR=Treasury), and docking rights granted to all Crayter Republic vessels, after permission for establishment is granted. If the fee is not paid, the license will be revoked. ----After paying the license for construction, a one time payment of 3.500.000 SC must be submitted to the same account. This fee is negotiable, and may be submitted in multiple monthly payments as opposed to one solid payment. Failure to submit these fees will result in the license being revoked. ----This license only permits stations after it has been acquired, and any stations constructed prior to the acquisition of the license will be considered illegal, and may be fined or destroyed depending on the circumstances. This includes stations made illegal by license revoking, in which case a base owner has one (1) week to acquire a new license or to transfer ownership of the station to either a licensed individual or the Crayter government before fines and potential destruction. ----Any licensed station owner may make any internal changes they so wish, regardless of the purpose. However, station owners seeking to construct weapons platforms must consult the Crayter Military before their construction and placement. Once authorization is granted, the owner may construct up to four platforms unless otherwise specified by the Crayter Military. ----Licenses can be requested here.
Article V - Foreign Capital Ships
Section 1 [Permission of access]
----A foreign capital ship is defined as a colony ship, battleship, dreadnought, carrier (Civilian Carrier), battlecruiser, cruiser, destroyer and siege cruisers which is in possession by anyone other than the Crayter Republic or Military. ----The foreign capital ship is prohibited within the Crayter Sovereign space (Article I, Section 4), unless prior permission and/or licensing is acquired to its entry. ----In order for an individual or group to legally obtain permission and a license to enter Crayter sovereign space (Article I, Section 4), they must issue a formal request to the Crayter Republic Government or Military Personnel. This request will be reviewed and the said license will only be granted if the is necessary reasons upon entry. ----Temporary access may be granted by a high ranking member of the Crayterian Primary Fleet or Government personal if present. ----Should a license ever be revoked, all unlicensed ships have 24 hours to vacate Crayter space. Refusal to comply will result in sanctions.
Section 2 [Fees, Fines and sanctions]
----The acquiring of a permit comes with a 500.000 Sirius Credits fee to be paid, If the fee is not paid, the license will be revoked. ----Failure to notify the Republic government with regard to the permit of a foreign capital ship, as well as not forwarding a request for license, prior to the entry of such a capital ship is viewed as a crime and is punishable by fines or the destruction of the ship in question, depending on the circumstances. The same sanctions apply in the event of license revoking. ----Licenses can be requested here.
Section 3 [Foreign Entities]
----Foreign Entities being non-allied militaries, police, and intel agencies are forbidden from entering Crayter and Tau space unless otherwise approved by the Crayter Government ----Any foreign entity found within Tau and Crayter Space are to be questioned, and if found within, directed out of Crayter space. ----Any foreign entity at war with the Crayter Republic can be freely engaged.
Article VI – Technology
Section 1 [Crayterian technology]
Crayterian military hardware consists of the following ships and weapons:
Crayterian civilian hardware consists of the following ships:
"Atlas" Crayterian Transport
"Celestra" Crayterian Armed Transport
Section 2 [Interdiction]
Crayterian technology can be acquired only after meeting specific conditions set by the Crayterian Authorities.
Possession of Crayterian equipment without the necessary licenses is forbidden.
The use of Crayterian technology against Crayterian civilians and citizens is forbidden.
Use of Crayterian Equipment against allies of the Crayterian Republic is forbidden.
Use of Crayterian Equipment against states that hold diplomatic relations with the Crayterian Republic is forbidden.
Section 3 [Hostile technology]
Any technology produced by states or groups that are hostile towards the Crayter Republic are considered Hostile Technology.
Possession and trade of ships or weapons manufactured by a hostile parties is forbidden.
Article VII – Laws
Legislative projects for the Crayterian Law may be proposed by any citizen of the Crayter Republic.
The modifications must obtain a majority of votes in the Higher Commandments in order to become active.
"As representatives of the people of the Sirius Coalition, the Supreme Council hereby declares the following document to be Coalition Interstellar Law. In the name of the people, these Interstellar Laws are enforced in Coalition space by the personnel of the armed forces of the Sirius Coalition. It is the duty of each and every citizen of and visitor to Coalition space to obey Coalition Interstellar Law at all times. Ignorance of the Coalition Interstellar Law does not excuse one from strictly following the regulations therein."
