@RPwiththePoBownerRequired (Decent one that that crap we seen lately,
@ooRP grudge detected = you get booted 6 month in the stockade.
Type 4 WP:
2 mortars, 2 heavy mortars, 4 Pulse
(06-26-2020, 12:22 AM)spaceminer Wrote: Stay passive and alone and lose any right to earn anything .
Been like this since the time we lived in the caves ....
Be a wolf or a sheep ...
There are no wolves in my country... but there are millions of sheep!
And who said we lived in caves. Evolution is a hypothesis.
Though it is out of the main theme here ... evolution is not a hypothesis .. it is a fact , also earth is not flat ... these believes are for the religious .. don't bring it here ..
Also there are countless evidence from the time we lived in caves and dinosaurs existed too , also it is proven that universe was not created since time unit has infinite value before the big bang (which is not the begining as most think). Yes before the bing bang there are eras scientists don't mention to the public for noumerous reasons .. Eras named pluralistic , and quantum and some more thingies that as it seems i waste my time trying to talk about to you Paddy ... Sorry happens to know a university Dr,In Physics and we talk about science a lot since i am also into that .... By the way Dark Matter is also fake and they know it .. long story why they don't talk about the past and future hemispheres of Riemann geometry and how this applies to the Dark Matter theory in the minkowski space perception we have due to 3 dimention (only) understanding of the 4dimentional enviroment around us ... another story too
Your signature was eating my mobile data, so I optimized it for you under Rule 2.2. ~ Squad
(06-26-2020, 12:22 AM)spaceminer Wrote: Stay passive and alone and lose any right to earn anything .
Been like this since the time we lived in the caves ....
Be a wolf or a sheep ...
There are no wolves in my country... but there are millions of sheep!
And who said we lived in caves. Evolution is a hypothesis.
Evolution is a theory, which is scientifically the best one can achieve. Early man lived in huts and tents, soetimes built near and at the entrance of caves and under overhangs.
If you think someone broke the rules, bent the rules, abused bugs, or exploited the game, report them. Don't post about it on the forums, unless it's a new thread in the violation report subforum.
The way you put your post was... Not great, to say the least.
The intent behind it is sound, though. It's a really simple proposition.
(06-26-2020, 12:22 AM)spaceminer Wrote: Stay passive and alone and lose any right to earn anything .
Been like this since the time we lived in the caves ....
Be a wolf or a sheep ...
There are no wolves in my country... but there are millions of sheep!
And who said we lived in caves. Evolution is a hypothesis.
Evolution is a theory, which is scientifically the best one can achieve. Early man lived in huts and tents, soetimes built near and at the entrance of caves and under overhangs.
i just ignore you mate ... i wonder if you also believe in the boogie man
Your signature was eating my mobile data, so I optimized it for you under Rule 2.2. ~ Squad
I saw what i needed to see , i am out of this post since it is of no interest to me anymore , anyone interested in my initial idea PM me. I will nor reply from now on here.
Your signature was eating my mobile data, so I optimized it for you under Rule 2.2. ~ Squad