Your application has been reviewed by our evaluation team and several pilots have said good words about you. You are suited for the job and officially an Agent in Training now. Congratulations.
Your past of slavery is not something desirable among our ranks. We cannot afford such risks with medias constantly studying us. Also, some fields in the form were not filled properly. We must reject your application.
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft? Yes, my personal ship is a Hawk
Why do you wish to join the LSF? Too many times I've been attacked by pirates. The LSF is the best military force able to stop those attacks. The Navy has no time for this since the war started and the LPI are overwhelmed.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons? No. I have no connections with the criminals.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF? I am a good fighter pilot
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines) After finishing Colonial High School I decided to follow the fighter path. I sent my application to The Colonial Academy of Flight. They accepted me and after 3 years I finished last of my group (that happened because I got very ill for 1 year). I couldn't join the Colonial Forces so I left the Taus for Liberty. Here I sent again my application to West Point Academy. I got accepted. Now I'm in the last year here and looking forward to join one of the best security force in Sirius.
(( OOC Information))
* Ingame names: Battlestar-Iris, Star-Flower
* Skype/ username: alexya1991
* Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account): September 2009
* Timezone: GMT+2
How long have you been playing freelancer? SP more than 4 weeks, MP 2 weeks.
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF? They function as the intelligence branch of the Liberty Military... in fact they are a secret organization
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)? They should assist LPI and LN if needed, and destroy Order and Nomad ships when they encounter them.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? Yes
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so. No way
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters? Of course.
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken? Yes
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction? Yes
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
2.3 If you try to hack the server, your account will be blocked.
3.2 Insulting, flaming, or threatening people is not allowed, and you will be banned for atleast 14 days if you do.
5.8 If you are killed during a PVP fight, you can not engage anyone that was in the fight for the next 4 hours.
Will you be active at least once a week? Yes
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills? 6 maybe 7
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills? 7-8 (I'm type a bit slow)
((//sorry, we forgot to notice you that we were reviewing your app))
Alexa Elixon,
Your application has been reviewed by our evaluation team and we concluded that you were easily meeting all requirements to fly with LSF colors. Congratulations.
((register on the forum, and as soon as I log on it, I will change your member group so you may see our section. So after registering, wait a day or two to see the LSF section.))
* Name: Squints McClintock
* Date Of Birth: 781 A.S.
* Sex: Male
* Previous Jobs: Bounty hunter (independent), LSF contractor
* Skills: As a former bounty hunter Im good at tracking down jump holes, handy with a gun, good at diplomacy when its preferable over shooting
* Military History: Served alongside Liberty Police, Security Force, and Navy in numerous small and large engagements against Outcasts, Corsairs, Rogues, etc.
* Place of Birth: Planet Houston, Texas System
* Department Interested in Joining: Special Operations Division
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft?
Answer: Yes, though not too fond of any Ive flown.
Why do you wish to join the LSF?
Answer: During my bounty huntin days, I mostly worked in Liberty space because I never liked to go too far from Texas. Way I see it, there aint no place better to be than close to home in the Lone Star system. Problem is, work started getting scarce after a while, and I couldn't keep up with my ship's maintenance costs. Job outlook for hunters is in the low end of the cycle lately; Personally I think them criminals be gotten wise to the bounty boards and started changing names.
So, to keep the Sheriff flying, I switched professions and took a badge with the LSF as a contractor. I figured I could contribute my experience to protecting the great nation of Liberty. Ive been flying with the LSF for a while now as a contractor, and I figures it be time to make it official. Simple as that.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Answer: I aint never broken no law. No sir-ee.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Answer: I consider myself skilled enough in shooting down villains to suit the LSFs purposes. Im also fairly well versed in them LPI boys manual, and of course, the Laws of Liberty. As for personality traits, I dont see too many LSF wearing cowboy hats, so at least everyone should easily recognize me at the bar.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
Answer: My ma always called me Francis, but I hate that name. Since my eyes were all squinty during my days as a ranch hand on Houston, everybody called me Squints. The nickname stuck and so now thats what I go by. My pa taught me how to shoot a gun when I was 18, and after I graduated from flight school and got my pilots license I became a bounty hunter for the thrill of adventure. I bought me a nice Orca and had it outfitted with the best equipment money can buy, and named her the Squinty Sheriff. Shes a good ship and got me out of more than a few tough scrapes. It took me a good amount of time to save up for her, as well as ingratiate myself to the folk at Omega 56, so Id be a good deal opposed to anyone trying to take her away from me.