-- Supreme Council of the Sirius Coalition
Coalition Interstellar Law is a list of rules and regulations which all individuals in New Moscow (Omega-52), regardless of nationality or affiliation, must adhere to. Within New Moscow (Omega-52), the enforcers of Coalition Law shall advance the interests and protect the security of the Coalition by conducting patrols, inspections, rendering assistance to allies of the Coalition, and engaging enemies of the Coalition, as appropriate.
Enforcers of Coalition Law have the authority to uphold Coalition Interstellar Law in Coalition space. The following ships are considered enforcers of Coalition Law:
All Coalition People’s Warships (CPW-) and capital ships bearing Coalition markings and identification;
All Coalition People’s Recon ships (CPR-), gunboats, gunships, and frigates bearing Coalition markings and identification;
All military strike craft, including fighters, bombers, fighter-bombers, and militarized transports bearing Coalition markings and identification.
Coalition civilian vessels are exempt from cargo and technology restrictions. The following ships are considered to be Coalition civilian vessels:
All Coalition People’s Ships (CPS-), transports, liners, shuttles, ferries, freighters, tankers, and tugboats bearing Coalition markings and identification;
All Coalition People’s Research Vessels (CPRV-), mobile laboratories, surveyors, scouts, and exploration craft bearing Coalition markings and identification;
All Coalition People’s Miners (CPM-), mobile refineries, mining vessels, and resource extraction vessels bearing Coalition markings and identification;
New Moscow (Omega-52) is a restricted system with border control measures applied as per Section 2 Article 5, affecting all non-Coalition visitors. Only ships of specified entities and individuals holding a valid, registered visa as listed in Section 3 are permitted to enter New Moscow (Omega-52). Any unauthorized vessels found trespassing New Moscow (Omega-52) or violating secured areas will be sanctioned according to Section 2 Article 5.
Construction and maintenance of modular installations within the New Moscow (Omega-52) system is regulated by the Coalition Orbital Regulations Department (CORD).
As stated in Section4, a modular installation must be approved by the CORD prior to its construction and will be regularly inspected by the CORD commission for safety standards, such as structural integrity, regular maintenance and adherence to cargo restrictions as listed in Section 2 Article 9.
Any information requested by the CORD about the installation must be promptly provided by the installation's administration. Failure to comply is considered as violation of Section 2 Article 9 and is sanctioned accordingly.
The Criminal Code of Coalition Interstellar Law defines criminal activities, and outlines punishments for committing them in Coalition space. Punishment will be dispensed by enforcers of Coalition Law. Any individual witnessed engaging in the activities outlined below is considered a suspect by the enforcers of the law.
As martial law is currently in effect, only crimes committed in the New Moscow (Omega-52) system are subject to punishment in accordance with the Criminal Code. Suspects found guilty under the articles of the Criminal Code in other systems of Coalition space, or in the Coalition's sphere of influence, are subject to summary execution at the discretion of Coalition enforcers.
Assault Unlawfully discharging weapons or otherwise attempting to harm or impede Coalition citizens or damage or destroy Coalition property, as well as any individuals or property of organizations considered allies of the Coalition, as outlined in Section 5, is to be met with the fine of 25.000 SC if suspect opened fire accidentally and stood down or 100.000 SC if suspect opened fire but surrendered after being met with force.
Murder Any intentional act which results in the death of Coalition citizens or allied personnel, such as destruction of a ship with Coalition citizens onboard or destruction of Coalition escape pods, automatically permits enforcers to use lethal force to neutralize the suspect. Surrendering suspects are subject to indefinite incarceration.
Piracy Extorting money, cargo, or services from Coalition citizens or allies of the Coalition under threat of harm or any kind of duress will be met with a demand for the suspect’s unconditional surrender. Refusal of this demand permits enforcers to use lethal force to neutralize the suspect.
Espionage Attempting to gather, obtain or share information deemed sensitive or classified by the government of the Sirius Coalition, attempting to approach classified Coalition facilities as outlined in Section 3, or attempting to land on Coalition planets without authorization, permits enforcers to use lethal force to neutralize the suspect. Surrendering suspects are subject to incarceration.
Trespassing Entering or being present in the New Moscow (Omega-52) system without a valid visa or authorization as outlined in Section 3 will result in a fine of 50,000 SC and deportation. Repeat offenses will permit the use of lethal force to neutralize the suspect.
