At this moment we have already signed an agreement between our community and the Enclave regarding passage of our transports. Good news for us is: freighters, transports and liners already have got allowance to pass by in Enclave possessioned systems. As for now - I want us to deploy further relationships with them regarding trade agreements, and I’m here to ask for - what we could ship to them in benefit of Phoenix and Enclave.
To make sure that I would list all required commodities and goods, list all of your suggestions here. I'm certain about Helium-3, but I would like to hear from the trade department what we can offer in addition, definitely we can offer them much more.
As for a trade agreement, I am no merchant, but a quick chat with our port officials suggest our main source of our exports seems to be Palladium and Kemwer Munitions. Especially Palladium which seems to be in demand in most place across Sirius. I have also heard rumours that a few disgruntled Zoners living Exeter are secretly selling Deuterium in small amounts to the Enclave. This has not been verified but if true could be lucrative if our haulers happens to be in the Omegas.
Acknowledged, Alec. I will think about something else to add.
I got a quite curious thing to report. A few days ago we were pursued by Nomad patrol on the path to Livadia, while I had the feeling that we couldn't fight back without being Hyperion damaged, we had been engaged jumpdrive without even setting up the coordinates.
That's since where starts interesting part, we’ve arrived to the system before unknown to us. We’ve tried to activate long range scanners but have not picked up any life signals in this system. But curious things had happened as we’ve come to a closest planet, it had an ancient Nomad gate, which seems not functional anymore. We did not pick any energy spikes onboard of gate.
We’ve continued our sudden exploring mission and came to some sort of Nomad installation. It had no life presence nor hostile attitude, everything seemed to be very quiet and dangerously peaceful.
After quick scan we decided to leave this installation and head to another side of the uncharted system, we have identified a Nomad lanes system, which seems to be not functional, but without any notified damage.
We have recorded system coordinates, this could be useful for our research department in the future.
Recent negotiations with our new friends, The Gallic Royal Enclave, has allowed our transports access into several formerly hostile sectors and opened up a highly profitable trade route. I know many of you have been looking for an opportunity to put your Whales to their full use in the aid of rebuilding our beleaguered fleets, this is the route to achieve this goal. This route is capable of returning approximately 45 million in profits per round trip in a ZBT transport, dependent on specific load-outs. We will be hauling Helium-3 sourced from the GMG in Sigma-59 and returning with processed Gold bars. I implore you all to make the most of this opportunity, as the organization paid dearly for this privilege, at least the cost of a new and fully equipped and armored colony ship. With capital vessels in short supply in our organization, our top echelon considers it an investment in our continued ability to thrive in the rapidly changing and often violent Omicron sectors. On a personal note, I sincerely hope that our old allies the GMG does not start to ask questions as to what exotic new market we have uncovered for their gas.
Your two main points of contact with the Enclave will be,
to drop your Helium, as well as
for purchase of refined gold bars.
I will lay out the two most efficient routes for those unfamiliar with routes to the sector formerly referred to as Edinburgh, Now Aquitaine.. Make sure to commit both to your ships memory, as I can guarantee you that you will need to use both, dependent on the days situation. The venerable (\^/)Royal.Flush was on hand to fly both routes and has provided insights into the advantages and perils of both.
O-59>Okinawa>Honshu>Tokyo>Kyushu>T-29>T-31 then use the Edinburgh/Aquitaine JH to access the system
While this is the most expedient route, it is also the most perilous for our ships. Trade with the Enclave is generally frowned upon by all 'so called' house law enforcement entities and their respective military's, this is the route that you will most likely run into trouble. While carrying a load of Helium-3 is generally not a suspicious act for ships such as ours, returning with Gold could arouse suspicion from more astute ships captains that may decide to scan your hold each time they encounter you. This route should be avoided when law enforcement and military units are present. Should you happen to be in the unfortunate situation to be stopped by one of these patrols, our leader Christian Burton personally recommends to claim that the Helium is en route to Lanzarote Station and that the Gold was received from the Battleship Hood in Dublin. This will not help you however should you run into pirates or other unlawful types that may stop you as well. Ensure your ship and crews safety by paying demands as requested. Ensure that you then report these transgressions in the internal network, that our Security Division may take appropriate action against these miscreants.
Overall, this will be the recommend route as it provides the most safety and anonymity for our vessels passing through. There is not much to say about this aside from bring a good holo novel, its pretty much cruise and forget. No major astral anomaly's detected on this route, aside from a few close passes to stars that your auto pilot should handle quite readily. The main note here is to insure you have good standing with the Outcasts to avoid and unnecessary misunderstandings while transiting through their space.
In closing, I want to remind you that this is a fresh relationship for our group as well as a valuable one. There may be cultural issues that we have not considered, and having visitors from clear across Sirius may be off-putting to say the least, especially considering our constant interaction with 'non-human entities' and the biological risks that that can have. Therefore I am requesting, not ordering, that ships Captains keep their visits at the aforementioned stations brief and professional. Captian's may at their individual discretion accept the Enclaves hospitality when offered as not to offend our hosts, but at this time I urge you to keep crews onboard as best as possible. I expect this caution to be lifted in short order, as our new friendship solidifies.