OORP part
((OOC Information))
* Ingame names: Squinty.Sheriff, BAF|Lt.Adam.Peacecraft, Gingerbread.Man
* Skype/Xfire username: Skype: milliard_peacecraft
* Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account): January 10th, 2009
* Timezone: GMT-8 (US west coast)
How long have you been playing freelancer?
Answer: 10 months.
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF?
Answer: That question seems a bit hazy, but best as I understand it, the LSF are like the FBI/MIB of Liberty. The less a civy knows about the LSFs more covert operations, the better.
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Answer: Uphold the law, enforce the Texas blockade, track down smugglers, and other police activities, when the LPI are not around. More LSF-specific tasks involve guarding the entrance to Sector 21, keeping Alaska clear of unauthorized vessels (any non-LSF who do not have special permission), spying on Rheinland and venturing into the Omicrons when necessary.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Answer: After playing for a year, I should certainly hope so. I also just made another read-through, to get up to speed on any edits.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so.
Answer: Never.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
Answer: Yes.
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Answer: I do.
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?
Answer: Of course.
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible.
Section 2
You cant use non-Disco mods, you cant cloak, you cant make new characters to farm starting money, you cant use equipment that exceeds ship specs.
Section 3
Respect other players; Be polite.
Speak English.
Do not talk OORP in local or system chat (because it lets the lolwuts feel comfortable lolling and wutting. Stupid lolwuts.)
Dont masquerade as an administrator and dont use l33t speak when naming your characters.
Section 5
Feel free to blow up lots of people in Conneticut.
You MUST use RP before attacking someone. Engaging is a jerk excuse to start hammering away at someone.
Even though its awesome in movies, do not go RAMMING SPEED! against capital ships.
Dont kill someone when theyre docking/launching.
Will you be active at least once a week?
Answer: Yes.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?
5: Exceptionally Average. Sometimes I earn glorious victory, other times I get schooled by a group of enemies. If its 1vs1 against another gunboat I can hold my own, fighters are easy enough, if there is a bomber involved, it becomes a role of the dice.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Answer: 10: no lolwutting here.
*puts on fedora and trenchcoat* Now I know what sort of community you really are. *walks off into the rain*
I hope you don't mind us calling you like your mother did. Jokes aside, we have forwarded your application to our offices for further review. You may get an answer in the next 4 days (max). Please be patient Francis.
Best regards,
Recruitment officer Markus Lin.
*next day you hear rumors about a guy receiving a demotion for bad conduct toward an applicant*
* Name:Mihai
* Date Of Birth:785 A.S
* Sex:Male
* Previous Jobs:More..
* Skills:good in pvp
* Military History:-
* Place of Birth:planet manhattan
* Department Interested in Joining:Special Operations Division
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft?
Yes, i like more fighter.
Why do you wish to join the LSF?
Too many times I've been attacked by pirates. The LSF is the best military force able to stop those attacks. The Navy has no time for this since the war started and the LPI are overwhelmed.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
I was playing on a PVP server.
OORP part
(( OOC Information))
* Ingame names:Sirius.
* Skype/Xfire username:night2060
* Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account):I dont know, i play on server about 5 months.
* Timezone:(GMT +02:00)Bucharest
How long have you been playing freelancer?
2 Years.
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF?
They function as the intelligence branch of the Liberty Military... in fact they are a secret organization.
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)? They should assist LPI and LN if needed, and destroy Order and Nomad ships when they encounter them.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so.
Yes, i dont see the tread/treads.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
2.1 Following actions are considered cheating on server:
- Using non-Discovery mods, speed-related and loot-related mods especially, as well as using modifications that improve stats of items and ships;
- Changing account information and using any kinds of software that changes normal gameplay;
- Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod, cloaks for example;
- Using equipment that exceeds ship specs;
- Cloning, e.g. creating new characters to collect starting money.
3.4 Out-of-character (OOC) chat should not be used for system chat. Using out-of character in roleplaying chat should be marked with "OOC".
5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks during a PvP fight, this player is considered fleeing. The fleeing player must leave and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.
Will you be active at least once a week?
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Firstly, I am aware that recruitment is currently on hold, however I also noticed that Sirius's application for Mihai was taken for review. I would like to ask that if recruitment is being held, that I be considered once the hold is off.
((IC Information))
* Name: Trevor Manson * Date Of Birth: 788 A.S. * Sex: Male * Previous Jobs: None Prior to LSF Agent * Skills: Exceptional pilot, with a lot of luck to boot. * Military History: Routine Patrol With Delta Six Wing Through Alaska, Solo Patrol Around Kodiak, Eight Month Mapping Assignment * Place of Birth: Crenshaw City Infirmary, Planet Los Angeles * Department Interested in Joining: Department of Homeland Security
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft?