Transporting Restricted Cargo Those possessing or transporting goods, items, cargo, or personnel designated as restricted in Coalition space without authorization will be fined a minimum of 25.000 SC, and the offending goods will be subject to confiscation.
Possession of Enemy Technology Coalition citizens, as well as foreigners classed as Allied or Friendly as listed in Section 5, are authorized to use any ships, modules, systems, weapons and technology they deem necessary without restrictions.
Any other individuals found piloting vessels or possessing mounted modules or systems manufactured by Hostile or below as listed in Section 5 or otherwise classed as restricted, without authorization from the military forces of the Coalition, will be fined a minimum of 50.000 SC if the offending technology is found to be non-combat related.
Possession of combat modules and weapons built by enemies of the Coalition without proper Coalition authorization will result in the incarceration of the suspect and the seizure or destruction of the suspect's ship.
Theft The piloting of vessels or possession of modules, weapons, or systems originating from the Coalition by foreign individuals without authorization from the military forces of the Coalition is to be met with the seizure of the suspect's ship and the indefinite incarceration of the suspect.
Use of lethal force to neutralize the suspect is authorized if necessary to prevent the fall of Coalition technology into enemy hands.
Unauthorized Modular Installation Construction Constructing, or attempting to construct, a modular installation without a permit from the CORD is considered a violation of the territorial integrity of the Coalition, and is to be met with a fine of 1.000.000 SC and an immediate demand to submit the offending installation to an investigation by a CORD commission.
It is then up to the CORD to decide whether to permit the installation in question to continue operating or demand its demolition.
If the owner fails to comply, the use of lethal force is permitted to ensure the installation's total dismantlement.
Red Zone is the 15K area around Aralsk Complex (Research Station & Shipyard) that is considered a high security zone. Access clearance granted to the Coalition military personnel and members of the factions considered Allied according to Section 5; unauthorized entities will be sanctioned according to Section 2 Article 5.
Yellow Zone is 15K area around Zvyozdny Gorodok and Planet Volgograd that is considered medium-security area. Access clearance granted to the Coalition military personnel and members of the factions considered Allied or Friendly according to Section 5; unauthorized entities will be sanctioned according to Section 2 Article 5.
Green Zone is the rest of New Moscow (Omega-52) space that is considered a low security zone; as such, visitors to the Coalition listed as Neutral or above are free to explore and will not require escort.
To obtain secured area clearance a request must be directed to the Coalition Border Control Commission by a communication with the necessary forms duly filed and attached to the transmission. Each request is reviewed separately by the CBCC.
Type: Individual / Organization
Submitter Name: HERE
Submitter Affiliation: HERE
A Modular Installation must be approved by the Coalition Orbital Regulations Department (CORD) prior to its construction. Construction a modular installation without approval is a violation of Section 2 Article 9 and will be sanctioned accordingly to the article.
Modular Installation Construction License can be requested via sending a request to the CORD that has properly filled papers attached, template provided:
Intented Installation Name: HERE
Installation Affiliation: HERE
Intended Location: HERE
Intended Purpose: HERE
Upon approval the applicant must provide a one-time fee of 5.000.000 Sirius, Gallic or Social Credits, that will cover all expenditures relating to the commition's meeting, and shall provide the applicant's Modular Installation the protection of the Coalition military as well as the ability to request in procuring necessary supplies.
Herein lies the laws and rules governing the majority of the Freeports and Zoner stations in Sirius. We strive to keep the peace, as well as create a safe and welcome home to all Zoners, as well as visitors to our installations. We will though not allow ourselves to be pushed around or over due to those who deem us weak or without defenses. Below you will find the list of Zoner stations and their administrators, as well as Freeport Network Laws.
Section One - Base Administration
This is the current listing of station administrators for the various Zoner installations. It also contains recognized systems controlled by Zoners.
Planet Pygar - Currently administered by Phoenix Zoners. Open to all Zoner groups.
Planet Gran Canaria- Open to all groups.