This concludes this briefing, any questions or concerns can be directed towards myself or other senior Phoenix officers.
Feeling glad to become part of your team, Phoenix. Now let's get straight to business.
I have read trough recent stratosphere flight report and compared this with initial data already known about Palmyra to stumble upon some interesting facts. Vessel's telemetry and previous cursory scans are quite similar regarding gravitational accelerations which brings us to about average 1,55G on surface level.
This leads to two conclusions - the first one is that also considering its radius we can say that Palmyra much more dense, as from it looks like from above with glaciers scattered all across the surface, and surely has metallic core, that produces magnetosphere strong enough so background radiation planetside could be much lower than up here, on Kadesh. So we can spare some landing mass on more useful equipment than radiation shielding. The second is that constantly experienced higher than normal gravitation will affect on future residents for sure, which raises a major concern about their health, so acquiring gravity-field equipment is strongly recommended in long shot.
Also, due to unwelcoming environment of blizzards, roaming on high speed within Palmyra's thin atmosphere and same increased gravity issue the idea of establishing small automated outpost on potential landing site simply won't do. We need something sizable, though any ship from Great Voyage flotilla really counts, which gives me an idea... We could use not a vessel, but a vehicle for our first mission on surface. Not only it will be able to withstand all challenges, but also it could ride around designated area, providing us with more precise information about surface climate, temperatures and geological activity.
Designing and producing such is obviously impossible for us at the moment, but I do believe such companies as PlanetForm or EFL can offer us a decent remote rover with all equipment already included. Another possible solution is asking our Order neighbors or House representatives for a military vehicle, also military grade, but "little" repurposed by excess armor and weaponry removal.
Overall, Palmyra as mysterious for us as it is now, seems like an opportunity of establishing a settlement that combined with Kadesh on orbit could make the whole flotilla and Phoenix quite self-sustained in terms of resources. But there's so much work to be done before this one comes true.
I wish to add a quick addendum to my prior message outlying our new trade relations with our new friends the Gallic Royal Enclave. Our ships have made their initial deliveries of Helium-3 to the Aquitaine sector and so far reports have been very positive in terms of contact with Enclave Forces. I know many of you were surprised, as was I to be under escort by their fighters and warships during our travels there, but we must remember that these people do not enjoy the relative peace we do in the Omicrons. Not to mention the near front line status of the system itself. Still, it has made for great cultural exchanges between crews and is a welcome by-product of the military escorts in system.
These reports have given myself and the rest of the senior staff great optimism for continued economic growth between our groups. That being said, I will again remind you all of the importance of discretion and secrecy in conducting business here. As more of our ships are spotted in transit, the likely hood of undesired questions from concerned house entities are bound to increase. Remember to avoid these types at all costs, even if it means taking the scenic route.
I had been in a rush and totally forgot to tell that I’ve left Omicron Sigma and currently located in Corfu for the Zoner leaders meeting. I decided to keep Hyperion nearby of Kadesh and ensure its absolute safety and headed to Corfu station on my freighter in Omicron Theta with a stop at Ogashawa.
Alec and Quiron in my time of absence you’re in command.
Aitan, thanks for sharing a report with us. I think we could contact Order in the first place, most likely they have got such equipment, although I can’t be absolutely sure. But they have managed to populate Akabat, probably we can find a used one with a nice discount. Gas Miners Guild - our old allies, although it seems at this moment we can’t contact them and our communications are blocked by anomalies. Nevertheless… We can contact Daumann Heavy Construction, we used to have a quite friendly relationship with them and even they once helped us with Vega construction works.
Dirk, this contract really benefits each side, unlike their transports we could ship in and out various commodities and goods from overall Sirius. Keep going trade convoys with the Enclave, we need to boost our trade fleet to extend its size for further developments of the Kadesh, and our goals on Palmyra planetside settlement, also as Vega will manage to jump back into Sirius it will require heavy funding. And after all, it'll be our payback to Bretonia for annexation of Gran Canaria.
The third stage of expansion is now complete. Our builders are starting to pack up while the structural engineers are moving in to verify the new construct deck by deck before signing off for active use. We now have additional capacity to assign further zones for more defensive capabilities, research labs and manufacturing sites. Any thoughts, suggestions and discussion on what to proceed next are more than most welcome.
Alec, that's indeed some good news! I'm glad that we made the right choice for the Colony construction site. How is going strengthen hull segments of new decks? Is life support systems now online, new decks are capablemantain needed pressure?
At this moment our fleet is in search of jumping and survey capabilities, While we have not met yet a significant resistance in Omicron Sigma it could be changed anytime, life can be unpredictable. We need to equip our damaged jump drives among our homeships to ensure their safety. Thus, we should equip several vessels capable of mounting survey modules. Alec, you can command to start in production of jump drive and survey facilities now. However if someone has another view on this matter I would like to hear that before construction hits.
Christian, the hull plating looks in good order and each deck have been pre-tested individually. For safety measures, the colony is slowly powering and pressurising each section by section, ahead of the structural engineers until at full capacity.
I incline to agree that our homeships certainly needs tending to after such a journey, and their hardware repaired or replace. I will speak with the architects to draw up plans and assign part of this new space in preparation for a jump and survey facility