Applicants Stark and Vigo, you are accepted. I arranged an appointment with the
Order medical section for the health check, after that find you way to the barracks.
Applicant Rose, your application is taken into consideration but is put on hold until
you fill out the complete information form.
Posts: 884
Threads: 73
Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Story Developer
Recruitment Form
Section I:Personal Pilot Information
Name:Maia Pickle Gender:Female Age:19 Height:1,62m Weight:51 kg
Section II:Inquiries.
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
Even as I wasn't here to witness Nomad war personally, I heard stories about them and I know they are threat to humanity as a whole. I know you defeated them first time, and I want to help you to do that again.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
No longer than two weeks.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
I do long range recon flights in the Secondary fleet, but I feel that the Primary fleet could use recon more.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
My name is Maia. I'm from Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta, and wouldn't be Nomads around here - I would be simple Zoner living in the Edge Worlds. But as a Zoner my fight with Nomads would be futile, as my kind generally don't have any good intel on nomads and their thralls. I see these aliens as threat for us all, as they tried and probably still try to turn us into their meat puppets.
I learned to fly and maintain small shuttles and freighters pretty early, so I had what to offer your secondary fleet. I never learned to fight properly as a Zoner - personally or in the cockpit, but I honestly never needed. My style is with speed, and I fly the smallest and fastest ships in Sirius, leaving my foes in the dust behind my thrusters.
What to tell about my personality? Well - I'm polite, honest and generally well raised. I respect my superiors, and do not seek personal glory or status - because I already have what I always wanted. I'm not fan of violence, a try to avoid it when possible. I'm loner and not comfortable around other people. Don't worry I'm not robot though, as I enjoy good stories and music to keep myself sane. I also like tinker with my ship, and making it my own home among the stars. I don't have any addictions besides my own tea ceremonies, and I avoid drugs as much as possible.
As you can see, I'm still quite young and inexperienced, so I cannot brag about glorious service in other factions or slain foes. But I know my part of Sirius, and flew several long range recon missions to Houses' space, and managed to evade interceptions - I was seen as I don't have clearance for cloaking devices, but I always managed to outrun or outsmart my pursuers.
I can fly light fighters and freighters. I don't like heavier ships much, because they are too slow for my taste. I'm not familiar with flying bigger transports or capital ships.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Discord is a requirement for communication purposes
Discord name:Erremnart#8387 Timezone:GMT+1
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I can play freelancer quite regularly, even though I cannot login every day - especially during exams/vacations. I usually play during evening hours. I check Discord pings and respond as much as I could. Discovery forums is still quite confusing for me, as I'm quite fresh here and not used to forums in general.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
No, I haven't.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
I try to do my best to be positive, polite and respectful player here.
(To prove my combat skills and protect the sirus from the dangers and hopefully to raise awareness to this situation)
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
Few days
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
I can be useful in combat situation, Following orders and speak my way through problems
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
[]- Your Origin
[]- About your personality
[]- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Was born and raised in Colorado, Planet Denver. Blackwoods have two brothers one is in the high command of certain faction and the other is a freelancer. When Blackwoods turned to age 20.Blackwoods was so eager to fight for something. He always dreams to be a life savior in his childhood. Then when he flew in the omicrons just wondering about lookin' for a home. He found an unknown vessel. He claims to be one of Casper Orilion. He saw immediately the potential that Blackwoods has and took him under his wing. In the casper Orilion he was thought how to fight and engage and thought about the current problem. The nomads. After a few days of Training, he was ready to face the Sirus. But after a few months. Something happened. Casper Orillion has disbanded and left blackwoods without any choice and to look for another fleet or wing in the Order and now he reaching to here.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Discord is a requirement for communication purposes
Discord name:L e o n#7120 Timezone:GMT+3
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I'm active in the forum making post always chase after RP when I have the chance. I was in |O| Like an year ago and then left.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
It is good to see an experienced Agent returning to the fold.
After careful consideration your application has been accepted.
Report to the barracks on Akabat for instructions and your medical inspection.
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Hanna Lichthammer was born 782 A.S ,tho exact place of her birth is unknown. At age of ten she was transfered to Battleship Schwerin when she was train for marine black operation unit of Military.After reciving very hard training she was formed into a marine unit who served Rhienland under Florian Niemann's rule.Since trained as very young until the end of nomad war she was nothing more then a soldier and a killer ,without any kind of self awarness ,just following and executing orders without question.Thanks to person she met during war,who was actually Bretonian she escaped Rheinland after downfall of "Nomadic" regim.Person that helped her eventually ended up marrying her and taking care of her in few years in Bretonia since Hanna 's mental condition was really bad. During her four year psychotherapy she became normal human being and has developed a very personal feelings of fear and hatred towards Nomads.Due to her past service she was feeling unwelcome in Rhienland .She remain in Bretonia studying biology and law .She lived a normal life and was not considering every living by the "gun" because she did not like who she was.That normal life ended 823 A.S when she encountered Direktor of BDM Einfeld.Charmed by Einfeld's offer regardless of him knowing who Hanna was ,she was recruited to Buro.Einfeld cleared her record and promised her a new chance to make goods for her bads.She was very devoted and loyal ,also very commited with investigating and participating in anti-alien warfare. During her services she was very cooperative with everyone in Rheinland . Problem came out when she started realizing she will have to kill Rheinland people again. As she was invited on imperial meeting she requested certain amount of firepower from Einfeld ,because she senced a trap. She has been denied of it and pushed to deal with Imperials herself.As Imperialists did attempt her life ,she escaped Rheinland ,as well as cut ties with Buro who she considers had betrayed her.Unable to convnice people around her that only one war matters .She has started seeking Order ,as roumors of Caspar Orillion and his legacy was something Hanna finds herself serving.She believes that Order can help her with serving the right cause . Fight and die on the right battlefront for humanity.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Discord is a requirement for communication purposes
Discord name:Sparta#2986 Timezone:Serbia (GMT+2)
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I usually play at night and i am active in game can play to 5 h a day ,i will be active since Imperial MIlitary and Order will be only two factions i will play
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Name:David Wolfe Gender:Male Age:26 Height:193 CM Weight:90 KG
Section II:Inquiries.