Faction Owned Bases (for reference only)
[*] Nichols Trade Center Med Force Enterprises
[*] Med Force Academy
[*] Med Force Omega Hospital Phoenix
[*]Kadesh Orbital City
[*]Athens Station
Section Two - Laws
The following are laws which apply to Freeport Network Zoner installations:
1. The No-Fire Zone (NFZ) covers a 10 kilometer sphere around each Freeport Network station.
2. The No-Fire-Zone is an area in which no offensive actions against any vessel is allowed. This includes attempts at piracy/taxation, the use of weapons (Guns, missiles, mines, cruise disruptors), intentional ramming and the malicious redirection of weapons fire. Acts of piracy within the No-Fire-Zone are also prohibited. (Exception Zoner security assets.)
A) Combat or attempts to induce others to combat of any kind within the NFZ is prohibited as it endangers the station.
B) Vessels fulfilling a bounty posted by a Zoner faction or the Freeport Network are classed as Zoner Security assets (With regards to law 2) for the duration of their combat with the bountied party. Engaging of vessels other than the bountied party, other than in self defense or in direct pursuit of the bountied party will result in the immediate revocation of this privilege for the duration of combat and the vessel will be treated as a normal vessel subject to all penalties associated with breaking the No-Fore-Zone.
3. Use of Freeport Network stations to base off of for attacks against any group is prohibited.
4. No non-zoner capital class vessel shall remain within the NFZ of any given Freeport unless assisting ZFN approved vessel or the vessel in question is granted temporary permission by on-duty faction approved vessel. Capital class vessels that are asked to leave the NFZ shall do so immediately or face the full ramifications of violating Freeport laws.
A) Capital class vessels include Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Carrier, Battleship and Dreadnought class vessels. Not included in this definition are Gunboat and Gunship class vessels and below.
5. A ship that runs to the Freeport under fire and docks is as guilty as the pursuer for bringing the fight to the base. The person chased will be fined or in extreme circumstances denied docking rights based on the severity of the offence and the vessels used in the altercation as well as the pursuer. Pursuing a ship into the NFZ for the purpose of combat or bounty collection is prohibited, unless otherwise noted below.
A) Any Zoner vessel that initiates hostilities and then attempts to run to the NFZ for cover shall be held in contempt and will be treated as any other pilot.
B) Zoner vessels that enter combat not of their own accord shall not bring said conflict towards a Zoner station, and if attempts are made to enter the NFZ while in combat will not be exempt.
6. Those deemed criminals or hostile towards Zoner installations as determined by Freeport Network station administration and their associates will be denied docking.
7. No base or other installation may be built within 15k of any claimed space without expressed approval from members of the a controlling entity. For example, OSI around one of its Freeports or a base constructed in Omicron Theta without group permission from OSI, MFE and Phoenix.
A) Pre-approved installations are the exception to this rule
8. Those judged to be in violation of the law are subject to penalties that include, but are not limited to: fines, bounties, and in extreme cases destruction of the vessel and denial of docking rights at all Zoner stations Sirius-wide.
The following are laws which apply to Omega 48 and Omicron Theta:
9. Combat between gunship and smaller vessels is permitted system wide, but are prohibited within 10K of any Zoner installation (This includes planet Gran Canaria).
10. The presence, passage, and combat of cruiser class vessels is permitted in Omega-48 and Omicron Theta, however, combat between these entities is prohibited within 20k of any installation except in self defense. Any vessel initiating combat with such vessels within 20k of any permanent or semi permanent installation is grounds for a fine or ban under Freeport Network Law.
11. The presence, and passage of Battleship, and Carrier class vessels is permitted in Omega-48 and Omicron Theta, however combat involving such vessels is prohibited except in self defense. Any vessel initiating combat with such vessels liable for a fine or ban under Zoner law.
12. Any group or vessel found to be in combat with a Zoner vessel within Omega 48 and Omicron Theta will be required to make an official communication to the Freeport Network explaining the circumstances. Should they fail to respond or fail to have a compelling reason the commanding officers or superior organisation of said group will be contacted, and will be liable for a fine or ban under Freeport Network Law.
Section Three - Restricted Space and Installations
Baffin - The entire system is held as a NFZ by the Temporary Autonomous Zoners, and NFZ policies apply system wide. Their laws can be found here.
Pueblo Bunito - Only TAZ members and approved persons may dock at their sacred Temple.
Omega 48 - The entire system is held as a revised NFZ by the Freeport Network (Please see Section two, articles nine through twelve).
Omicron Theta - The entire system is held as a revised NFZ by the Freeport Network (Please see Section two, articles nine through twelve).