I have flown an Avenger very heavy fighter for my entire LSF career so far, but my only experience with a bomber was civilian bomber I took for a 2 hour test-flight from a civilian ship merchant, I didn't purchase the ship. Why do you wish to join the LSF?
I have been a part of the LSF for about 8 years, but only as a part of the secondary department (//Independent LSF//). I am applying to the Department of Homeland Security as I believe my skills would be put to better use there. Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Only once for a slight misunderstanding with a single unit of cardamine I had confiscated from a civilian whilst heading to Planet Los Angeles for my shore leave. A local police officer in orbit of Los Angeles had merely asked where I had got it and what I was doing with it, no more than that. Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
I am a skilled pilot, perhaps not the best in combat situations, but in tight spots I can outmanoeuvre almost anyone who cares to try me. I'm sensible, attentive and capable of thinking for myself if no Orders are currently in effect. Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
(//Written Biography Here//)
I have attached my autobiography, hope that cover's anything else. More questions will be asked to you, during your interview. If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
((OOC Information))
* Ingame names:
Carl.Tripley * Skype/Xfire username:
Xfire: spirit236
Skype: burgee236 * Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account):
Discovery Server: June 08 (I think, could be as late as August though)
Discovery Fourms: November 08 * Timezone:
GMT (Or BST/DST depending on time of year, but basically, whatever time it is in London, that's what I run on)
How long have you been playing freelancer?
3 Years (Only 1 and a bit years on-line though)
Oh, and by the way, I was the one who introduced Dejavu to Freelancer How much do you know about the RP of the LSF?
Function as the FBI of Liberty, a secretive organisation, but not so secretive that no-one knows they exist. I know for example, that everyone knows Alaska exists, but VERY few people, including many LSF members, know what goes on inside. The LSF are there as the covert wing of the LN, who conducts 'James Bond' style missions behind enemy lines, as well as infiltrating (Or attempting to) criminal organisations to gather intelligence. They also fight the Order, and are the primary line of defence against their attacks, mainly defending the nomad research that 'doesn't exist'. The agents themselves are mainly secretive, but like present day FBI agents, their families and friends do sometimes know about their job, but not the details of it. What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
LSF members are there primarily to uphold the laws of liberty, not to do the general scanning of ships along the trade lanes, but to seek out dangerous criminals in obscure places. They are also responsible for the majority of the interactions with the order, and the nomads within Alaska. They also protect the Alaska gate within Zone 21.
Individual RP styles are not set in stone, but I believe should be slightly secretive, authoritative and confident. The LSF cannot take bribes, but should try to avoid confrontations by RPing situations. Ie. the arrest of a criminal as opposed to his destruction. Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Yes, most definitely Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
Not sure on this question, it says 'Have you ever been...' but it also says 'in the last 6 months'
However, I will be honest, I was sanctioned about a year ago I think, for effectively PvP abuse, I said there was a bounty on a guy, when in fact there wasn't, and proceeded to destroy him. My character's name was Lazarus, and if the thread can be found, then fair enough, but I can't find it. Also, that was more than 6 months ago, and I have learnt my lesson. Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
Absolutely, and not only uphold them, but try to educate those who break them. Not to jump to sanctions, but to explain to them what the rules are, and to encourage them to look on the forums if they haven't already. Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Completely and understandably Do you agree to respect all players on the server, administrators, and members of this faction?
I already respect all players, administrators and members of all factions. I do however use in-character insults sometimes, but I make sure they are clearly RP insults and that my personal feelings are kept out of the game. Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
2.1 - Conducting the following actions will be considered cheating:
Using ANY mod other than the Freelancer Discovery Mod
Changing information on an account, and using any method to change normal game play
Using any equipment that is unobtainable through normal game play (ie. Buying/Looting)
Using equipment that your current ship is not supposed to be capable of using
Creating new characters just to 'farm' the starting credits
One person playing on two or more characters at the same time.
Exceeding a speed of 350 when cruising (Or slightly more when catching up to a group in formation)
3.3 - Out Of Character speech is not permitted in system chat, and is only permitted in group and private chat as long as there are no objections. Administrators are not affected by this rule.
5.4 - Intentional ramming (ie. colliding) with a gunboat class ship or larger is dis-permitted during combat or otherwise
Will you be active at least once a week?
With exception of unforeseen circumstances that render such an act impossible (ie. computer problems, internet problems ect.), Yes. On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?
Probably a 4-6 depending on ship. In an Avenger, 5 On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
8-9, with the exception of capital ships, which I have yet to try and RP