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
My parents worked for the Liberty Navy. They lost their lives in a joint incident in the Alaska system to a swarm of Nomads. I felt like the Liberty Navy didn't do enough to combat the Nomad threat endangering us all. I had signed up for the secondary fleet, but I feel like the Order Primary Fleet gives me a bigger chance to quell the Nomad Threat from endangering the Houses, and greater Sirius as a whole.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
I have sported the Secondary Fleet colors for 2 years.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Eagerness, intelligence, unquestionable loyalty. I not only have personal reasons to kill the Nomads, but I recognize the threat they pose, and am willing to go through great lengths to purge this threat.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Was born in 801 AS. My childhood basically revolved around parents who I always thought were overprotective of me. Both worked round the clock in the Liberty Navy and well, I never saw them together much. Things were kinda sideways back then. One day, I was about 14, both of them came home with a smile on their face. Said they were getting promoted and that they could grab the same timed patrol routes. The only issue was the fact that this "promotion" threw them into the good ol' fun time of Alaska. Now, I was a bit young at the time to truly understand the risks they were taking to keep the family together but it all hit home when I got the news of the attack a year later... Neither one of them survived it. Nothing I could do even if I wanted to help. Nomads were reported in the area, but the Liberty Intel higher ups didn't really think it was a high enough priority to report to the people on the ground. The worst part, the Navy tried to tell me that it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. That the swiftness of the attack and the numbers that attacked their post made it nearly impossible to stop. Since when did humanity lay down and die against an alien menace?
I signed up for the Liberty Police Academy because at 15, there wasn’t much else I could do. Gotta earn that paycheck somehow. Despite my disdain for Liberty-managed authority, my time in the LPI was better than expected. Still hated the nomads, still came home to an empty apartment(had to lie about my age so that I could keep it), still thought everyone else in my regime was too prim and proper to actually protect anyone, but I made due. I still think that’s why I have a slight chip on my shoulder, all that stuff that I went through at a young age. Often was told I was too young to do well… a lot of things. Dad always told me though that if nothing physical is getting in your way, you’re good to go. After about 5 years of patrolling the same areas, I realized that the Police wasn’t going to get me anywhere long term. Not to mention, the mindless drills, meetings, and patrol routes made me understand one key thing about myself: I wanted vengeance for my parents and to protect those who are in the same situation I was in at one point.
I’m a fan of history (as well as current events) so of course I heard the history of the Freelancer Edison Trent and how he aided the Order in sending the Nomads back from which they came. Heard they were kinda difficult to get ahold of but I managed. Even though the Toledo incident did little to persuade me, on paper the Order seemed like the choice to go to for knocking some of those space parasites out of orbit. Been in the secondary fleet for quite sometime now and I got to say, I’m a bit of a fan. Their mentality of killing any non-human organism on site and maintaining balance between the Houses fits right up my alley. That being said however, the only way I can really make a difference out there is by applying for the primary fleet and training with some of Sirius’ best defenders of humanity.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Discord is a requirement for communication purposes
⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ FROM: Colonel Luna Holt, Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: David Wolfe
Recruit David Wolfe, you have been accepted into the Order Black Fleet. Report to the office of Dr. Sand for a medical checkup, and once you pass that report to the dockmaster to get yourself a ship.
Colonel Luna Holt
Black Fleet, 3rd Battlegroup "Shadow"
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
How long have you been in the Secondary FLEET? (Indie)
Besides assisting the secondary fleet in repelling nomad fighters, I have never officially part of it.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Fighting abilities and faction activity.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)
i]Figher: 8, Bomber: 8, Cap: 6
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Kevin was a mistake child born in the slums of Planet Pittsburgh. His parents were poor and Kevin had to grow up quick, working in the mines of Boron for one thousand credits per month. While growing up after the nomad war (he was only 3-4 years old), Kevin was always fascinated by the aliens and their advanced technological weapons. At age 18, Kevin found members of Universal Shipping to sponsor him a freighter ship to move basic supplies around New York. By the time he was 20, Kevin had built up a fully sized mastodon transport and was granted jump access outside of New York. After leaving USI, Kevin started making his own trades, making his fortune moving Luxury Food and Kiushu Rice to the Zoner Freeports around Sirius. But his fascination with aliens grew deeper once he had made his credits and, feeling unsatisfied, was looking for new excitement in his life. He invested in a new-model Sunrider and started fighting training in Connecticut with Navy pilots, growing his out-turning and aiming skills.
After 1 year, Kevin felt ready to take on the harshest parts of the Sirius Sector. This is when he started researching about the Order.
Kevin found out that unlike the news had advertised, the Order was not a criminal faction. Instead, it was an extremely well-organized faction, responsible for the absence of Alien presence in Sirius for many years.
Unable to find any connections to the organization, Kevin started working with the Zoners, protecting Omicron Delta from Alien presence.
This was until.. he witnessed a fleet of Order pilots headed to Omicron Sigma to bring emergency support to Cairo Station. He asked if he could join them but he received no response and was advised to not interfere with their Operation. This is when Kevin knew, the Order was the faction that he wanted to join.
Section IV:OoRP section
NOTE:Discord is a requirement for communication purposes